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Hi all,

I just encountered a very unpleasant bug I was hoping someone might give me a hand with.

I have eliminated all enemies in one of the "side-missions" (checked the map thoroughly), but the mission just won't end. I can click the "end turn" button till the cows come home, but I never get the prompt to end the mission.

Has anyone else ever had this? Any ideas how to fix this? My other save was made two missions ago...

Thank you!
Had the same thing happen to me. I think it was at second set of random missions, every enemy killed for sure but no ending. Couldn't figure it out, had to reload.

Would be great to find a workaround for this. It seems too risky to try random missions on hardest difficulty with only one save slot.
I'm actually stuck on a story mission, the one with the Landspeeder and the Relay. All enemies dead, objective destroyed and loot found. Reloaded mission, reinstalled, repair/verify, whatever the problem is its either contained in the save files or something else. Either way, I've played the same mission using a save just before it three times now and it won't work.

Oddly enough I beat that level before but I had to delete and reinstall everything when I encountered a save game loading problem a few missions later.

I want to like this game and I do, or did, because these issues are wearing away at my ability to enjoy this little 40k gem.
Sometimes its execute an action. Usually press a button and they are sometimes hard to see. Not sure in this case, may certainly be a legit bug, but this happened all the time in the original, just a super detailed thing to do to end the mission. If its random, I suggested checking each building for some kind of switch graphic.

Perhaps some of the random maps have "pressure plate" teleport units found in the campaign maps. So if you havent gone to a specific area those units may yet be triggered. Long shot...
fenris863: I'm actually stuck on a story mission, the one with the Landspeeder and the Relay. All enemies dead, objective destroyed and loot found. Reloaded mission, reinstalled, repair/verify, whatever the problem is its either contained in the save files or something else. Either way, I've played the same mission using a save just before it three times now and it won't work.

Oddly enough I beat that level before but I had to delete and reinstall everything when I encountered a save game loading problem a few missions later.

I want to like this game and I do, or did, because these issues are wearing away at my ability to enjoy this little 40k gem.
I had the same issue in the same mission. Explored the map completely (At least I thought so...) and found no one. Then, I decided to go up on the second floor of the left hand bunker (Something I had thoroughly cleared before) and found a wounded Chaos Marine that had lost his nerve and went hiding there. Put him out of his misery and then got the option to exit. Could this be the case....???
fenris863: I'm actually stuck on a story mission, the one with the Landspeeder and the Relay. All enemies dead, objective destroyed and loot found. Reloaded mission, reinstalled, repair/verify, whatever the problem is its either contained in the save files or something else. Either way, I've played the same mission using a save just before it three times now and it won't work.

Oddly enough I beat that level before but I had to delete and reinstall everything when I encountered a save game loading problem a few missions later.

I want to like this game and I do, or did, because these issues are wearing away at my ability to enjoy this little 40k gem.
procyoniv: I had the same issue in the same mission. Explored the map completely (At least I thought so...) and found no one. Then, I decided to go up on the second floor of the left hand bunker (Something I had thoroughly cleared before) and found a wounded Chaos Marine that had lost his nerve and went hiding there. Put him out of his misery and then got the option to exit. Could this be the case....???
This was the fix. I found a space marine kneeling down in the corner of the second story of a half structure on the left hand side of the map. Suffer not the heretic to live. Star fire devoured his black soul.
muttly13: Sometimes its execute an action. Usually press a button and they are sometimes hard to see. Not sure in this case, may certainly be a legit bug, but this happened all the time in the original, just a super detailed thing to do to end the mission. If its random, I suggested checking each building for some kind of switch graphic.

Perhaps some of the random maps have "pressure plate" teleport units found in the campaign maps. So if you havent gone to a specific area those units may yet be triggered. Long shot...
Or blow up generators...had this problem with the second set of Attacks of Opportunity before starting Mission 4-6 (Briefing mentions destroying a shield generator).
Went to the volcanic world Elnath first and couldn't end the mission for the life of me until I realized all 3 generators in some ruins had to be destroyed. However, the wasteland world Gacrux also had generators on the map but apparently weren't apart of that map's objectives, just had to eliminate all the enemies.
Attacks of Opportunity don't have their own Briefing just what's story mission's is pending, and are randomly generated so never know what to expect I guess.

