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high rated
Compared to the steam version, the GOG version is missing:
* The editor
* The moddable exe
* The demo and short demo (the files are present in the .gro files, just not in the menu)
* The Linux and MacOS versions

My question is why. I bought the game on Steam and it's one of my favorite games of all time, I wanted to have a complete, DRM-free version, that's why I bought it again on GOG. This is not a good move from Croteam, and GOG should not allow this to happen so often.
Post edited October 02, 2020 by dosse91
dosse91: Compared to the steam version, the GOG version is missing:
* The editor
* The moddable exe
* The demo and short demo (the files are present in the .gro files, just not in the menu)
* The Linux and MacOS versions

My question is why. I bought the game on Steam and it's one of my favorite games of all time, I wanted to have a complete, DRM-free version, that's why I bought it again on GOG. This is not a good move from Croteam, and GOG should not allow this to happen so often.
More like GOG should not allow this AT ALL.
There is close to no new releases that are NOT missing something here.
Basically a whole lot of GOG releases are crippled, either missing achievements, actual GAME CONTENT, multiplayer or something else.
This is unexcusable. It's literally making lot's of people buy things somewhere else where content isn't cut.

Personally I was willing to consider buying this game here even tho it doesn't have Linux port.
But given it's missing even the editor I am not so positive about obtaining it here anymore.
I see the Demo and Short Demo in the menu
It might be worth asking someone from Croteam about why things are missing/not to parity against the Steam release. Since they don't respond to emails and don't really have a presence on the forums here, their Discord server or their subreddit is the only avenue to get in touch with them in any sort of direct fashion.
The editor and mods support is possibly related with STEAM bindings. It seems that games from last years were born tied to STEAM framework, and port it surely is complex and not profitable. Also, GOG and its client do not offer support for mods, at least for now, so there is not an alternative for developers.

About the Linux versions, there is some game on GOG that do not offer existing previous Linux versions of the game, but has the actual version Linux installer available on GOG, because it has being implemented with it on mind. Another reason, is that some Linux versions of previous games tend to be buggy, because Linux were not mature and unified for gaming until these days, with the appearance of Vulkan and the collaboration of AMD with the drivers.

So, it seems unfair to try to find the culprits of the past situation, and it is better focusing on the present and the future of Linux gaming. GOG is a growing wonderful plague of Linux users, for its freedom philosophy about DRM, and that is our strength as Linux users to change the actual situation and get Linux native versions of AAA games. I think it is just a matter of time and patience.
Post edited October 04, 2020 by Gogeous
Gogeous: GOG is a growing plague of Linux users, for its philosophy, and that is our strength to change the situation.
Would you mind clarifying that?
@Time4Tea: Of course, a pleasure. I rewrite it:

GOG is a growing "WONDERFUL" plague of Linux users "INCLUDED MYSELF", for its "FREEDOM" philosophy "ABOUT DRM", and that is our strength "INCLUDING ME AS LINUX USER" to change the situation "AND GET LINUX NATIVE VERSIONS OF GAMES".

Just look at the Linux version request of Cyberpunk in the Community Wishlist at GOG, and compare the number with the Skyrim request of the Windows version. It reflects that the number of Linux users at GOG is huge. And now, with the implementation of Vulkan, AMD drivers and Wine+DXVK evolution, gaming on Linux is a reality that will attract new users. The developers should be aware of this, and start paying more attention to Linux.

Anyway, I will tweak that sentence on the original post to avoid new misunderstandings. I hope everything is clear now. :)
Ok, but it was the word 'plague' in your original statement that confused me. Sorry, perhaps English is not your first language, but do you know what the word 'plague' means? A plague is a widespread and deadly disease, like a pandemic. It's not generally considered to be a good thing.

So, to say 'a plague of Linux users' sounds like you are trying to say something bad about Linux users.
Gogeous: The editor and mods support is possibly related with STEAM bindings. It seems that games from last years were born tied to STEAM framework, and port it surely is complex and not profitable. Also, GOG and its client do not offer support for mods, at least for now, so there is not an alternative for developers.
There is no technical reason for that, nor does it take more than a few minutes to do it, and I'll explain why.
* The unrestricted exe on steam version doesn't need steam to load mods, it just loads whatever .gro files you have in the Content folder, so all they had to do was remove the workshop page from the menu.
* The editor in the steam version is a similar situation, just a button to upload your content to the steam workshop, can be "fixed" in five seconds with goldberg

To be honest, I think it took them a lot more work to remove the custom DRM they had on the steam version and its triggers in the game. But that's just my opinion.
@Time4Tea: In Spanish, the word has several meanings, most of them negative, but also refers to overpopulation or popularity, not necessarily negative, and more in colloquial language. Also, if I say "that is terribly good", the word terrible is very negative, but said in that context emphasize the positive. Finally, what I want is that we can install any game in Linux natively, and for that we need to be more popular in the PC market.

