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It ticks me off when a player has bad luck on their first roll that they drop from the game. Aside displaying poor sportsmanship and rude, it leaves us in a game that is devoid of competition. Part of the joy of playing is to try and overcome adversity. If you can't get any joy from that then go back and play Mario cart.

I've played only two full games out of 6 so far because of people dropping out on the first roll. The two that I played to the end I was actually losing and they were great matches.

If anyone actually wants to play a full private game, message me. And I don't care if you beat me in the first 10 turns either I just want to play a good full game.
Not all dropping outs are intentional. Most which I've encountered were genuine disconnection issues. I have no idea why the disconnects happen, though.
Kentchangar: Not all dropping outs are intentional. Most which I've encountered were genuine disconnection issues. I have no idea why the disconnects happen, though.
I know what you mean, it just happened to me.
However the last time someone dropped from the game they said "Bye Bye" after their first roll.
"bye bye" is default system entry for anyone that leaves whether by one's will or thru disconnection (likely desynchronisation) during any point of a game. other players have confirmed such was the case: exhibit 1, exhibit 2, and exhibit 3.
Post edited September 02, 2014 by lemming07
lemming07: "bye bye" is default system entry for anyone that leaves whether by one's will or thru disconnection during any point of a game. other players have confirmed such was the case: exhibit 1, exhibit 2, and exhibit 3.
I was beginning to suspect as much, thanks.
Still getting random disconnects. I was in the middle of a game with another player (xa_chan, if you're reading this, sorry for dropping out, it wasn't intentional), when the game decided to kick me out. I've taken a look at the logs, and they seem to be of no help. Is anything being done to fix this?