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Barry_Woodward: Tyler Glaiel: "@Barry_Woodward @BriProv @Dan_Adelman on the GOG forums you're listed as the director of biz dev"

Dan Adelman: "@tylerglaiel @Barry_Woodward @BriProv That's some mighty fine police work, Lou."
I don't get at all how they made the deduction that you are a GOG employee.

"... because some other users on the the forum stated you should be a biz dev .." ??
huh, what? and because of that they decided to not release their game here?
and accusing you of spamming for tweeting them twice in two month?

are you trying to troll us or did that really happen ? :p
can't believe that people are that stupid ...

If it did happen, just put it behind you and move on. Don't think you can be blamed here.

( this is why twitter was a mistake ...)
Barry_Woodward: I just located the email I sent to Tyler Glaiel (The Basement Collection, Bombernauts, Closure, The End Is Nigh), who outed me as a secret GOG employee, to set the record straight:

"Dear Tyler,

I'm not contacting you to give you shit, I'd just like to clarify a few things outside of the 140 character format. I'm an actual person, not a cover for a GOG employee. What would the purpose of that even be? The notion that GOG would tweet devs publicly as a way to get them on their service, rather than contacting them discreetly is laughable.

Aside from following celebrity tweets and occasionally inquiring about games coming to GOG, I don't have much use for Twitter. I don't feel the need to post about everything I'm doing or every thought that crosses my mind. My infrequent tweets are not an accurate reflection of all that I am. When Dan called me out and you and others piled on, it really knocked me for a loop. The primary feedback I've gotten when contacting devs has been either positive or neutral.

I might be a bit overzealous as a fan of the platform, but I wasn't trying to harass you or anyone else in any way and I wasn't trying to represent GOG either. Twitter is not an ideal form of communication, so I'm sorry if inquiring about your game's availability on GOG publicly rubbed you the wrong way (it shouldn't). I am not, nor have I ever been employed with GOG. I do, however, own many games there. It's the primary platform from which I game, which is why I ask devs whose games I'm interested in about them.

About the Director Biz Dev confusion, it's origins were literally just yesterday. There was a back and forth about my Twitter advocacy and how GOG should hire me as Director of Business Development in North America, which is still a position they're looking to fill. Ha!

This whole affair has been quite embarrassing for me and it sucks that you've gotten the wrong impression of GOG. That's the opposite of my intent. It's hard to change a first impression, but I hope taking the time to explain myself is not in vain. Regardless of this unfortunateness, I hope you reconsider working with GOG in the future. Peace.


He replied:

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt just keep in mind your original
tweets came off as really corporate sounding and a better way of getting
games onto gog would be to convince GOG to reach out to developers
rather than the other way around

- Tyler"
That's a good email Barry. I would add that his reply highlights one of the problems of gog in that at times it seems like gog is lagging behind trying to get wanted games here to the point it feels like they're not really trying. It can certainly be frustrating and make one feel like they have to take action to help out as you have for example. That said, i'm not sure how much more effective we can be taking his advice of convincing gog themselves considering gog rejected that one puzzle game despite alot of uproar over it for example.
wait... did you just post now about something that happened over 2 and a half years ago?

wait... did you just post now about something that happened over 2 and a half years ago?
No wonder why I couldn't find any recent posts about this on the developers' own twitter accounts.....
high rated
johnnygoging: wait... did you just post now about something that happened over 2 and a half years ago?
Yes. It's been bothering me for a while now. It feels good to get it off my chest. Also, I would still like to see the game released here.
Post edited January 28, 2018 by Barry_Woodward
oh I get it. the game still hasn't been released here and you're thinking that you might be responsible.

yeah dude that's really unlikely. the thing about twitter that's kind of new precedent is that it allows the business side of things in big business capitalism to mix with the personal side. you used to get this before globalism and big business but that was sans the clinical separation of the internet and that was before the transformation of the individual into a unit of capitalism aka "consumer". before robots on the phone, retention humps, shitty warranties and no exceptions, that kind of stuff. in general though, I definitely think they should have had the good sense to recognize an enthusiast when they saw one, which brings me back to my original question of why their stance is so hostile to gog. but again, this is a long time ago now.

we're not privy to the communication that went on between them and gog at the time, and how that changed their response to you. as I recall, the game was a bit of a darling in the press when it came out. it also had a bit of that for Sony, the same type of thing that No Man's Sky did. so they had all of that on their mind when it came to thinking about gog. I'm sure gog was talking to them before and after this happened, and probably very little of that had to do with you.
high rated
Barry_Woodward: "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt just keep in mind your original
tweets came off as really corporate sounding and a better way of getting
games onto gog would be to convince GOG to reach out to developers
rather than the other way around

- Tyler"
His reply really doesn't sound like your tweets are the reason why the game isn't here. As far as I can tell, the game isn't DRM-free anywhere, except for the now sold-out Indiebox version. It could still be on the cards as part of giving the game as long a sales-tail as possible.

