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Installed the boxed copy (pictured...with the included comic book and manual) about 6 months ago on the lap top and got it to barely work. Lot's of graphic problems and very poor performance..lot's of glitches. May need to pick this up if the GoG version works ok. Seems like there still needs to be some fine tuning? Will follow these threads to see how it shapes up...would love to be able to play it again.
Perhaps GoG can include the comic as an added goodie?
dowcg_006.jpg (121 Kb)
Post edited July 19, 2015 by Byeohazard
Byeohazard: Perhaps GoG can include the comic as an added goodie?
Probably not. It was a copy of a separate publication (Warhammer Monthly #9) that - while given out as a freebie with the game - was never a direct tie-in to it and would most likely be covered by separate licensing from the game itself.
For what it's worth, my GoG version works brilliantly. I've only had one CTD (easily recovered from thanks to the autosaves), the music and sound work flawlessly, display is good on modern screens, no graphical issues or other weirdness. Some very slight graphical slowdowns (I'm guessing from trying to emulate DirectX god-knows-what... 6?), but barely noticeable once I got used to it.

Compared to my original disc version, where although I could fix the cultist bug, there were other unfixable CTDs, completely borked music and sound output, and graphical errors everywhere that rendered the game virtually unplayable on modern systems. The GoG release is a god(-Emperor) send.
Loving the shit out of it and all ready made it further into the game then I did when I was a kid. Its so dam addictive.