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...But she doesn't die.

I just don't know how the triangle of Triss/Jen/Geralt is going to play out in W3. Could be an interesting plot.
This is one of the areas where I cannot see myself choosing the other path. I want to say Triss, screw everyone else. Hell, after she is kidnapped in Chapter 1, that's what I wanted to do most. Find her and make Letho pay.
Moradin27: Well I decided to go save Triss from the Niffgardians instead of helping Roche.
I feel that maybe I was being a bit self centered with this decision. I should have been thinking more about the fate of Temeria, instead of my own needs. Surely saving Temeria's potential ruler should have taken priority?
Which decision did you folks choose?
IMHO, the most reasonable response is to save Triss. Whether she's the love of Geralt's life, or a comrade in arms, she's just about the only person in the world who's got his back.

What does Geralt owe Foltest, Iorveth or Roche, and what would any of them do for him? Why would they deserve more loyalty than Triss, or any loyalty at all? That idea seems misguided to me.

Saskia and Vergen is a different matter, and a tougher choice, but I'd say Triss wins easily if Geralt is in love with her, and is a near-tie with a slight lead otherwise.

Also, absolutely slaughtering the Nilfgaardian camp in my Triss-love-interest playthrough brought more satisfaction than any other event in the game.
Post edited May 31, 2011 by panurgy
even in real life, I would definitely go on saving my ass/ my relatives/ my love/ my friends/ them some other so-called superiors.

In this case: I actually feel that by saving Adiais, I will make her a political tool. She doesn't deserve to be a battle trophy between everyone else.

Keeping she out of politics could be better.
Post edited May 31, 2011 by Freewind
Snarfinator: Why? it does nothing to change how Triss feels about you, but not saving her adds alot to the Dethmold story, as well as To adding a bit to Letho's story, as he saves Triss, as well as having taken care of Yennifer. Making Letho a much more interesting character. I think it also makes the political intrigue as far as what happens to Temeria much more interesting.
A lot of people keep saying that Letho saved Triss, but he didn't. He kidnapped her, then dumped her in a helpless state, which resulted in becoming a troll's plaything and then (probably) rape and (definitely) torture in the hands of the Nilfgaardians. Then he recovers her. I don't see how kidnap, rape, and torture, then "rescue" comes out even.

Also, the Yen thing could be a lie. I tend to think what Letho said about caring for Yen was true, but after his behavior (including previous lies) in the game, it would be naive to take it at face value.
Post edited May 31, 2011 by panurgy