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Please report anything that is off with the localization and if possible what the correct line/text should be(if applicable).
How does localisation work exaclty? Starting the game in one language and then switching to another appears to change the onscreen language and some of the textures (no restart performed) but not all.

GUI design
Pause menu: The word "Paused" appears in the same font style as the other menu items but it is not interactive.
Maybe change the formatting or case, e.g.


Also if paused on a white background white text will not appear very legible.
Maybe add a soft dark drop shadow behind text?

German: the pause menu text is not perfectly centered and the white highlighting rectangle does not fit the width of the text. Presumably it set to a fixed width. Why not set it to whatever the width of the longest text is (varies between languages) and then add x amount of either percent or pixels left and right? See screenshot.
Post edited December 10, 2022 by ColaPepsicle
Messages: Always have a space between a colon (following a name) and the message text.
[Name]:_[message text]

_ = space

Applies to both the radio message interface and reading messages on the computer screen.
This makes for better readability.

Note that French usually also has a space _before_ a colon.

[Name]_:_[message text]

Either way, it should be consistent within one language.

See screenshots.
Post edited December 10, 2022 by ColaPepsicle

During the intro, the landlord addresses the player character multilpe times using his surname. This should always be preceeded by a comma and a space, right?

"Where's the money, Miller?"

Minor discprepancy between voice recording and onscreen text/subtitle:
After arriving at the space station when asked why he is there, the player character says:

"I needed the money." – past tense

The text says "need" (present tense)

Note that this may also be present in other languages.
"Access denied" in German

When trying to open a door that is locked it says

"Zugriff verweigert"

"Zugriff" is a literal translation of "Access" which can mean various things such as "physical access" or in the sense of "computer access"

While not wrong in this context (opening a door, physically accessing/entering a location) I would recommend:

"Zutritt verweigert"
"Zugang verweigert"

Both words mean "access" in the physical sense of having the ability to enter/step into a location.
ColaPepsicle: How does localisation work exaclty? Starting the game in one language and then switching to another appears to change the onscreen language and some of the textures (no restart performed) but not all.

GUI design
Pause menu: The word "Paused" appears in the same font style as the other menu items but it is not interactive.
Maybe change the formatting or case, e.g.


Also if paused on a white background white text will not appear very legible.
Maybe add a soft dark drop shadow behind text?

German: the pause menu text is not perfectly centered and the white highlighting rectangle does not fit the width of the text. Presumably it set to a fixed width. Why not set it to whatever the width of the longest text is (varies between languages) and then add x amount of either percent or pixels left and right? See screenshot.

The localization swiches all dynamic texts, but in-world texts such as text on a door or similar the level or game has to be re-loaded by either a restart of the game or a level change.
If you set language when starting up the game it should work just fine when pressing "New game".

Thanks for all the other feedback!

When receiving a clue for a user's password

"Ein neue Möglichkeit für ..."

Should be "Eine neue Möglichkeit"

Ein – masculine & neuter
Eine – feminine

See screenshot.

Storage room is labelled "LAGERUNG". While not completely wrong, more appropriate would be

LAGERRAUM (storage room)
LAGER (storage)

"Lagerung" means "the act of storing" (action, purpose) while the other two terms refer to a (physical) location for storing items.

Messages on computer screen:

A.walker <-- should be capitalised

Like so:

Server room paper instructions:
It's better to have a space between a number and the instruction for better formatting and readability.

1._Do this ...
2._Then do that ...
3._Followed by ...

(Similiar to the comment about having a space after a colon)