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Elmofongo: So the UK has now officially left the EU?
HijacK: Negotiations may take 2 years, unless the UK government decides to pull a "maybe it is not such a good idea to do this" card.
So the UK government can totally ignore the votes of the people and choose to stay in EU ?
Dalthnock: I'm sorry. You see, the fact that you fail to realise how horribly this whole "votes should be a privilege" thing could be twisted is a clear indicator that you're FAR too naive to be having any political discussion whatsoever. You can, but don't be surprised when people don't take you seriously.

Maybe in time you will come to realise that your idealism is remarkably self-centred and that ideas like the above are far more hurtful to a properly functioning democracy than letting dumb old people vote.
He's somewhat right. Democracy is essentially an honor system, and honor systems require honorable people. In the sort of world we live in, democracy invariably degenerates into some sort of cronyism, and as everyone should know, systems which become corrupt invariably break down.
richlind33: He's somewhat right. Democracy is essentially an honor system, and honor systems require honorable people. In the sort of world we live in, democracy invariably degenerates into some sort of cronyism, and as everyone should know, systems which become corrupt invariably break down.
I am listening to any alternatives you might propose.

Provided they haven't been proposed and/or tried several times before.
Elmofongo: So the UK has now officially left the EU?
HijacK: Negotiations may take 2 years, unless the UK government decides to pull a "maybe it is not such a good idea to do this" card.
No, they can't do that. The decision is final.
Dalthnock: I'm not backing out of any bet. I'm just not going to give you my info just like that. If you want to follow through, do PM me YOUR info.
You're the one that proposed it. I'm not giving you anything. Now you either drop the discussion, or pull up your pants and act like an adult.

Dalthnock: I do tend to overreact, I admit that. Especially if I'm passionate about the topic. But I'm not aware of any contradictions, could you point them out=
First it was the respect for every human being. Then it was the backing out of a bet, which you state you haven't backed out of yet, so perhaps there is only one contradiction.

Dalthnock: I'm insulted.
Oh boy. This won't end well. And I didn't even try.

Dalthnock: I have stated in my first post in this thread that I believe democracy to be completely rotten & corrupted, to the point that it can barely sustain itself.
I am having a hard time keeping a straight face. I'm really curious about the rest of the post now, so you peeked my interest.

Dalthnock: But every other alternative is worse.
I don't know about that. Constitutional Dictatorship or Monarchy with a just leader sounds pretty good. Granted it's perhaps too idealistic for this world, it still sounds good. No more endless waves of politicians that demand high salaries and also take bribes on the side. Shit, perhaps that's why Denmark functions so well.

Dalthnock: And things weren't perfect in Athens, either.
I'm well aware of that, hence why this vehement embrace of a faint resemblance of true democracy is kind of ridiculous. True democracy is closer to anarchy than anything we have.

Dalthnock: So you want to import the US system? You do realise that people with your ideology in the US decry said system?
I didn't say that. You once again put words in my mouth or assume things. I just said that you would despise such a system from my talk to you. The system has its problems like many others, and it is right now in a tight spot.

Dalthnock: You're too young to know what you want, but more importantly, to realise that every single thing you're proposing has been proposed countless times before & there are reasons things today don't work the way you believe they should.
Once again, I didn't propose anything. Take a step back and a deep breath. Read again. You're acting as if I am supposed to come up with a perfect system of government. Don't worry. If I do come up with that, I already reserved the title King of Europe earlier in the thread.

Dalthnock: Namely, most of it has been tried before. See, that's the problem with young people. They think they're the first to come up with something, completely disregarding the fact that there's been millions of previous generations.

I used to be like that too.
Yeah, I reckon you also used to put words in people's mouths and not really listen to what they say or simply assume things. Old habits die hard, I guess.
richlind33: He's somewhat right. Democracy is essentially an honor system, and honor systems require honorable people. In the sort of world we live in, democracy invariably degenerates into some sort of cronyism, and as everyone should know, systems which become corrupt invariably break down.
Dalthnock: I am listening to any alternatives you might propose.

Provided they haven't been proposed and/or tried several times before.
The truth is that there are no ideological solutions. We either choose to become more ethical or we go the way of the dinosaurs.
Dalthnock: I'm sorry. You see, the fact that you fail to realise how horribly this whole "votes should be a privilege" thing could be twisted is a clear indicator that you're FAR too naive to be having any political discussion whatsoever. You can, but don't be surprised when people don't take you seriously.