@dosse91: All that escapes to my knowledge. I just was trying to find possible explanations to the situation from superficial facts. I used "possibly" and "surely" for this reason. My Tux mind can't understand that if it is so easy, they just don't do it. What I know, is that we do not know the real reason, that rarely Steam Linux versions of old games are ported to GOG (Metro, XCOM, TTP...), and the only we can do is to express our interest and disappointment, and support enterprises that are Linux friendly.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by Gogeous
Gogeous: ...
I took the liberty to correct you for the sake of 1.Conversation correctness (factuality) 2.Your tutoring (so you don't spread incorrectness elsewhere).
Please don't take personally what I wrote here. Don't take a grudge against me for it.

# PART 1 / ? #
Gogeous: The editor and mods support is possibly related with STEAM bindings. It seems that games from last years were born tied to STEAM framework, and port it surely is complex and not profitable.
First of all you have to understand one thing.
I assume you don't come from game dev world? (even some garrage never-to-be-public projects count)
Then it's only natural for you to not realise some things.
In game dev you create your project totally devoid of DRM from the very beginning.
Any form of DRM is always an afterthought and any such wrapping is made at the very last distribution stage (so late that there are plenty of cases when devs forgot to wrap the game with DRM and some patch version got released without the DRM cough Doom Eternal cough).
Removing "steam DRM" is thus not only trivial but basically ALREADY DONE for any SANELY developed games (there are some where people didn't have sane approach and thus decided to nuke the old builds and thus don't have them anymore).

As for steamworks, first of all we don't have achievements on Linux on GOG, so that immediatelly throws out of the window big chunk of GOG API integration. We also don't have overlay. Puff. Gone.
What's next?
How about the fact that this game has achievements implemented for GOG Windows build?
You know what that means?
It means that the original devs ALREADY took their sweet time to crawl through that abomination of an API (lack of public documentation [Steam has one] of the API combined with it's uber awkwardness makes it a burden) and already worked with GOG to implement it thus they already have necessary experience to do that AGAIN (ergo for example for port for another system cough Linux cough) should it be necessary / desired.
Gogeous: Also, GOG and its client do not offer support for mods, at least for now, so there is not an alternative for developers.
Please don't confuse mod support with Steam Workshop. Those are two entirely separate matters that don't go on par with each other.
Steam Workshop is merely convenient integrated toolset for mods distribution, support and integration.
It is not necessary to use it for the game to be able to use ANY mods.
Gogeous: About the Linux versions, there is some game on GOG that do not offer existing previous Linux versions of the game, but has the actual version Linux installer available on GOG, because it has being implemented with it on mind.
Care to give any direct examples?
Gogeous: Another reason, is that some Linux versions of previous games tend to be buggy, because Linux were not mature
You are entering some dangerous territory with these claims.
The bugginess of past game ports had NOTHING to do with the level and status of Linux as a whole / various components' of Linux maturity.
Past Linux ports just often lacked enough extensive QA and thus many bugs went unnoticed for long periods of time (often leading to bugs in GOLD MASTER versions [aka RTM] of products).
This really has nothing to do with how developed Linux was at the time.
Gogeous: Linux were not mature
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Linux as a system was pretty darn mature already 15 years ago!
It was totally usable as gaming platform even back then!
What YOU "think" about as "maturity" now is that during those years few things (other than Linux itself) "matured", namely:
- Vulkan showed up
- Linux porting companies started doing more "SANE" QA (thus quality of ports increased
- one certain talented individual started developing DXVK (which even at the early days was already better than WineDX11)
- Wine devs "managed" to pull themselves together and actually started progressing (thus "eventually" some important missing DLL and API functions got implemented which consequently lead to ability to ACTUALLY run some stuff "FINALLY")
- SDL improved
- there showed up Valve funded ACO vulkan-based shader compiler

