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Herzlich Willkommen! goes German. Not completely, mind you, but starting today we'll be spreading our DRM-free love in one more language. Whether you're here because of the news, or you've been with us for a while, here is what we're doing to make our German speaking friends feel a little more welcome on

-A German version of our website. You can change your language using the drop-down menu towards the bottom of every page.
-A German corner of our forums. Your home away from home.
-German customer support. If you're more comfortable talking to us in your native language.
-More games in German. We're rolling out 25+ German localisations for our games today, bringing the total up to 350+.

No big announcement would be complete without a huge sale! This weekend we're holding the German-riffic <span class="bold">Herzlich Willkommen!</span> promo. The highlight is a ridiculous 97% off Deponia, but there are over 25 other German gaming hits available as well. There is adventuring with the remaining Deponia games, the cult strategy of The Settlers, the tough and turn-based tactics in Blackguards 1 and 2, and many, many more feats of German game design.

Check out <span class="bold">the weekend promo page</span> to see the full lineup. The promo will last until Tuesday, March 3, at 4:59 AM GMT.

Two games from our catalog had to be made unavailable in Germany: Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3. Offering or promoting these games is considered a serious criminal offence according to German law, and we have to abide by this law to avoid the risk of serious legal action taken against and employees. Rest assured that if you've already bought a game - nothing will retroactively disappear from your shelves.
Post edited February 27, 2015 by Chamb
we get french, german, next one probably russian or spanish.

damn, we probably get vietnamese before we get FRIGGING polish version of the games.
Games that need a german version:
Alien Nations/The Nations
Satinavs Ketten/Memoria
Sacred Gold
Spellforce series

I don't care for german localizations, I just want to play austrian or german games in german.
Post edited February 26, 2015 by jadeite
lukaszthegreat: next one probably russian
The day that happens, man, I'm doomed.
Picture a promo with a ton of russian games here: GOG's gonna break the million barrier :P
lukaszthegreat: damn, we probably get vietnamese before we get FRIGGING polish version of the games.
Hey now, cost of living is low here and the weather is better than Poland, so move here, learn Vietnamese to play those GOG games. =P
Mostly Ubisoft and Topware games, eh?

Here's hoping that Septerra Core and Gorky 17 get their German versions, as well.
Shit. That means region locking games for Germany is next, doesn't it?

If that's not the case: Awesome! I can finally try the German version of Normality!
RadonGOG: Anyways, the translation is doomed!
"You" doesn´t translate to "du" in general, it translates to "Sie", a common translation error!
I disagree. As a German native speaker I would say that it depends on the context. Given that GOG has a very colloquial way of communicating (for example when they say that it "sucks" that they can not sell Hotline Miami 2 to Australians) I'd say that it fits. This is also something that you see in IKEA in Germany where they often write "Du" instead of "Sie" in their catalogues or on their website. It depends on the image of your business that you want to convey.

But of course "Sie" would also be perfectly fine.
Mein Leben!
avatar -A German version of our website. You can change your language using the drop-down menu towards the bottom.
Where, please, where?!? Towards the bottom of what?

I've GOT to get back to English.
Post edited February 26, 2015 by Vainamoinen
RadonGOG: Anyways, the translation is doomed!
"You" doesn´t translate to "du" in general, it translates to "Sie", a common translation error!
born3088: I disagree. As a German native speaker I would say that it depends on the context. Given that GOG has a very colloquial way of communicating (for example when they say that it "sucks" that they can not sell Hotline Miami 2 to Australians) I'd say that it fits. This is also something that you see in IKEA in Germany where they often write "Du" instead of "Sie" in their catalogues or on their website. It depends on the image of your business that you want to convey.

But of course "Sie" would also be perfectly fine.
"Sie" would probably be the better choice.
avatar -A German version of our website. You can change your language using the drop-down menu towards the bottom.
Vainamoinen: Where, please, where?!? Towards the bottom of what?

I've GOT to get back to English.
Go to the main page :) The language drop down menu is there. It's not present in General Discussion :)
Buenro-games: This is good stuff and it will let those who have been staying at the sidelines with regards to playing the Deponia trilogy, to finally go ahead and try the first title at an incredible price.

I will help one individual myself and offer this free key for Deponia 1 so you can enjoy it.

Please remember to post when you claim it, so that others know it has already been claimed.

The missing letters are as follows:

Clue 1: Last two letter of cute little star wars robot.
Clue 2: First letter of know-it-all hesitating star wars robot.


Enjoy it!
I claimed the game. Thank you so much for Deponia!
Vainamoinen: Where, please, where?!? Towards the bottom of what?

I've GOT to get back to English.
JudasIscariot: Go to the main page :) The language drop down menu is there. It's not present in General Discussion :)
That's better, thank you. Will my account remember it?
Ah sehr gut mein herren und damen
Mein Igel habe meine Kartoffeln gegessen
Redfoxe: Ah sehr gut mein herren und damen
Mein Igel habe meine Kartoffeln gegessen
ähm... should this make any sense? I am curious if something went missing in the translation or if I am just not understanding what you mean :D