Maybe in time you will come to realise that your idealism is remarkably self-centred and that ideas like the above are far more hurtful to a properly functioning democracy than letting dumb old people vote.
richlind33: He's somewhat right. Democracy is essentially an honor system, and honor systems require honorable people. In the sort of world we live in, democracy invariably degenerates into some sort of cronyism, and as everyone should know, systems which become corrupt invariably break down.
Democracy is mob rule and needs to be eliminated.
richlind33: He's somewhat right. Democracy is essentially an honor system, and honor systems require honorable people. In the sort of world we live in, democracy invariably degenerates into some sort of cronyism, and as everyone should know, systems which become corrupt invariably break down.
joshcory88: Democracy is mob rule and needs to be eliminated.
Our gov't is far more of a problem than the mob, and the only solution I see is to regain control of our money supply.
joshcory88: Democracy is mob rule and needs to be eliminated.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter" - Winston Churchill
Bavarian: The Brexit - or I like to call it: Britain's wall on the border to Mexico. Or, in this case, Europe and therefore the rest of the international community. Well done, lads. Old and uneducated people making irreversible decisions about the future based on right-wing lies and fear mongering is clearly one of the best things that can happen to a country. Forgive me if I'm not clapping my hands. They're both busy facepalming.
Oh the irony.

That's the thing about democratic voting systems, people love the idea of democracy but boy do they bitch when they find they are actually in a minority.

Come back when you show me how 52% of a vote is made up by old and uneducated people. And while we are at it, please also tell me why old and uneducated people can't vote? Perhaps you can tell me what demographic you wish to be able to vote?, that is, apart from the ones that would agree with you personally?

The vote is over so please also stop banging on about far right and fear mongering, we had enough of that shit to deal with in our own country-on both sides- without listening to you throwing it in too.
I don't see enough silver lining posts in this thread. Maybe we need to discuss the pros as well as the cons.
Post edited June 24, 2016 by Garrison72
joshcory88: Democracy is mob rule and needs to be eliminated.
richlind33: Our gov't is far more of a problem than the mob, and the only solution I see is to regain control of our money supply.
we created the problem because we elect the people.
HijacK: You're the one that proposed it. I'm not giving you anything. Now you either drop the discussion, or pull up your pants and act like an adult.
Good one. Still, no info. Sorry.

HijacK: First it was the respect for every human being. Then it was the backing out of a bet, which you state you haven't backed out of yet, so perhaps there is only one contradiction.
Actually, it's none. What I meant is I can't respect your opinion when it comes to politics, as it's too far out in the clouds. I'm sure it will change, as you grow older.

I do respect you & your rights as a human being. Nothing can change that.

Dalthnock: I'm insulted.
HijacK: Oh boy. This won't end well. And I didn't even try.
That's a joke, son. Went right by ya, you're built too low, the good ones fly over your head, gotta keep your eye on the ball, eye, ball, eye ball, that's a joke, almost had it.

HijacK: I don't know about that. Constitutional Dictatorship or Monarchy with a just leader sounds pretty good. Granted it's perhaps too idealistic for this world, it still sounds good. No more endless waves of politicians that demand high salaries and also take bribes on the side. Shit, perhaps that's why Denmark functions so well.
Dictatorship. Just leader. Huh. Well, at least you acknowledge it's "perhaps" too idealistic, that's certainly a step in the right direction.

I'm not going to bother with the rest, as I did not put any words in your mouth, you brought up the US system, I asked if you wanted to import that. It's called a sequitur, it has a cousin, non. That was a non-sequitur. I think? I may have confused myself.

At any rate, all this has nothing to do with the thread any more, so forgive me if I bow out of this conversation. TTFN.
richlind33: The truth is that there are no ideological solutions. We either choose to become more ethical or we go the way of the dinosaurs.
I agree. And one good way to become more ethical is to accept when you've been outvoted in a democracy.

This isn't meant at you, I'm not even sure if you were Leave, Remain, or Uninterested, it's meant at the Remain people that are throwing temper tantrums all over the internet.
Post edited June 24, 2016 by Dalthnock
Bavarian: Old and uneducated people
catpower1980: mmmmmm..... mmmmmm...... Oh well, let's respond with a classic quote:

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Oh well, at least, I know there are still some true leftists at heart and not the parody of the left that we see nowadays.....
Your attempt at twisting my words and making subliminal hints by adding an anti-fascist quote amuses me.

You see, as a true leftist at heart, equality of all men (not just in terms of voting rights) is one of my dearest concerns, no matter how ignorant and dumb some individuals might be. And contrary to true rightists, this also includes qualities such as race, sexuality etc. But on the other hand I am also a strong advocate of representative democracy. If you want to make a national referendum on the colour of your flag or the menus at public school cafeterias, go ahead. But if the matter at hand has the potential to determine the fate and future of your whole country, let it be done by people who know their shit, not the mob - including myself of course. There is a good reason why businesses usually don't include their entire workforce in important strategic decisions.

That's why I criticise this referendum and its outcome. If you think both are legitimate, especially since the result is such a close call and those most affected by it overwhelmingly voted otherwise, then I'm afraid we just have to agree to disagree.
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?