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Many people get stuck during craft research so I made a list of what you need to research the Ultimate Xcom Craft: the Annihilator.

First thing you need is to do is research Alien Control Systems, Energy Source and Propulsion Systems. You can research these after clearing any UFO that has a crew (types 3-10) This lets you research the Dimension Probe.

Next you need to clear a crashlanded Transporter (type 3) to research the Bio-trans
Then clear a Destroyer (type 5) to research the Explorer (don't bother building any. You'll get the supperiour Retaliator soon)
Followed by an Assault Ship (type 6) to research the Retaliator
and finally a Battleship (type 9) to research the Annihilator

All the other UFO types only give points for completing research

At the start sell all ground vehicles because they're useless. Buy a few extra Hovercars and some Hoverbikes to boost your airpower. (Raid the Cult of Sirius if you need more cash)
Shoot down UFO types 3, 5, 6 and 9 as soon as they appear.
You can park vehicles in other buildings closer to the dimension gates to speed up interception. Don't park more vehicles in a building than the number of launch tubes the building has. (you can safely park in buildings of hostile organisations)

If for some reason you fail to shoot one down they'll return to the alien dimension and might come back on a later mission. (shooting down UFOs in the alien dimension will not let you recover them) The game has lists of predetermined fleet compositions. UFOs only show up in compositions from those lists.

Alien Transporter (type 3) The aliens will only every build 6 of these and they're most likely to show up in weeks 2 and 3. They come in waves with Scouts (type 2), Destroyers (type 5) or Assault Ships (type 6) If you want the alliens to send a group that includes Transporters after week 4, aggressively shoot down all other ships and sooner or later they'll send a fleet that inlcudes a Transporter.

Alien Destroyer (type 5) Only 5 of these will ever be built. they start showing up in week 4. They can show up with many other types (2, 3, 4, 6, 7) or on their own (if the alliens have 3 of them) So it shouldn't be a problem to eventuallty shoot one down and clear it.

Allien Assault Ship (type 6) Only 8 will every be built and they start showing up in week 3. Like the Destroyer they can be accompanied by many different crafts (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8) so shoorting one down eventually shouldn't be a problem.

Alien Battleship (type 9) They start showing up in week 7 and the alliens will eventually build an infinite number of them.

Source: [url=][/url])