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Hi people!

It seems to happen random - did happen to me twice so far.

Sometimes when i drag a dice to it's slots while battleing it get's stuck somewhere on the way and cannot be reassigned. The slot seems to be taken however and cannot be filled by another dice ...
in the end you cannot fill in all the dice that might go into the slots and the "End" button doesn't appear.
This bug blocks progression for the entire game so that the session has to be abandoned.

maybe the bug has something to do with dropped the dice to early or not at the centre of the slot. that may be a problem for me since my mouse started dying on me. Button holds are sometimes registred as double clicks and stuff ...

hope that gets sorted out soon.
Someone on the bug report boards suggested adding a "reset" button to the battle menu so that all dice - bugged or not - can be removed at once and reassigned.

Hi, happens to me too. It happened in my last four games and i had to leave. So far the most gamebreaking bug i have encountered. Hope i gets fixed soon.
Double-clicking the dice will automatically place it in the right slot, try that in the meantime to avoid this bug.
Playersonality: Double-clicking the dice will automatically place it in the right slot, try that in the meantime to avoid this bug.
i actually never tried double clicking them ... good to know though :) thanks