I vaguely remember never finishing the game when it first came out because of some game-breaking bugs / file corruption (and being young and foolish didn't make multiple saves)
procyoniv: I had the same issue in the same mission. Explored the map completely (At least I thought so...) and found no one. Then, I decided to go up on the second floor of the left hand bunker (Something I had thoroughly cleared before) and found a wounded Chaos Marine that had lost his nerve and went hiding there. Put him out of his misery and then got the option to exit. Could this be the case....???
Hallsey13: This was the fix. I found a space marine kneeling down in the corner of the second story of a half structure on the left hand side of the map. Suffer not the heretic to live. Star fire devoured his black soul.
Yes! I thought this mission bugged and mission complete dialogue would just not appear. But there was Chaos Trooper with heavy bolter who was just sitting in the corner of second floor of ruins on the mid-left side of map for whole freaken mission. In this case I figured out that sensors does not work for whole map but just something around 30 steppes...
Thank you, if not your post I probably would never guessed.
Post edited February 23, 2021 by WideEyesOpen
I am sorry, I had this problem too. I scanned every square inch of the map: there is no one left and the game does not let the mission end. It's the "contaminated water" mission of the opportunity ones after the chaos gate destruction. I wondered if I had to destroy some building but nothing looks different like a mission objective. I only have 1 save, can you help? Or provide a way to auto-win the mission?
giovann88: I am sorry, I had this problem too. I scanned every square inch of the map: there is no one left and the game does not let the mission end. It's the "contaminated water" mission of the opportunity ones after the chaos gate destruction. I wondered if I had to destroy some building but nothing looks different like a mission objective. I only have 1 save, can you help? Or provide a way to auto-win the mission?
Since those missions all come out of the game's random generator, no one can help regarding a specific (opportunity) one. And there's no cheat code to end one either, I'm affraid...
Now, I did check the game's files for you and the three planets you can assault after the Chaos Gate destruction lead to "Bug Hunt", "Assault" and "Head Hunter" missions. Which means, as far as objectives are concerned, "Full destruction of all enemy units", "Full destruction of all enemy units (who'll just defend a fortified position)" and "Killing the one special unit of the map - usually a demon, but also sometimes a sorcerer -". Which means that you shouldn't be looking for buildings to destroy or crates to open... It's all about making sure you didn't leave a single cultist or chaos marine hidden somewhere. I never encountered any bug on this kind in the game, so I'm pretty sure you missed someone : just keep searching, on all levels - from the (0) to (7) -, and you'll end up finding the little bugger soon or later ^^... Also, remember that they may not show up on the map (or the scanner) if they're hidden in smoke-covered areas. Good luck !
Post edited March 22, 2022 by Zaephir-Moth
Oh for fuck sake...

Dudes, I haven't touched Chaos Gate for while, though I'll give it a try again, go back on the game, wonders "why did I stopped the last time already?" load my Mighty_Hero save and remember I was stuck in a side mission that'd not end despite all ennemies killed.
I checked this thread back at the time, though "yeah, maybe I missed an ennemy" romaed the map several times, nothing.

So, today, I though "ok, I'll try again to find this hiding chaos space marine" at some point I decided to shoot a glowing thing on the map with my heavy bolter and krak grenades, turned out I destroyed it and won the mission -_- I'll post the screenshots to show you guys in case you have the same issue.

do you see the pictures ?
Well, if you don't, the mesh I destroyed is a kind of half circle thing called a generator in the game.
Post edited June 29, 2022 by someguys
someguys: Oh for fuck sake...

Dudes, I haven't touched Chaos Gate for while, though I'll give it a try again, go back on the game, wonders "why did I stopped the last time already?" load my Mighty_Hero save and remember I was stuck in a side mission that'd not end despite all ennemies killed.
I checked this thread back at the time, though "yeah, maybe I missed an ennemy" romaed the map several times, nothing.

So, today, I though "ok, I'll try again to find this hiding chaos space marine" at some point I decided to shoot a glowing thing on the map with my heavy bolter and krak grenades, turned out I destroyed it and won the mission -_- I'll post the screenshots to show you guys in case you have the same issue.

do you see the pictures ?
Well, if you don't, the mesh I destroyed is a kind of half circle thing called a generator in the game.
Yes, that's right, and you were expected to do so : it's always that objective (and always the same building type) for any "Search & Destroy" mission - one of the five types the map generator can offer.
Now, whenever in doubt or if you really seem stuck on a side mission - since, yes, indeed, there's no briefing other than the planet's description -, just check that mission type indicator in the PlanetDesc.dat file - use any text editor - you'll find in the Data folder. It's very clear and easy to do... Mission types are labeled from 0 to 5 ; "0" meaning a random one. Other numbers indicate a "Bughunt" (1), "Assault" (2), Search & Destroy (3), Headhunter (4) or Raid mission (5). And only the third type requires destroying a generator.