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Point 7*. nvm nvm...lets keep that at rest

"So you put forth a review, just until this progression!. (saint) ..double confirmed it."
Its a sarcastic oxymoron comment, don't bother... I trend to get carried away while typing.

I'll say one thing, you are lucky to appreciate that game and managed to do 3 full playthroughs. I did only 1 replay and failed at re-trying 7 other restarts (got boring quit everytime I entered kirkwall and met Varric in Act 1). [Comparatively I completed Dragon age Origins like some 12 full replays, before DA2 was released].
Anarki_Hunter: I'll say one thing, you are lucky to appreciate that game and managed to do 3 full playthroughs. I did only 1 replay and failed at re-trying 7 other restarts (got boring quit everytime I entered kirkwall and met Varric in Act 1). [Comparatively I completed Dragon age Origins like some 12 full replays, before DA2 was released].
Haha well that happened to me on my 3rd game - got off the boat and they wanted me to talk to the smuggler or mercenary, I was like fuuuuuuck that shit, not doing that again. Only finished it a month later to see if Legacy is any different if you play it in Act 1 or Act 3 - it's not.
Anarki_Hunter: I'll say one thing, you are lucky to appreciate that game and managed to do 3 full playthroughs. I did only 1 replay and failed at re-trying 7 other restarts (got boring quit everytime I entered kirkwall and met Varric in Act 1). [Comparatively I completed Dragon age Origins like some 12 full replays, before DA2 was released].
publius10: Haha well that happened to me on my 3rd game - got off the boat and they wanted me to talk to the smuggler or mercenary, I was like fuuuuuuck that shit, not doing that again. Only finished it a month later to see if Legacy is any different if you play it in Act 1 or Act 3 - it's not.
I like both games and I enjoyed both of them. More than a review most of what I see in this tread is complains from post number 1 onward. And that's only a shit magnet.

You could summarize that ridiculous review to: I didn't have fun while playing the Witcher because I was too sloppy to deal with the controls, so I decided to post a wall of text to justify it and prove that I'm right. Making myself feel right is more important than accepting that I didn't like the game and moving on. It almost sounds like you want to like the game so much but you can't cope with what you don't like so you're trying to justify it. Thanks for wasting our time.
Post edited August 22, 2011 by einarabelc5
Gidzin: its offering of all the freebies is really a ploy to cover their butts and soothe the outrage of dumbing down the game for an Xbox player!!
Damn, there's just no fooling you. :)

Where is this "outrage", the game is very highly rated by just about every game site, and it also has a high user rating.

So I'm at a loss to see where this "outrage" is coming from?
einarabelc5: It almost sounds like you want to like the game so much but you can't cope with what you don't like so you're trying to justify it. Thanks for wasting our time.
That's exactly it private. War's over. We won. Turns out you're the biiiiiiiiiig hero, n we're gonna hold a parade in yer honor. I get to drive the float. And Simmons, IS IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI!
Seriously, what do you think a review is? One states one's feelings about the thing in question and then one justifies them. As for wasting your time, no one forced you to read it and unless my review stopped you from curing cancer or solving world hunger, I do not sympathize with you.
einarabelc5: It almost sounds like you want to like the game so much but you can't cope with what you don't like so you're trying to justify it. Thanks for wasting our time.
publius10: That's exactly it private. War's over. We won. Turns out you're the biiiiiiiiiig hero, n we're gonna hold a parade in yer honor. I get to drive the float. And Simmons, IS IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI!
Seriously, what do you think a review is? One states one's feelings about the thing in question and then one justifies them. As for wasting your time, no one forced you to read it and unless my review stopped you from curing cancer or solving world hunger, I do not sympathize with you.
I assume you're not a journalist then because all your doing is bitching.
Post edited August 22, 2011 by einarabelc5
publius10: I'm not sure you understand advertising campaigns - the whole POINT is to overpromote it: every company ever made promotes their product and lies to the consumers about how good it is - that's the name of the game!
So the DA universe is a ripoff of something else? So what? Listen my friend, there is nothing new under the sun, everything is ALWAYS based on something else - Shakespeare took all his plays from earlier Italian pieces, and yet you don't hear him being criticized for it, because it's done very well. Same with DA:O and the ME series - yeah they took a bunch of earlier stories - but it's their combination of them into something beautiful that make those games worth playing. Do you think Frank Herbert invented Dune all by himself???
I'm sure the same is true for TW.
And an attitude like yours is a reason why this world is going to hell in fruit basket...
If you want to see a change, be a change that you want to see...
Just because that kind of behaviour is acceptable it does not make it right.

einarabelc5: It almost sounds like you want to like the game so much but you can't cope with what you don't like so you're trying to justify it. Thanks for wasting our time.
publius10: That's exactly it private. War's over. We won. Turns out you're the biiiiiiiiiig hero, n we're gonna hold a parade in yer honor. I get to drive the float. And Simmons, IS IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI!
Seriously, what do you think a review is? One states one's feelings about the thing in question and then one justifies them. As for wasting your time, no one forced you to read it and unless my review stopped you from curing cancer or solving world hunger, I do not sympathize with you.
It's not a review, it's a rant and a badly written one...
You might want to read up on just what exactly constitutes as a proper review and please use a reputable source to do your schooling and investigations.
Post edited August 22, 2011 by Ebon-Hawk
Ebon-Hawk: And an attitude like yours is a reason why this world is going to hell in fruit basket...
If you want to see a change, be a change that you want to see...
Just because that kind of behaviour is acceptable it does not make it right.

