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I've been playing this quite alot recently, and enjoyed this game very much.

There are some things I feel are lacking, for a general better experience.

For example, a sound notification of some sort, like a "ping" or a "ding" when someone joins your lobby when waiting for matchmaking. As I'm playing on dual monitors, and usually I put the game on the side monitor when waiting for a game, it would be nice have a sound effect to help notice when someone joins. It would be beneficial for people playing on a single monitor, alt-tabbing to do something else while waiting for a player.

A sound notification when someone sends a message via the chat, and it's not expanded, or even have the option to have it even with chat expanded.

A border-less window mode would be nice to have for people playing on dual monitors.

That's pretty much everything I could think of right now. I'm not sure if this is even the right place, but when I clicked the send multiplayer or launcher feedback, it brought me here.