And after an experience like that, I totally get why you don't want to reach out to developers anymore though. I still reach out to some developers/publishers about a GOG / DRM-free release on occasion. Generally I check if someone else asked first on Twitter, Facebook, or their/Steam forum and follow up on that. I prefer contacting them directly through email though, just a concise query. But for most of the games I've been interested in lately someone else has already beaten me to it . :)
high rated
I'm ashamed I dropped the $20 on the switch version. Fuck those guys, I don't care if it was 2 1/2 years ago. Barry's a good person and shouldn't have been treated like shit for asking a question.

Who cares if he asks if games will come to GOG? I used to send tweets to the Browns all the time questioning their coaching and will to win on an ownership level. Does that make me an employee of the NFL?

Seriously, fuck those guys. I thought Thomas Happ was a good guy, but he allowed Barry to be publicly shamed for trying to help the DRM free cause to the point where Barry deleted his twitter account.

Barry got bullied by some pretentious pricks who think their game is too good for GOG.
high rated
CymTyr: I'm ashamed I dropped the $20 on the switch version. Fuck those guys, I don't care if it was 2 1/2 years ago. Barry's a good person and shouldn't have been treated like shit for asking a question.

Who cares if he asks if games will come to GOG? I used to send tweets to the Browns all the time questioning their coaching and will to win on an ownership level. Does that make me an employee of the NFL?

Seriously, fuck those guys. I thought Thomas Happ was a good guy, but he allowed Barry to be publicly shamed for trying to help the DRM free cause to the point where Barry deleted his twitter account.

Barry got bullied by some pretentious pricks who think their game is too good for GOG.
I had Axiom Verge on my Steam wishlist, but deleted it after reading this thread. Not giving a penny to devs who acted like this.
high rated
That's why I don't like Twitter. Misunderstandings .. easy. Clearing it up ... impossible.
high rated
Sorry to hear about all of this, Barry, that really sucks. Don't blame yourself though, it doesn't sound like we'd be seeing the game here regardless of you trying to reach out. And even if you reaching out did somehow influence things, the blame still lies with the developers for behaving the way that they have. I had wondered why you sort of disappeared a while ago after being so active before. It's sad to see that it was because of something like this.

I always admired your determination and optimism with getting games released here and making GOG better. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about taking action to improve something you care about.
high rated
Barry_Woodward: Yes. It's been bothering me for a while now. It feels good to get it off my chest. Also, I would still like to see the game released here.
If GOG had employees half as zealous as you then it would have been here already. But they're pretty much just porn stars these days - attractive on the outside, dead on the inside.
Marioface5: Sorry to hear about all of this, Barry, that really sucks. Don't blame yourself though, it doesn't sound like we'd be seeing the game here regardless of you trying to reach out. And even if you reaching out did somehow influence things, the blame still lies with the developers for behaving the way that they have. I had wondered why you sort of disappeared a while ago after being so active before. It's sad to see that it was because of something like this.

I always admired your determination and optimism with getting games released here and making GOG better. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about taking action to improve something you care about.
here, here. very nicely said.
johnnygoging: here, here. very nicely said.
Indeed, though I think MaximumBunny nailed it even better. :P
high rated
Don't blame yourself Barry, they had no interest in GOG.

They completely overreacted to your comments, and the developer you emailed wasn't even apologetic or explanatory in his reply to you. Probably stuck in that "Steam or nothing" mentality which allows Steam to keep a monopoly on the PC game market.

I always thought it was admirable that you tried to reach out to developers regarding GOG, and if the idea of doing that is absurd to some developers, hell with them. And if they don't want to release their game here as far as I'm concerned they can shove it up their ass.

You shouldn't have deleted your Twitter account over that, as success in reaching even one developer makes it worth it, right?