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Usually for console port, their support for keyboard and mouse control is usually abysmal and forcing you to use gamepad. Is it the case for this game as well?
This question / problem has been solved by fsbarberoimage
Devspar: Usually for console port, their support for keyboard and mouse control is usually abysmal and forcing you to use gamepad. Is it the case for this game as well?
I'm playing with mouse and keyboard and think the control is very good. Of note that I never play with gamepad.

If you usually play with gamepad, you may find using the keyboard and mouse confusing and complicated. Not only with this game, but with any other game.
Generally controls work good and responsively on keyboard/mouse. However I find the fistfights extremely annoying. You have to use "f" and "e" to fight and it's very awkward to say the least. Otherwise it works well for me.
Wolfram_von_Thal: Generally controls work good and responsively on keyboard/mouse. However I find the fistfights extremely annoying. You have to use "f" and "e" to fight and it's very awkward to say the least. Otherwise it works well for me.
Same, the fist fights are just plain bad.

Also I don't find the controls in general very precise, a concession to it's console legacy I guess. But the story and the characters are great, so that keeps me going!
After playing Uncharted 4 for one hour or so I decided to play the whole series, undusted my ancient PS3 and got the three games for a ridiculously low price. Now as I'm playing them I have to say that controls are terrible with the gamepad, but still manageable. Gamepads are just so excrutiatingly slow and reaction time is so unbearably high. I'm on Uncharted 3 now and can't wait to continue Uncharted 4 on pc, getting rid of the gamepad controls. After having the comparison with the earlier games I definitely say it plays much much better with mouse controls than with gamepad for me. Maybe it has to do with what you grew up but I never got into gamepads.