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axhed: wtf?

apple is building laptops with integrated graphics *and* discrete gpus installed?

tell me how they are selling this arrangement as a plus.
Isn't the utility obvious to you? Read up on PowerXpress / Optimus.
Make sure the game is patched to 1.1 which removes DRM and increases performance.

I had to overclock the 6490m to play this game properly....
Galdor: I'm playing it on the mid-2009 Macbook Pro.
C2D 2.66, 8GB Ram and GF9600 256Mb. Runs on everything low (except for textures), native resolution (1440*900), without any problems.

Double-check which video card your Win7 uses, and remember to enable dangling object limiter.
mtiruchelvam: Hey I'm using the same set-up as you with a slightly faster processor (2.8 ghz) and 512MB of VRAM. I can barely get the game to run at all on low. 10-15 fps.

Windows 7 64-bit.

Any tips or advice? Can you share your settings?
My hardware:

Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,3
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT
VRAM (Total): 256 MB

I'm running it on Windows 7 Ultimate. It's a clean install that, apart from stock drivers, Steam, and some other games, has nothing else.

My settings are all set to low through the "low" preset. However, I've changed the texture buffer thing (third, fourth from the top) to Medium, and set Dangling Objects Limiter to enabled. Nothing else.
buchanan: Make sure the game is patched to 1.1 which removes DRM and increases performance.

I had to overclock the 6490m to play this game properly....
Thanks for that. I'll have a go, and let you know how it goes :-)
on my Macbook Pro Early 2011,
15'' High end: 2.2Ghz QuadCore
AMD/ATI Radeon 6750M HD with 1GB of Ram
4gb of ram,

I get about 15fps - 50fps depending on situation...
towns such as flotsam get me like 20fps at most it seems, when overclocking i can get upto 30... outdoors i can get up to 50 fps... this is all on High, overclocked to 800/900 with mobility something from 3dguru.

Even on low though, these FPS are constant, but I understand the GPU isn't that great in comparison to other GPU's...

If any different methods to increase frames, do let me know. I'm not dying to play the game at 30+ fps, I mean I am at the 2nd chapter, and combat has mostly been fluid (mainly because its not in towns), giving me a good fps to fight.

But if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to do some further optomizing :) I know people will be like "Zomg, You buyeth a mac for wanting to play teh games, you cwazy", but I rather enjoy my mac, its mostly for school with some gaming on the side.. I just hope I can play Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls 5, and Guild wars 2 on low when they come out at 30+ fps :).

Thanks in advance for any tips!!!
Post edited May 31, 2011 by Abisco
mtiruchelvam: Hey I'm using the same set-up as you with a slightly faster processor (2.8 ghz) and 512MB of VRAM. I can barely get the game to run at all on low. 10-15 fps.

Windows 7 64-bit.

Any tips or advice? Can you share your settings?
Galdor: My hardware:

Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,3
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT
VRAM (Total): 256 MB

I'm running it on Windows 7 Ultimate. It's a clean install that, apart from stock drivers, Steam, and some other games, has nothing else.

My settings are all set to low through the "low" preset. However, I've changed the texture buffer thing (third, fourth from the top) to Medium, and set Dangling Objects Limiter to enabled. Nothing else.
Thanks. I'll give it a shot at those settings. The 9600 M GT should have 512 VRAM (yours as well).

What sort of FPS do you get? 32bit or 64bit Windows 7?
sort of on topic

But with Mac using Boot camp to Windows, is it emulating stuff to make it work? Will a Mac Book running Bootcamp Windows 7 be just as fast as a PC with the same exact specs in hardware? OR is there some kind of emulation going on the slows the Mac down?
as far as I know, its exact specs as hardware... WINE is an emulation method, bootcamp/dualboot allows for you to run it as if its a PC.
mtiruchelvam: Thanks. I'll give it a shot at those settings. The 9600 M GT should have 512 VRAM (yours as well).
What sort of FPS do you get? 32bit or 64bit Windows 7?
The VRAM value is taken from the Profiler, so I'm decently sure it's 256 :) Running 64bit. As for the FPS, I didn't bother with checking the exact values but there is no visible stuttering or lag so I'm guessing it oscillates above 30.

eisberg77: But with Mac using Boot camp to Windows, is it emulating stuff to make it work? Will a Mac Book running Bootcamp Windows 7 be just as fast as a PC with the same exact specs in hardware?
It is physically exactly the same hardware as in any other computer.
eisberg77: sort of on topic

But with Mac using Boot camp to Windows, is it emulating stuff to make it work? Will a Mac Book running Bootcamp Windows 7 be just as fast as a PC with the same exact specs in hardware? OR is there some kind of emulation going on the slows the Mac down?
Bootcamp is the name given by Apple to a Mac/Windows dual boot OS and a utility program that comes with Mac OS X that sets it all up for you and starts Windows setup from the Windows install disk that you will have to provide.

Their Bootcamp utility creates a second partition on the main hard drive, modifies the boot loader to recognize that Windows partition as a boot option when holding down "alt" on launch. The rest is regular Windows install as you know. Therefore Windows is completely native running on hardware that you know as well.

The only thing that is installed by Apple after Windows setup is finished is an Apple keyboard layout that maps for example the Apple key to be the Win key etc., some custom GPU drivers and a control panel option that lets you choose the default OS when powering up your Mac so that if you so choose you can always launch Windows straight away.

The custom GPU drivers are generally not needed and should be replaced by proper nVidia/ATI ones if you are to use the Windows side for gaming.
mtiruchelvam: Thanks. I'll give it a shot at those settings. The 9600 M GT should have 512 VRAM (yours as well).
What sort of FPS do you get? 32bit or 64bit Windows 7?
Galdor: The VRAM value is taken from the Profiler, so I'm decently sure it's 256 :) Running 64bit. As for the FPS, I didn't bother with checking the exact values but there is no visible stuttering or lag so I'm guessing it oscillates above 30.
Thanks, glad it's working for you. We're definitely on the low-low side of the system specs.

ps - you're correct on the VRAM. It's 512 with the 2.8 ghz processor.
Abisco: as far as I know, its exact specs as hardware... WINE is an emulation method, bootcamp/dualboot allows for you to run it as if its a PC.
... WINE stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator".
Post edited June 01, 2011 by Strayer