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Patch 1.0.7

Bug fixes

- Reduces the hit box of thicket guards to prevent them from blocking paths.
- Unseen status is removed by non-humanoid creatures as well.
- The Earth Shaker cannot prevent you from resting in inns and other safe locations.
- Generator recovers from levels that for some reason don’t have any generator specs.
- Fixes issue with ramps in narrow places.
- Fixes issue with missing figurines in some instances of Raaf Temples.
- Fixies issue with misplaced cave entrance in the Cliff Top Ruin.
- The game correctly recalls which region is the First Valley.
- Fixes generation issue with some variants of the Mountain Top Ruin level.
- Dropped and thrown weapons no longer disappear when they cannot automatically be returned because your
inventory is full.
- Restores controller input on world settings menu (it broke in 1.0.6).
- Increasing the hit boxes of ‘flesh rats’ and other small creatures to make it easier to hit them with tall characters.
- Leaving the Edge or the Spirit World places you ate the last node you visited if the game cannot find another suitable
- More consistent placement of a clue to the third machine.
- Better positioning of logo and health bars in different aspect ratios.
- Screen resolutions also show the refresh rate.
- Climbs cannot lead down to spaces too narrow to continue.
- When items are forcibly equipped to hands that aren’t empty the previous equipment is properly unequipped,
preventing visual bugs.
- Adds textual feedback when you use a key to unlock a gate or chest.
- Removes Previous Build option from character creation. It was problematic and not always functioning correctly.
- The magic sword Judgement can be enhanced with sigils.

Includes Patch 1.0.6

Bug fixes

- Fixes most ultra wide screen issues.
- Better map diagnostics to prevent and repair isolated areas on the map.

Thank you for playing, and thank you for reporting issues.
And thank you for updating the GOG version at about the same time as other places. I appreciate that.
Thanks for noticing. I am on it! This time GOG was first! ;)
ultidraw: Thanks for noticing. I am on it! This time GOG was first! ;)
I must admit, i ended up refunding the game and spent the credit on another game i saw on sale. But in hindsight I should have been a bit more patient. I will buy it back as i did think it looked pretty good, but it will probably have to be at the end of the month as I ended up going over my gaming budget for May/June by a fair bit! But i wish the project well and will be back on board in the not too distant future :)