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Welcome RTS Fans to the first Total Annihilation Zero ND Tournament.

Zero is a fast paced mod for TA with totally new graphics and controls. Plus a third faction called GoK.
For further information you can check out the following pages: (outdated)

For gameplay videos check out my youtube channel:

Please contact me for a link to the needed tournament files.

You are interested in checking out this awesome RTS gem and play a tournament?

Sign up here!

I will update prize pool as soon as possible (up to 50 € + a couple of Steam keys).
If someone wants to donate something, feel free to contact me!

Tournament Information:

Mode: Bo3

Preset Startmap + Loser choice


4P Total Temple

4P Hierarchy

4P Rivalry

4P River of Flames

Settings Lobby:

Metal: 1000
Energy: 1000
commander death: ends game
Location: Random
LOS: True
Map: Mapped
Gamespeed: 0

Additional Rules:

- all players have to record the games and the winner has to upload the replays

- all players need the ND "NoDraw" addon for Total Annihilation Zero (it prevents draw situations)

- in case of a draw or disconnect the game has to be replayed, except the players can agree on a clear winner

- in any case of disagreement or other problems contact me (TaShadan; Gameranger ID:636237)

- all games have to be played on Gameranger and all players Gameranger IDs have to be provided to me

- only maps in the mappool are allowed

- any hacking or cheating results in a disqualification

Important information:

Keep in mind that this game is still in late alpha stage which means there might be bugs.
One example is the false message "player X is cheating" at start of a game!