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How many days have we to wait before you deign to release this update ? Weeks ? Months ?
I'm sure they'll get it out as soon as they can, really. Please try and relax.

Also keep these 2 things in mind:

1.) There could be a problem with the update and it needs to be fixed, GOG is aware of this, and is saving everyone a huge load of hassle by not providing the new update.

2.) There could be another update (non-hot-fix) RIGHT around the corner, and in order to streamline their QA efforts and everyone's DL/install efforts, they are simply waiting until the next patch is ready.
Please try and relax
I am relaxed, i assure you. I am just irritated to have to wait for days (and in the matter of this, for weeks), especially for this game, the goodwill of Gog.
There could be another update (non-hot-fix) RIGHT around the corner, and in order to streamline their QA efforts and everyone's DL/install efforts, they are simply waiting until the next patch is ready.
It could be the case, even if i am very uncertain about it. And by the way, if you have any information about what you say, feel free to share it.
To_an: And by the way, if you have any information about what you say, feel free to share it.
I certainly would if I did. And I agree that it is a little odd that it hasn't come yet, but, I really do figure there has to be a reason that is NOT equivalent to GOG flaking/making a bad choice.

I do also wish they'd tell us maybe after 5 business days if they haven't released a patch that has been released, why. But, eh, whatevers.

I do also wish they'd tell us maybe after 5 business days if they haven't released a patch that has been released, why. But, eh, whatevers.
I agree with you drealmer7 and share the same wish. So, it's time to grin and bear it.
Post edited April 27, 2016 by To_an
Just play Age of Decadence while you're waiting. That's what I'm doing.
UniversalWolf: Just play Age of Decadence while you're waiting. That's what I'm doing.
If only I had it!!!! Oohhhhh how I wish I did! How's the patching been for that game anyway? With how enormous it is, I was figuring it still had some fine-tuning to do (I feel like an RPG that size is around 1 year until patching is complete for a long time.)
Just play Age of Decadence while you're waiting. That's what I'm doing.
Next on my playing list - and i will certainly buy it on steam, not on Gog.
drealmer7: How's the patching been for that game anyway? With how enormous it is, I was figuring it still had some fine-tuning to do (I feel like an RPG that size is around 1 year until patching is complete for a long time.)
There's nothing about it I would call unfinished, except that Iron Tower keep adding more content to the quests, so naturally there are little rough spots whenever they do that. Those get ironed out (no pun intended) with each new patch. If you get AoD right now and play it, it's awesome. If you wait and get it later, it will be even more awesome. It's your call. ;)

I've finished it five times already.
drealmer7: How's the patching been for that game anyway? With how enormous it is, I was figuring it still had some fine-tuning to do (I feel like an RPG that size is around 1 year until patching is complete for a long time.)
UniversalWolf: There's nothing about it I would call unfinished, except that Iron Tower keep adding more content to the quests, so naturally there are little rough spots whenever they do that. Those get ironed out (no pun intended) with each new patch. If you get AoD right now and play it, it's awesome. If you wait and get it later, it will be even more awesome. It's your call. ;)

I've finished it five times already.
Eh, finances prevent me from getting it any time soon at all any way, so, it'll by default by the "wait to get it later when it is even more awesome."

Now with Bloodlines here, I'm not sure which is a higher priority, but either way, they're far-off purchases for me.

FIVE TIMES?! Each with a different class to get a different part of the story, ya? That's so damn exciting...
drealmer7: FIVE TIMES?! Each with a different class to get a different part of the story, ya?

With a non-combat character you can finish the game pretty quickly it you want. It depends on how much double-crossing and political manipulation you want to do. If you're a combat character, there are lots of fights and fighting side-quests, so that can take longer.

Come to think of it, I did have a problem with the latest patch, but it was probably the third or fourth I'd applied, so I just re-downloaded and re-installed the game from scratch. The file's not that big.
drealmer7: FIVE TIMES?! Each with a different class to get a different part of the story, ya?
UniversalWolf: Yes.

With a non-combat character you can finish the game pretty quickly it you want. It depends on how much double-crossing and political manipulation you want to do. If you're a combat character, there are lots of fights and fighting side-quests, so that can take longer.

Come to think of it, I did have a problem with the latest patch, but it was probably the third or fourth I'd applied, so I just re-downloaded and re-installed the game from scratch. The file's not that big.
Non-combat is how I figured I'd do my first playthrough, but, now thinking about it I'd probably like to mix it up since I'll likely replay it multiple times to get all the angles too.

How different is it each time? if you are able to quantify it (not necessarily with numbers)
drealmer7: How different is it each time? if you are able to quantify it (not necessarily with numbers)
It can be very different.

When you're creating your character you choose a "background" for him. The background is the lifestyle or profession your character had before the beginning of the story, so it influences your starting reputation with the different factions.

Each background also has it's own unique start. For example, if you choose Assassin, you're sent on a mission to murder someone, but if you choose Merchant, you're sent to negotiate a contract. You can switch to a different faction or profession later though, so you could make a big, dumb merchant (not very good at being a merchant, in other words), and then join the Imperial Legion as a soldier.

It's impossible to see everything in any one playthrough. There are entire areas that will become available for certain backgrounds, but not for others. It's also possible to get different outcomes from failed skill checks, so just being good at your skills won't let you see everything.
drealmer7: How different is it each time? if you are able to quantify it (not necessarily with numbers)
UniversalWolf: It can be very different.

When you're creating your character you choose a "background" for him. The background is the lifestyle or profession your character had before the beginning of the story, so it influences your starting reputation with the different factions.

Each background also has it's own unique start. For example, if you choose Assassin, you're sent on a mission to murder someone, but if you choose Merchant, you're sent to negotiate a contract. You can switch to a different faction or profession later though, so you could make a big, dumb merchant (not very good at being a merchant, in other words), and then join the Imperial Legion as a soldier.

It's impossible to see everything in any one playthrough. There are entire areas that will become available for certain backgrounds, but not for others. It's also possible to get different outcomes from failed skill checks, so just being good at your skills won't let you see everything.
yepyepyepyep, awesome! every time I look at or read about or hear about AoD I get really excited! nomnomnom! It and bloodlines are by far and away the next 2 games on my "to get" list!
drealmer7: every time I look at or read about or hear about AoD I get really excited! nomnomnom! It and bloodlines are by far and away the next 2 games on my "to get" list!
You haven't played Bloodlines either, eh? You're in for a treat.

Take my advice and don't read anything more about Bloodlines until after you've played it once or twice. You don't want to spoil anything. Also, if you have the option, only play it at night. :)