It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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mrkgnao: If you do opt out, hopefully they will not create it.
GoGghostly: I'm just going to ignore it. Clicking an Opt-out link just lets them know that the E-mail account is still live and exploitable. They will sell/create/migrate details anyway. It's big business. They only have to inform you of it, right? Depending on where you live, I guess.
mrkgnao: If you don't opt out, they say that they will create a CDPR account for you with the same username, email address and (presumably) password as your GOG account. Obviously, a security issue.

If you do opt out, hopefully they will not create it.
I doubt they will have the same password. I am no expert on the matter, but you usually can't just access users' passwords like that.
I bet this is just some silly bs, but they chose to be vague and now, the generally paranoid GOG users are spitting bricks over it. Come on CDPR, you guys should have learned it by now!
Post edited February 09, 2024 by J__Player
I also opted out. If I wanted an account, I would've it already.
Deleting later is another matter. I'd rather not have it made(shared) in the first place.

When I opted out, the default status was: "A CD PROJEKT RED account will be created automatically."
So yes, by not opting out, you will surely have an account made on your behalf, as stated.

If you feel the same way, it's best to opt out now than risk forgetting it later.

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Side Note:
I'm grateful to this thread for another unrelated, yet comedic moment:
Upon skimming on the posts, I of course went to check if I received the mail as well…
Only to be greeted by an email login screen. Which shouldn't be the case since there's no session expiration and I didn't logged off. That was the first instance where it kicked me off without my consent.
But eh, sign-in it is.

Now, the hilarious thing was:
I saw that there's already a number of unread mails lined up. Then realization kicks-in that I'm signed-off for a few days already… and I never realized it.
I never realized the fact that I wasn't getting email notifications. I just went on each day like a clueless bastard.

Had I not bumped on this thread today…
Oh… well… :D

Hmm... Got the same mail.

I already have a GOG account (obviously) and a CDPR forum account. I can imagine these will be merged, so the credentials are shared. For me that already was the case in most parts, so I think it will not make much of a difference.

While I have a healthy suspicion of everything shady on the internet and stores, I do not feel very threatened by this development. So I choose not to opt out. I am a regular visitor of both the CDPR and GOG websites anyway, so yeah...
Post edited February 09, 2024 by JClosed
I also got 'the mail' and opted out, since it doesn't offer anything I am interested in.

At least it seems they learn a little bit from the disaster back then, when they introduced profiles, pulling every one out into the open _without_ giving the option. I give them that.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by dyscode
GoGghostly: I'm just going to ignore it. Clicking an Opt-out link just lets them know that the E-mail account is still live and exploitable. They will sell/create/migrate details anyway. It's big business. They only have to inform you of it, right? Depending on where you live, I guess.
My dude - they know the e-mail is active because you just used it to log in here and post this message...

mrkgnao I was wondering myself how they gonna create the new account when it comes to the password. There is nothing mentioned about it. I thought there were rules in EU about this kind of info that has to be encrypted all the time. So they should not be able to just copy it like that or even have access to it ...
Post edited February 09, 2024 by Hirako__
Hirako__: mrkgnao I was wondering myself how they gonna create the new account when it comes to the password. There is nothing mentioned about it. I thought there were rules in EU about this kind of info that has to be encrypted all the time. So they should not be able to just copy it like that or even have access to it ...
You can just copy the encrypted data. Obviously then you have to use the the method (hash/encryption, salt, etc) to access the password.
mrkgnao: If you don't opt out, they say that they will create a CDPR account for you with the same username, email address and (presumably) password as your GOG account. Obviously, a security issue.

If you do opt out, hopefully they will not create it.
J__Player: I doubt they will have the same password. I am no expert on the matter, but you usually can't just access users' passwords like that.
I bet this is just some silly bs, but they chose to be vague and now, the generally paranoid GOG users are spitting bricks over it. Come on CDPR, you guys should have learned it by now!
It is very easy to copy a password without being able to access its content, assuming both systems use the same passwording infrastructure.

Alternatively, they may use a one time password.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by mrkgnao
J__Player: I doubt they will have the same password. I am no expert on the matter, but you usually can't just access users' passwords like that.
I bet this is just some silly bs, but they chose to be vague and now, the generally paranoid GOG users are spitting bricks over it. Come on CDPR, you guys should have learned it by now!
mrkgnao: It is very easy to copy a password without being able to access its content, assuming both systems use the same passwording infrastructure.

Alternatively, they may use a one time password.
I agree, one time password or maybe send a link to e-mail to set a password.

