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So, is the problem in console gamers being stupid or in the games they are being served all the time? Think about it. Just how many good RPGs are available on consoles anyway?
Ander167: CDPR is wasting their time with the 360. Console RPGers are a group of people who think Fable 3 and Dragon Age 2 are the greatest RPGs ever. They won't play a game like The Witcher where you have to think about your choices and actually listen to conversations.
Oh please, cut the platform bias would you? Do you honestly think that you're a better person because you play VIDEO GAMES on a different PLATFORM than someone else? It's this PC elitism garbage that most adult gamers avoid.

Mass Effect originally was JUST for Xbox, and eventually found it's way to PC. While ME isn't as grisly as TW, it still deserves respect and is one of the genre defining games of our generation.

Plenty of crap games are made for both consoles and PC. Both platforms have strengths and weaknesses, but please don't be THAT nerd who rambles on in the corner about how the "console kiddies" are this, and anyone who plays on a console must be of an inferior intelligence.

I've followed many posts from most of the users in this thread, and generally I've found the bulk of you to be a very intelligent and delightful posters, who make the time I spend on this forum worthwhile, but please, lets not get carried away.

TW2 is a fantastic game, and it would do well for it to have a greater audience. Don't be the gaming hipster who hates on new comers.

I recently discovered The Witcher three months before TW2's release, played through the first, then the second, three times over, and then proceeded to devour every single piece of lore through the novels that I could get my hands on. And most of my gaming is done on Console.

I would love to have a 2,000 dollar gaming PC rig, and I adore being able to mod and tweak the game files to do things like give Geralt whiter hair, or give Roche awesome scars, but quite frankly, between Capoeira Angola, Poetry, and my photography career and a girlfriend, I don't have the time and cannot justify spending the money and time on maintaining a PC gaming rig, and so I play awesome games when i can, like Mass Effect, Bastion, Limbo, and Dead Space on a console that I spent $300 on 4 years ago and haven't spent a dime since, (other than on actual games)

And I hate DA2, but that's neither here nor there.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by XavierEstrago
Ander167: CDPR is wasting their time with the 360. Console RPGers are a group of people who think Fable 3 and Dragon Age 2 are the greatest RPGs ever.
Yes, that's why the user score for the xbox version of DA2 is a solid 4.4. They love it so much that they're ritualistically sacrificing it!

... Now I feel dirty for linking to metacritic.

Anyway, it's fun to generalize about console gamers because of the lulz of the stereotype, but it's not like buying a system automatically drops your IQ and eliminates your desire for good games. There are stupid people for each platform--for consoles, the stupid ones are those who buy the same trite, formulaic garbage time and time again; for PC gamers, the stupid ones are those who feel elitist because they're using a keyboard and a mouse. Both are stupid in that they arbitrarily set in place a wall of expectations that they feel game companies have to abide by (it must have this UI on the PC, the multiplayer for this console game must be like this). All that line of thinking ever accomplishes is limiting companies' ability to innovate. Really, the only divisions are the ones we artificially create ourselves, so it's important to remember that reality and the line we draw are two completely separate things.
Ander167: CDPR is wasting their time with the 360. Console RPGers are a group of people who think Fable 3 and Dragon Age 2 are the greatest RPGs ever.
227: Yes, that's why the user score for the xbox version of DA2 is a solid 4.4. They love it so much that they're ritualistically sacrificing it!

... Now I feel dirty for linking to metacritic.

Anyway, it's fun to generalize about console gamers because of the lulz of the stereotype, but it's not like buying a system automatically drops your IQ and eliminates your desire for good games. There are stupid people for each platform--for consoles, the stupid ones are those who buy the same trite, formulaic garbage time and time again; for PC gamers, the stupid ones are those who feel elitist because they're using a keyboard and a mouse. Both are stupid in that they arbitrarily set in place a wall of expectations that they feel game companies have to abide by (it must have this UI on the PC, the multiplayer for this console game must be like this). All that line of thinking ever accomplishes is limiting companies' ability to innovate. Really, the only divisions are the ones we artificially create ourselves, so it's important to remember that reality and the line we draw are two completely separate things.
about platform related stupidness: I was at the forums of America's Army for one or two days when it had it's highest peak. Rarely felt more ashamed of others (and myself).
Post edited August 01, 2011 by Hamon
scampywiak: ...for consoles. Seriously, they are going about this console thing all wrong. Get about 10 members of the dev team to make a cheesy patriotic FPS where evil Russians invade the peaceful bliss of an American suburb. They'd sell millions. Console players would be like flies on shit to something like that. Lets face it, they're just expanding to consoles for financial reasons, right?

Then they could focus on their real game: TW2 for PC.

What do you guys think?
Another best seller would be when Russian Heros would try to protect their home in a mining city in the centre of Russia from the selfish Yankees:P.
BTW Good idea.You won't have so many stroyline options, though:P
scampywiak: ...for consoles. Seriously, they are going about this console thing all wrong. Get about 10 members of the dev team to make a cheesy patriotic FPS where evil Russians invade the peaceful bliss of an American suburb. They'd sell millions. Console players would be like flies on shit to something like that. Lets face it, they're just expanding to consoles for financial reasons, right?

Then they could focus on their real game: TW2 for PC.

What do you guys think?
Fuxymaxy: Another best seller would be when Russian Heros would try to protect their home in a mining city in the centre of Russia from the selfish Yankees:P.
BTW Good idea.You won't have so many stroyline options, though:P
Need I bring up a little thing called the Warsaw Pact? Funny, and here I thought Poland was with NATO during the Cold War. :)

We're all happy at a minimum with what TW2 was, I think it would be fair to say that most of us support a company being rewarded for such good work. So why is it that the moment consoles come up it automatically has to be an inferior product?