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Lord, more drama.
Just organize a bunch of folks with pitch folks and start walking towards France. They will throw the case out.
Highlancer: The DRM "issue" mentioned was a BIG advantage for Namco also, either they admit it or not. Retail buyers were very happy and appreciative about the DRM removal, thus leading to a very positive feed-back on the matter, reflecting this on the number of retail sales.
Maybe I'm an optimist, but I'm hoping that this case manages to highlight this point once and for all.

I think CDP/RED should give NAMCO the publishing rights of "The Bard: Saviour of Queens" for the X-Box and PS3... that will settle the matter...
This sound bad. I hope Namco Bandai.. should gtfo.. i believe they reap enough profits from TW2 already..

They are just pissed off they don't have a bigger piece of cake from consoles.. Darn bloodsuckers.

Hope CDP will be fine.
Seems to me that the big 'N' forgot to check the box for consoles in their original agreement.

Snooze ya looze N. All publishers know CDPR's stand on DRM's (the world knows) so if by some clerical error their own (N's) attorney's didn't catch well....bummer. I feel confident that N will simply have to monies owed and any interest as well as attorney fees.

Truely lame attempt by N......
Unfortunately, we don't really know the details. We don't know exactly how their agreement was worded.

I don't imagine that NB would initiate this lawsuit if they didn't think they have a chance of winning..., so even though CDPR seems confident, anything could happen.

Large companies don't sue other large companies frivolously.
Peetz: Unfortunately, we don't really know the details. We don't know exactly how their agreement was worded.
These types of court cases are rarely made public but it isn't unheard of. We usually see the end results.

Peetz: I don't imagine that NB would initiate this lawsuit if they didn't think they have a chance of winning..., so even though CDPR seems confident, anything could happen.

Large companies don't sue other large companies frivolously.
I beg to differ in that courts are full of cases where company's, whether 1 person or a large corporation, are entangled in what each side considers to be a violation of rights. Historically speaking when one company is larger than another there is alot of frivolous behaviors.

Then you add international law...well then it really gets interesting. ;)

Our financial situation is very good at the moment and the lack of a few million does not have any impact on current activities. Withholding of payments means only that after some time, our partner will have to give us the money.
translates to
'We'd rather lose money than inconvenience the fans with DRM'

CDPR are real bros plough middlemen parasites. those millions could've been used to make some cool stuff though so I hope they don't lose anything.
NB should be burnt down.. How could they witheld the revenue that was meant to be payed to CDP? For that they should be sued!

What stupidity that CDP was sued for removing DRM? NB full of bollocks.. They turned against CDP when they failed to reap bigger profits from consoles publishing.
Makes me want to buy another copy of TW2 through GOG just to support CDPR. Screw Namco.
Good thing there's also Steam distribution. ;o)

I've never bought anything on GoG (since I bought most of the stuff I want on here when they were new), but .. do they have a gift option?

I don't need another copy of TW2, but I'm sure I can buy it for other people.
Danceofmasks: O.O

I've never bought anything on GoG (since I bought most of the stuff I want on here when they were new), but .. do they have a gift option?

I don't need another copy of TW2, but I'm sure I can buy it for other people.
Of course you can. Just add the game to your cart and check "send as gift" at the checkout.
Danceofmasks: O.O

I've never bought anything on GoG (since I bought most of the stuff I want on here when they were new), but .. do they have a gift option?

I don't need another copy of TW2, but I'm sure I can buy it for other people.
dnna: Of course you can. Just add the game to your cart and check "send as gift" at the checkout.
I'm assuming they need a GoG account, though?
(My friends tend to be toffs and buy from overpriced australian retail)