Still, the vague e-mail is the only issue for me.
high rated
PaladinNO: You want any bonus content for Cyberpunk 2077, just get the CET console, and you can insert codes for everything you want in the game.
Buy a game and pay good money. Buy it earlier to get the pre-order bonus as well ... be aware that you will have to use a third party tool to mod the content you purchased if you don't want a second account to be created you never subsribed for. That is CDPR in a nutshell ... add to this lying and deceiving their customers as proven when they told GOG that the pre-order bonus is supposed to be available offline as well. CDPR has lost my trust completely - that's quite an achievement given how much I liked them before.

Just opted out. Maybe someone should sue them if they really should remove the pre-order bonus now. (I am not talking about the optional rewards, I am talking about promised pre-order bonus that was part of the purchase contract ... apparently a certain Polish company is not good with the law ...).
Post edited February 09, 2024 by MarkoH01
PaladinNO: You want any bonus content for Cyberpunk 2077, just get the CET console, and you can insert codes for everything you want in the game.
MarkoH01: Buy a game and pay good money. Buy it earlier to get the pre-order bonus as well ... be aware that you will have to use a third party tool to mod the content you purchased if you don't want a second account to be created you never subsribed for.
Eh, my take on this is:
Buy a game on sale and pay a good price. Don't buy it earlier and shrug off any pre-order bonuses than I can just add for free later anyway. Use third party tools to customize your experience, and make the game even better.

No idea what the second account is about. But I'll grant that the Amazon Prime Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 content doesn't mention with a single word(!) that you have to use GoG Galaxy to actually get the content added to the game.

I don't have CDPR / Red account (or whatever they are calling it), but I have logged in with my GoG login on, in an attempt to get the Prime Gaming content, that I didn't know at the time I needed GoG Galaxy to actually get. I don'tr have and I don't want to install a crappy game client that serves no purpose whatsoever.
Post edited February 13, 2024 by PaladinNO
PaladinNO: Eh, my take on this is:
Buy a game on sale and pay a good price. Don't buy it earlier and shrug off any pre-order bonuses than I can just add for free later anyway. Use third party tools to customize your experience, and make the game even better.
Sure this is one way to see things: just let us ignore that CDPR broke the law and that GOG lied straight into the face of their paying customers ... it is way easier, no doubt about that and absolutely understandeable. We could ignore customer protection laws completely because we probably will always find a way to work around it, won't you agree? Who needs the legal option to refund broken games ... there might be a way to make it work. Those laws are there for a reason - they are meant to protect the customers ... we should make clear that companys also have legal boundaries to follow and not accepting everything they throw at us. Right now though it is not perfectly clear if the pre-order bonus will be affected after the deadline is over so right now I just wait and see. (Btw: When they offered the pre-order bonus nobody could know if there would ever be a way to get it using third party tools and my time machine was not available at the moment which is the reason that I believed them and went for the pre-order bonus).
Post edited February 09, 2024 by MarkoH01
WinterSnowfall: I didn't get such an email and I have the Witcher 3 and all of its DLCs. What I didn't ever do is use Galaxy (haven't logged in even once), so maybe it's that?
I have the same, but did get the email.
And while I don't use Galaxy, I do have it installed and have used it, tested it, a few times in the past, if ages ago now, a year or two at least. I have never used any services though, just did some downloads.
high rated
Opted out.

1. I don't use Galaxy and never will.
2. I have never given a crap about rewards and / or acheivements in any store.
3. I do not let any of my games access the internet (Disable DNS cache in Windows (Very Important), and use Simplewall by Henry++)

*** Yes... even the single player games installed with BACKUP installers try to phone home.. See attached image of a launch of the System Shock remake. I don't know if it's CDPR or the Game Developer, but so far lanching ANY gog game installed via backup installers tries to phone home.


EDIT - I got curious and allowed System Shock on my Windows machine to phone home, then looked at my network firewall logs... System Shock Remake (Installed with backup installer... again I do not have Galaxy installed)) tries to go to So it's CDPR that is making your game phone home regardless of whether you use galaxy or not.

EDIT-2 - It appears to only do a DNS lookup since I don't have Galaxy installed, which is reletively harmless... Left over code for use with Galaxy??? I don't know. Still annoying though.


So, why would I want another account and another potential agreement about sharing my data? This data mining crap is getting stupid, and it's really ironic that a company that wants to be "DRM Free" tries to mine you by trying to ram the Galaxy Launcher down your throat, or splitting off you account into another entity / agreement.

I'm very dissapointed in CDPR. They started out with a simple "Don't be Evil" concept, like Google... and they are slowly slipping... as does ay publicly traded company.
phonehome.jpg (193 Kb)
Post edited February 09, 2024 by Tazman
high rated
Got the email, opted out.

I lost all trust in CDPR after they adopted DRM.

Does anyone know why gog or for that matter CDPR made such a bizarre request?

The only time I have ever seen this kind of automatic behind the scenes account merge/transfer is when switching between utility companies.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by lazydog