honestly these have NOTHING to do with LINUX ALONE per se. These are projects TOTALLY independent from Linux ITSELF.
Linux itself didn't really change a whole lot in terms of it's usability as a gaming platform.
It was basically ready long ago, long before there were appropriate tools around.
Gogeous: unified for gaming until these days,
Insert "excuse me, what the F" meme here.
And how EXACTLY did anything change in the last 10 years in that regard?
We have more than few DOZEN Linux flavours that are actively developed AND USED.
How EXACTLY is it "unified" right now?
It did NOT get unified AT ALL!
Let me tell you what ACTUALLY happened:
- game developers started providing info on game dependencies so it's usually no longer necessary to shoot in the dark (believe me, in the past a TON of stuff "didn't work" for a LOT of people because they were missing dependencies without knowing about it)
- most game devs grew common sense and stopped using atrociously old libraries' versions (so no longer there exists problem of obtaining some old-a** outdated libraries' versions)
- things like SDL happened, it grew to be dependable, and game devs with common sense started using it instead of whole barrage of various software crap (so things shifted from "a ton of random software that may or may not work" to one unified, universal [thus easier to debug] library)
- some people made tools for EASY kernel and drivers upgrades on Ubuntu (so more inexperienced people could actually do it themselves)
- Ubuntu PPA repositories started existing (no longer necessary to compile drivers yourself if you want to replace those atrocious outdated " "stable" " packages getting in the way of modern up-to-date gaming, a win for inexperienced users that brought A LOT of them into Linux gaming)
- there showed up official-unofficial Mesa Valve PPA (Kisak) (so more wins for inexperienced users)
- some crazy nuts people (to those people: I mean seriously, if you dare to bring up "n--bs" [to this state of the art NOT-FOR-GREEN-PEOPLE distro] then IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, NOT community's FFS) started bringing "inexperienced people" to Arch Linux (which is close to bleeding edge [it actually isn't THE bleeding edge PER SE] so they can easily gain from current software on it, ergo better gaming experience, FAR better than Ubuntu for example)
- Manjaro project appeared (basically "ready to use", "easy mode install" Arch Linux with some preconfiguration) (MUCH easier deployment of modern up to date system [Arch Linux] for THE inexperienced users)
- Unity engine started providing direct Linux builds support (there is PLENTY of both AAA and indie games on Unity engine) (no longer necessary to outsource ports to some 3rd party dedicated companies, easier Linux game dev, better quality ports)
- some other game engines started to be more Linux friendly
- some other similar stuff happened (I don't feel like writing an essay about history of Linux game dev from last 10 years here)
- oh, and also M$ started being even bigger douchebags than before thus providing a LOT of incentive for some "Windows people" to move on to "something else"

These things have really NOTHING to do with Linux "unification". Nothing unified in Linux. Just tools got better and some people grew common sense (started coding using more universally "working" libraries) and some others managed to promote Linux among n--bs.

stub 2 (text to be edited in)
Post edited October 04, 2020 by B1tF1ghter
# PART 2 / ? #
Gogeous: with the appearance of Vulkan
The appearance that was riddled with thorns and doomsday soothsayers.
I don't know how much you followed Khronos group around the days when Vulkan was publicly announced but people around the globe universally shitted on that piece of software and predicted dark future and sudden fast fall of it.
It was hilarious for me back then (because I was PERFECTLY aware of it's bright future since DAY ONE) and it's even more hilarious for me now given how these people just shut up and pretend now that they said nothing :P

Also Linux gaming 1.Was totally possible 2.Was TOTALLY A THING before Vulkan showed up.
Seriously. It's not like it started "only after Vulkan showed up".
Also appearance of Vulkan wasn't a major turning point yet.
It's the DXVK that shattered the grounds.
Gogeous: and the collaboration of AMD with the drivers.
Masaka... Did you really just implied that "AMD has started working on the drivers 'JUST NOW' after 'VULKAN APPEARED'?
Insert Garfield troll-face here. Seriously. This is hilarious.

