Lebostein: If I start BOUT2 I see a launcher with the message, that the game is not up to date. What is going on?
It's a nasty DRM. Yes! GOG.com sells a game with DRM (of some kind). It connects with developer/producer(?) and downloads "latest" patches.
This updater is a hilarious joke. It runs as a service not a program. I've got SSD as system (C) drive and HDD for users' profiles and archive (D). And BACKUP! Installing BouT2 disabled my backup (witch is essential; two weeks ago it "saved my life"). MS Windows will not use any drive where are program that runs services. Some games I've installed on D because they don't need faster SSD (like e.g. The Witcher games).
Devs! It's wrong to run updater via system services. GOG.com! It's wrong to sell games with any kind of DRM when you're claiming all games here are DRM-Free. Don't do this again. Never ever.