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Edit: This is about Tesla Effect. Sorry for not mentioning it in the topic subject)

I went to the Golden Gate Hotel to speak with the Count and he mentions a Fabergé Egg - after that, Smart Alex makes a remark on how it was known Tex was involved with the Egg, mentioning something about Margaret's video, in which she spoke about it.

I was thinking: "but what video?" I had watched none. Then I thought maybe it was her vidphone in her apartment at the Ritz - which I never found a way to watch. Somehow, the game thought I did and just proceeded with the story.

This isn't the first time such a plot hole happened - a little while before, Alex mentioned something about how they already know that Tex had been injected with a Trance-something. I once again felt the game had skipped some part of the storyfor whatever reason.

Are these ocurrences normal?
Post edited May 10, 2014 by ebstarmen

The game was built with each chapter being self-contained. They assume you heard/remember every little thing from the previous areas. It's kind of annoying. I assume it was done to simplify development.
StingingVelvet: Yeah.

The game was built with each chapter being self-contained. They assume you heard/remember every little thing from the previous areas. It's kind of annoying. I assume it was done to simplify development.
I actually found that there seems to be quite a lot of material that did not make it into the game (the files exist the game just never calls them up)

entire conversations, topics, even locations...
Post edited May 10, 2014 by SpikedSoul
Answer: INDIE game with 3 endings! and some rubble in between.
Gasivodo: Answer: INDIE game with 3 endings! and some rubble in between.
are you just trolling?

uninformed opinions are never welcome... or at least should not be...
Gasivodo: Answer: INDIE game with 3 endings! and some rubble in between.
SpikedSoul: are you just trolling?

uninformed opinions are never welcome... or at least should not be...
Well, as a humble kickstarter, let me rephrase:

I LOVE T.E. BUT it's no Pandora... Yet;-D

..point taken though, will stay quiet until I finish my first time through ..

Erhm, no... Still a bit to "fish" about. The "Sound" on 'my street' And where's my LINKS game;-D

But will survive and, at this point, ready for the sequel!? (another unused book, yes?)
Post edited May 10, 2014 by Gasivodo
SpikedSoul: are you just trolling?

uninformed opinions are never welcome... or at least should not be...
Gasivodo: Well, as a humble kickstarter, let me rephrase:

I LOVE T.E. BUT it's no Pandora... Yet;-D

..point taken though, will stay quiet until I finish my first time through ..

Erhm, no... Still a bit to "fish" about. The "Sound" on 'my street' And where's my LINKS game;-D

But, will survive and already buy the sequel!?
"it's no Pandora"... hm, seems to be a popular opinion, actually.
I do agree on that point, at least... Pandora was in a class all its own... :D
have fun
P.S. I did join the Kickstarter "army" as well ;D
Gasivodo: Well, as a humble kickstarter, let me rephrase:

I LOVE T.E. BUT it's no Pandora... Yet;-D

..point taken though, will stay quiet until I finish my first time through ..

Erhm, no... Still a bit to "fish" about. The "Sound" on 'my street' And where's my LINKS game;-D

But, will survive and already buy the sequel!?
SpikedSoul: "it's no Pandora"... hm, seems to be a popular opinion, actually.
I do agree on that point, at least... Pandora was in a class all its own... :D
have fun
P.S. I did join the Kickstarter "army" as well ;D
Dear me.. You germans, and your Adventure games;-D

Tut mir leid, aber: ich bin doch nur ein Däne:-D Eller hedder det: eine?

Med venlig hilsen en TEX-fan fra Danmark
Post edited May 10, 2014 by Gasivodo
Well, I'm certainly okay with it - just felt like I wasn't really in control of the story, unlike - ta-da - Pandora xD

But not complaining at all - there's a party in my nostalgia tonight due to Tex's return and nothing can make it bad. I have the choppy sound problem some people are reporting too, but damn, I'm not complaining one bit - Tesla Effect is welcomed with open arms and an affectionate hug!
The beauty of Pandora is that no matter what path you chose (well, except the really evil ones), you felt like you got a full story (you aren't even aware you may have missed something on a different path), it flows EXTREMELY well.

After finishing T.E. I realized there is a lot I still don't know, but that should have been OK because the path I was on was leading me to a specific destination.
The issue was that I also encountered some story continuity issues, which I HOPE is not because I missed a vital clue somewhere but because I played a certain path (I will know for sure in the upcoming few days when I replay).

I love T.E., I think it's better than UAKM and WAY better than Overseer (which was good, but lacking after Pandora). However, to become above or on-par with Pandora it needs to fix some of the continuity issues in the videos so that I don't get the feeling I missed a vital clue while I'm playing. I'm not sure this is do-able (a proper video must first exist, Mat needs to do his magic and then it needs to get patched in) and I'm not sure if there is a budget for this.

Also, some way to 'force' players to watch certain videos should be enforced (so that you don't talk to others about stuff you haven't seen) - an example would be not triggering a certain end location video (even if you have all inventory items) unless a certain action is performed (yeah, I'm thinking of the swamp house).