It's not a review, it's a rant and a badly written one...
You might want to read up on just what exactly constitutes as a proper review and please use a reputable source to do your schooling and investigations.
My attitude has nothing to do with - reality is not a subjective thing, As for change - I'm an Astronomy and Classics major - I couldn't care less about changing this planet, plus I have no problem with people taking inspiration from other people - if someone can take 5 wildly unrelated stories and craft them into a thing of beauty then I commend him for it.

As for my review, unless you can find something objectively wrong with it then it's not a rant, it's my honest opinion, which you are welcome to disagree with provided that you support your arguments, and for something done in half an hour at 2am I think it's very well-written. Idk what the reputable source part is all about..
publius10: My attitude has nothing to do with - reality is not a subjective thing, As for change - I'm an Astronomy and Classics major - I couldn't care less about changing this planet, plus I have no problem with people taking inspiration from other people - if someone can take 5 wildly unrelated stories and craft them into a thing of beauty then I commend him for it.

As for my review, unless you can find something objectively wrong with it then it's not a rant, it's my honest opinion, which you are welcome to disagree with provided that you support your arguments, and for something done in half an hour at 2am I think it's very well-written. Idk what the reputable source part is all about..
Do you feel a need to list your credentials so people take you seriously?
Is that supposed to make readers feel the whole "oh this guy has such and such credentials therefore his review must be factual?"

Like I have said, you should research the meaning of “review”… So that you may know one when you see one…

Apart from that, you mean to tell me that you are permitted to write a subjective review but I am forced to review your subjective “review” (read: rant) objectively? Now I know why you study an astronomy, because you are not from around here…
Last but not least and to quote you, if reality is subjective then by that very recognition your attitude has everything to do with your "review".
Or is this the time to suggest again you research the meaning of word “subjective”?

In a place where knowledge and wisdom are taken seriously… subjective and review are not “buzz” words used to try and demonstrate ones perceived intellectual superiority.
As for how well your rant is written… well I am sure there are people who have mastered the calligraphy of swearing as well. And what has that proven so far?
For all your suggestions, I suggest you learn to read - I expressly said "reality is NOT a subjective thing" - I mean fuck, you even quoted it. And for the "definition of review", well if you're so sure you have the right one, tell me what it is and then we'll see. Also, I wasn't listing my credentials, I was listing my interests - namely things that have no practical application and do not concern the vast majority of people - to show that the state of this world and changing it are not my concern. Again, learn to read. If you're concerned about my swearing then I suggest you watch George Carlin. Oh and read Suetonius while you're at it.
Ebon-Hawk: And an attitude like yours is a reason why this world is going to hell in fruit basket...
If you want to see a change, be a change that you want to see...
Just because that kind of behaviour is acceptable it does not make it right.

It's not a review, it's a rant and a badly written one...
You might want to read up on just what exactly constitutes as a proper review and please use a reputable source to do your schooling and investigations.
publius10: My attitude has nothing to do with - reality is not a subjective thing, As for change - I'm an Astronomy and Classics major - I couldn't care less about changing this planet, plus I have no problem with people taking inspiration from other people - if someone can take 5 wildly unrelated stories and craft them into a thing of beauty then I commend him for it.

As for my review, unless you can find something objectively wrong with it then it's not a rant, it's my honest opinion, which you are welcome to disagree with provided that you support your arguments, and for something done in half an hour at 2am I think it's very well-written. Idk what the reputable source part is all about..
Well you surely are not Brian May and you sound really sad. :(. Honestly it only takes a little of common sense to throw away something you don't like instead of wasting time whining. Unless you want to be acknowledged by it.
Post edited August 24, 2011 by einarabelc5
publius10: For all your suggestions, I suggest you learn to read - I expressly said "reality is NOT a subjective thing" - I mean fuck, you even quoted it. And for the "definition of review", well if you're so sure you have the right one, tell me what it is and then we'll see. Also, I wasn't listing my credentials, I was listing my interests - namely things that have no practical application and do not concern the vast majority of people - to show that the state of this world and changing it are not my concern. Again, learn to read. If you're concerned about my swearing then I suggest you watch George Carlin. Oh and read Suetonius while you're at it.
Again with the swear words and proof of your credentials and suggested reading?
So basically you try to claim intellectual superiority and proceed to devolve a conversation to this?

Then you proceed to discuss subjectivity and objectivity and decide that the only possible meaning derived from your words is the one you have in mind? (You would think people are allowed to have different opinions of your work, that would be objective point of view). And then you go into quoting yourself that you believe reality is NOT subjective (therefore objective)? Oh the irony...

Well, have fun with it, I now have a decent idea of the person behind this so called review and will judge the content and spirit of their writing accordingly...

Let's not waste any more of each others time.
Have a nice stay, hope not to talk to you again…
Post edited August 24, 2011 by Ebon-Hawk