It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Timboli: I have the same, but did get the email.
Yeah, probably just everyone with a GOG account will eventually get it.
Post edited February 10, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
I am presuming that because the word migration is used, that you actually have to already have such an account, in addition to your GOG store account. So in all likelihood it is just a generic email to everyone, regardless of whether you have such an account or not. So if you don't already have such, then there is nothing to migrate, which GOG should have made very clear, but didn't for some reason.

So I am just going to ignore the whole thing, until such time as it appears I need to check it out.
lazydog: Does anyone know why gog or for that matter CDPR made such a bizarre request?

The only time I have ever seen this kind of automatic behind the scenes account merge/transfer is when switching between utility companies.
I imagine it is all about moving accounts to a different web location, and advising us so we are aware, in case something goes wrong.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by Timboli
That's messed up. I do have the 3 Witcher games (not GWENT), but haven't played them yet. And have no idea what this is all about.

I clicked the link in the email to opt-out since I don't care about any of this CDProject stuff. I had to opt-out like 3 times, and just as I clicked the button again I noticed it said opt-in, and was changed back to opt-out so I had to click it 1 more time. If you're not paying attention you can accidentally opt back in. Essentially if you keep clicking the button you can wind up in a never ending cycle of opting in and out. I guess when the button changes to opt-in you're done and can close the page.

That's dirty though. I'd recommend anyone who opted out to click the link in the email again to double check that you didn't accidentally click the button 1 too many times.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by MonkeyGamer69
Updated GOG User Agreement and other Terms, GOG website down now this..............
Greywolf234: Updated GOG User Agreement and other Terms, GOG website down now this..............
This is really nothing. We got the e-mail ahead of time. We can opt out of it. Nothing really is changing for these who never used any of these things for Cyberpunk 2077/Witcher 3. It is not really such a big deal. I just really hope they handle it properly in general and they really need to be careful with the reward system. Not using it myself but I can see a few potential problems people may have. As for the new account I magine they can't really tell for sure who have used any of the services they've mentioned in the e-mail and they are just playing it safe because imagine you have rewards and u don't get or read the e-mail in time - you will lose them. This way its guaranteed that wont happen I guess
Post edited February 10, 2024 by Hirako__
Alright so looking at it a little more awake now, in the FAQ link and OPT OUT Link they do say GOG and Galaxy will remain unaffected. Looks like it is just creating an account with GOG information for cross platform progression and forum presence so if you have C77 on steam and TW3 and GOG, the CDPR account will account for both, if you happened to purchase either again.
Got the email, opted out, i don't need the account.
Never used the online features or the red forums, never will either.
PaladinNO: Eh, my take on this is:
Buy a game on sale and pay a good price. Don't buy it earlier and shrug off any pre-order bonuses than I can just add for free later anyway. Use third party tools to customize your experience, and make the game even better.
MarkoH01: Sure this is one way to see things: just let us ignore that CDPR broke the law and that GOG lied straight into the face of their paying customers ... it is way easier, no doubt about that and absolutely understandeable. We could ignore customer protection laws completely because we probably will always find a way to work around it, won't you agree?

Right now though it is not perfectly clear if the pre-order bonus will be affected after the deadline is over so right now I just wait and see. (Btw: When they offered the pre-order bonus nobody could know if there would ever be a way to get it using third party tools and my time machine was not available at the moment which is the reason that I believed them and went for the pre-order bonus).
I have only played Cyberpunk 2077, and none of the other CDPR games, so I can only speak for that.
I never paid much attention to what was promised prior to the release. I am VERY picky about my games, and I prefer to go "cold" into a new one - little knowledge about the game beforehand, and when it is released, I pirate it to check it out.

I will say that Cyberpunk 2077 was utterly broken on release (1.03 patch for me). And in my search to find answers and solutions, I learned how different the game was compared to what was promised (frankly, it should NEVER have been released on Playstation 4). And so I kept playing a pirated version, with new patches, until the game was at least playable. Which was when I bought it, with the 1.3 patch.

Pre-orders has never interested me. And if a game offer pre-prder bonuses, that just puts me off so much, I may not buy the game at all, and just stick with the pirate version. As for the, I've just come to terms that ALL companies do that - I playe League of Legends, and I've seen more than my share of lies in that game And all we can as consumers can do is vote with our wallet. So yeah, I ignore what CDPR lied about. I play the game and have had fun with it, regardless.

As for the content...two ingame shirts, a sword and a jacket (okay, the jacket is cool - but that is still to this day if broken if you obtain it too late)? Hardly the stuff worth raging over - this is a GAME after all. It's not reality, so I am staying very calm about it all. And when the pre-order bonuses for Phantom Liberty was announced? At that time, I KNEW everything would be available to everyone once CET was updated. And those bonuses didn't even work for those who got suckered in and actually paid for the pre-order.

CDPR lied, no arguments there. The question is what are you, me and everyone who is a consumer of their products doing about it? Well, that is up to each individual. Personally, I don't really care about their way of doing things, and my recommendation is to just vote with your wallet and accept that that is your only way of actually being heard.


DampSquib: Got the email, opted out, i don't need the account.
Never used the online features or the red forums, never will either.
This guy gets it.

