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Patch notes & discussion:
Post edited August 03, 2014 by Destro
Build 029 is now available - please (re)start game launcher to download it

Patch notes & discussion:
Post edited July 09, 2014 by Destro
The update process went pretty smooth, nice to see. I notice that it was a full size download (250MB or so). Just a curiousity if at some point a form of delta updating will be used/tested? I'm on super fast broadband so doesn't matter to me either way, but kind of curious about other options the client holds for us for the future also, knowing that the current bits are just preliminary. :)
skeletonbow: The update process went pretty smooth, nice to see. I notice that it was a full size download (250MB or so). Just a curiousity if at some point a form of delta updating will be used/tested?
Great to hear about the smooth update process :). Regarding your question - this is actually delta updating, however due to the way game resources are organised, we can't take full advantage of it here and nearly the whole game is being re-downloaded per patch.
Destro: Great to hear about the smooth update process :). Regarding your question - this is actually delta updating, however due to the way game resources are organised, we can't take full advantage of it here and nearly the whole game is being re-downloaded per patch.
Ah, that's a good point... I hadn't considered that large parts of the entire game being updated would ultimately make for large deltas during the development cycle, plus debug code/data etc. Duh! :)

Couldn't get a game up and running successfully before bed yesterday so now's as good a time as any I guess to hop on and shake up some fellow witchers out there... :)
Destro: Build 030 is now available - please (re)start game launcher to download it

Patch notes & discussion:
Yesterday the game was updated to Build 031, reflected in both the Galaxy Launcher and our individual game libraries. There are still no patch notes here or on the CDPR site. What changed?
I wrote the wrong year in the stupid "age verification" bullcrap waste of space, when entering the cdprojectred forum and there doesn't seem to be a way to undo that.

Except for deleting the cookies connected to that site.

Stupidity has reached a new level. Ding.

Especially since the site accepted that I was born in the year 1000AD and just locked down because I wrote 2000 before. Access denied, try again, fine. Locking out unless one removes cookies? Now that's just silly.

That rant aside, there hasn't been an update to the game since August? Then why is it downloading 300MB patches through the GoG client?

Is this website even useful?


apparently not all patch notes are in the "all patch notes" thread. Quoting the thread linked to by the OP: "In this thread we will be posting patch notes for all the TWAG updates".

Whatever, at least the beta is ending and let's just hope the release will allow single player, that's one thing that has not been beta tested by us at least.
Post edited October 14, 2014 by Atlantico