1.Mesa is NOT the official AMD driver. It is NOT developed nor maintained by AMD. There is SOME code input in it by AMD. But 90+ % is made by entities other than AMD.
The official driver for AMD GPUs would be AMDGPU PRO ( ) (and variants such as that one driver which I don't remember name of that is specificly made for "pro" usage [different one from "consumer grade" cards]). Apart from this official one and Mesa there is also RadeonSI, Catalyst and a bunch of others.
2.The drivers, be it offical or community (Mesa), for AMD GPUs were actually decent for the past 10 years-ish. It's not like they became good "only now when Vulkan showed up".
3.The RADV Vulkan renderer is NOT official AMD one. It's community work too. The official one is Amdvlk and it has NOTHING to do with ACO.
( there is also another official AMD driver that is somewhat different )
# PART 3 / 3 #
Gogeous: So, it seems unfair to try to find the culprits of the past situation, and it is better focusing on the present and the future of Linux gaming.
And the Talos Principle is "already" past situation or what?
And WHY EXACTLY should we ignore the past part of the problem given GOG did NOT improve ANYTHING nor fix ANYTHING and the problem persists and is still relevant, actually now more than ever, and actually it gets worse as evident with this game (as in: there is not only lack of change for the better, there is now also reduced transparency and no reasoning given, basically GOG closes off and decides to just ignore the problem instead of being a part of conversation).
Gogeous: GOG (...), (...) its freedom philosophy about DRM,
There are already some subtle signs here and there that this part may eventually go out of the window for this company.
So don't ever take it for granted (ERGO: keep offline installers' backups safe and buckle up because future is uncertain in this case).
Also I would like to someday hear what is it with some peoples hypocrisy in regards to Steam. Because most of Linux ports on Steam are either DRM-free except for file obtainment (so not much difference from GOG apart from manual install process when you backup those Steam files) or can be made DRM-free with not much effort (manually modifying executables which IS simpler to do on Linux, goldberg, etc).
Gogeous: Just look at the Linux version request of Cyberpunk in the Community Wishlist at GOG, and compare the number with the Skyrim request of the Windows version.
This isn't exactly the best comparison to make.
Skyrim is an old game that most interested people already have and have played through.
Meanwhile Cyberpunk wasn't released yet so there is still some shade of a chance to motivate devs to make a Linux port.
Plus GOG is primary platform for Cyberpunk release VS an afterthought in case of Skyrim.
Gogeous: we do not know the real reason (...) /WHY/ Steam Linux versions of (...) games are /NOT/ ported to GOG (...) Metro, XCOM
Actually we do know for these 2 games.
It's called "Feral Interactive and it's majestic reluctance for any form of distribution of it's ports without ANY DRM".

@B1tF1ght: I just made a fast reading, but I will read it quietly when I find the proper moment, promised. Instead, I do not agree with some things, in others we talk from different levels or you confused what I mean, and then there are some ideas that I want to analyze for myself. Anyway, I do not thing I will answer to your posts, at least in a detailed way, because I don't think I have something useful to contribute to this conversation as a simple user. Also, it seems that almost any idea I said is wrong for you, and I don't want to waste your time with me, because I am not so important, nor have the power to change nothing. I just tried to expose my point of view of the situation, with a conciliatory attitude, but if it is wrong or it is not useful, no problem, just forget it. I have more important battles in my life than the video games, and only can contribute to the cause in the way I said.

Peace for you.
Gogeous: @B1tF1ght:
(pirate) ARRR... "Next time" don't butcher my nickname /s
(yeah, no, chill that's fine, tho it is a bit like engrish to read it :P)

Gogeous: I just made a fast reading, but I will read it quietly when I find the proper moment, promised. Instead, I do not agree with some things, in others we talk from different levels or you confused what I mean, and then there are some ideas that I want to analyze for myself. Anyway, I do not thing I will answer to your posts, at least in a detailed way, because I don't think I have something useful to contribute to this conversation as a simple user.
Feel free to engage into constructive conversation anytime. I'm all ears (tho I am not online very often, so don't get suprised when I one-day-half-a-year-later*TM go all "so anyway [insert relation to some old quote here]").
Please just don't spam quotes (you haven't used any so far so I guess the risk is small :P) and it's not like you have to reply to EVERYTHING I said (please let's not take other this thread for ourselves).

Gogeous: Also, it seems that almost any idea I said is wrong for you
Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't attack you personally and have no will to ever do so.
I merely wanted to correct you for 2 afformentioned reasons. For your own good and correctness of the conversation (others good).

Gogeous: and I don't want to waste your time with me, because I am not so important, nor have the power to change nothing. I just tried to expose my point of view of the situation, with a conciliatory attitude, but if it is wrong or it is not useful, no problem, just forget it. I have more important battles in my life than the video games, and only can contribute to the cause in the way I said.

Peace for you.
WRONG. You CAN change the world. Have faith & will.
Seriously. WHY is that most people in this civilisation just turn their heads, shake their arms and go all "there is nothing we can do" when problems arise or the people get CORRECTED (also MOST people take that as personal offense instead of ENLIGHTMENT) :/
Don't give up. You can do it.

Have a good... errr... whatever part of a day wherether you may be ;)