Thank you.
Post edited February 10, 2024 by PaladinNO
high rated
Greywolf234: Updated GOG User Agreement and other Terms, GOG website down now this..............
Hirako__: This is really nothing. We got the e-mail ahead of time. We can opt out of it. Nothing really is changing for these who never used any of these things for Cyberpunk 2077/Witcher 3. It is not really such a big deal. I just really hope they handle it properly in general and they really need to be careful with the reward system. Not using it myself but I can see a few potential problems people may have. As for the new account I magine they can't really tell for sure who have used any of the services they've mentioned in the e-mail and they are just playing it safe because imagine you have rewards and u don't get or read the e-mail in time - you will lose them. This way its guaranteed that wont happen I guess
If you buy a game on a supposedly DRM-Free store (and often pay more and live with outdated builds just to get it perfectly DRM-free btw) you should not have to be worried to lose any content of your game at all - no matter if you call them reward, pre-order bonus or anything else. Calling this "nothing" is really company friendly and untypical for a GOG user.
high rated
PaladinNO: CDPR lied, no arguments there. The question is what are you, me and everyone who is a consumer of their products doing it? Well, that is up to each individual. Personally, I don't really care about their way of doing things, and my recommedation is to just vote with your wallet and accept that that is your only way of actually being heard.
Oh, I will. CDPR will never receive another cent from me and I will also warn potential customers to buy games from them because I care about customer protection.
high rated
This should have been opt in from the get go. Or, better yet, don't have your "DRM free" service require extra accounts for content in your own games. Jesus fucking Christ. Everything rots.
Post edited February 10, 2024 by huppumies
high rated
PaladinNO: You want any bonus content for Cyberpunk 2077, just get the CET console, and you can insert codes for everything you want in the game.
MarkoH01: Buy a game and pay good money. Buy it earlier to get the pre-order bonus as well ... be aware that you will have to use a third party tool to mod the content you purchased if you don't want a second account to be created you never subsribed for. That is CDPR in a nutshell ... add to this lying and deceiving their customers as proven when they told GOG that the pre-order bonus is supposed to be available offline as well. CDPR has lost my trust completely - that's quite an achievement given how much I liked them before.

Just opted out. Maybe someone should sue them if they really should remove the pre-order bonus now. (I am not talking about the optional rewards, I am talking about promised pre-order bonus that was part of the purchase contract ... apparently a certain Polish company is not good with the law ...).
first ESG, then biased moderation, then EULA update to strip ownership, now bricking pre-order bonuses unless you opt-in into a new account.
Also opted-out. Out of gog sins this would be the least severe of them as I'm not pre-ordering anything, nor would I do it for a reward. But still sad to see a company acting in ....undignified way over something so trivial.
high rated
Update: I finally got this blasted mail, only 3 days after the inital reports. It'd have almost been faster to seen it by carrier pidgeon or smoke signal!

I opted out, because unless GOG's spam solution is to merge the forum with the CDPR one, I've literally no advantage to this.

Course, it'd be helpful if a blue would actually [redacted] explain this. As the post by hupummies abides, this should have been opt in, and I berate every member of upper management who approved the process as it was deployed.

Ah, here's the words: As the swear filtered Something Awful forums would say: Gently Caress Off with that, you Rear Ends in Top Hats!
Yeah, I just got the email today, so they appear to be sending them in waves.

I am likely no longer giving this company another penny. For years I've been supporting "Good Old Games" vs STEAM-DRM and Epic Games-DRM, even after they launches Galaxy-DRM and removed the downloading program for the DRM-free "backups".

I don't even use the "features" noted in the email, except for the forums, but they're going to collect my data anyway and they decided to merge those features with the bloody FORUMS on GOG.

I do not use Galaxy-DRM. I manually download, because GOG is supposed to be DRM-free. Despite the fact that some of their games, like Prison Architect, now have DRM-type accounts they try to force you to create. You can login without them, but you better have enough knowledge to know that GOG's shortcut for the game is specifically opening the wrong application.
Ok, today, I also received that email.

I checked my "little black book" where I jot down all my accounts and their details - CDP-RED are not there.

I even checked under "T" and "W", just to make sure that I don't have such an account under "The Witcher" or just "Witcher"...still nothing.
And yes - "Cyberpunk" is also not there (which would be under "C" anyway - just like "CDP-RED").

Now - the most important parts for me are:

Do I need to take any action?
No, a new CD PROJEKT RED account will be created for you automatically based on your GOG Account information: user ID, username and email address (= the same as my GOG account).
This will allow you to continue using features provided by CD PROJEKT RED with no interruption.

How does this affect my current GOG account?
Your GOG account and all your GOG purchases remain unaffected.
The website and the GOG Galaxy app will continue to use the GOG account system.
Your GOG account will be separate from your CD PROJEKT RED account.

So - apart from having an additional account created for CDP-RED's website, absolutely nothing changes for me.

If I ever used any service on their website before (of which I have no recollection) - nothing will change because of this.

If I will never use any service on their website in the future - absolutely nothing will change either.

If I should ever decide, to use any service on their website - I now have an account already, AND I also know already, how to access it. Perfect.

I don't get the fuss.
Post edited February 10, 2024 by BreOl72