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Topic title says it all, just a simple question: How can I run the game in VR with my Rift? All has been updated to the latest versions, drivers, etc. But the game only shows up on the desktop? Also mouse controls don't seem to work ingame at all. I'm confused. -vrmode in shortcut does not seem to work, either.

Windows 10 x64 1909 - all updates
Oculus Rift, Steam, SteamVR - all updated
Geforce GTX 1060 6GB VRAM

Please help if you have any ideas!

Post edited March 23, 2020 by SunSpire
Wow, 5 months later and still no activity here at all? That's a bit surprising.

Anyway, in case anyone else is wondering how to run this game in VR without installing the Galaxy 2.0 client, here is the solution:

Create a shortcut of the "SublevelZero.exe" executable file in the game's folder, right click on it and select Properties. In the application path line add "-HmdEnabled 1" without the quotes, done. The game now runs in your VR headset.

You're welcome! ;)
SunSpire: Wow, 5 months later and still no activity here at all? That's a bit surprising.

Anyway, in case anyone else is wondering how to run this game in VR without installing the Galaxy 2.0 client, here is the solution:

Create a shortcut of the "SublevelZero.exe" executable file in the game's folder, right click on it and select Properties. In the application path line add "-HmdEnabled 1" without the quotes, done. The game now runs in your VR headset.

You're welcome! ;)
T'as pas une vidéo en tuto
Il n'a pas non plus besoin d'une vidéo de tutoriel Tu vas dans le répertoire où le jeu est installé, tu cliques avec le bouton droit de la souris sur le fichier sublevelzero.exe et tu crées un raccourci pour le bureau Windows.

Dans "application path line" ou "ziel" (je ne sais pas comment ça s'appelle en français), ajoute "-HmdEnabled 1" sans les "".

Boum, c'est fini.

(Traduit avec deepl de l'allemand vers le français)


Er braucht auch kein Tutorial-Video Du gehst in das Verzeichnis, in dem das Spiel installiert ist, klickst mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Datei sublevelzero.exe und erstellst eine Verknüpfung für den Windows-Desktop.

In "application path line" oder "ziel" (Keine Ahnung wie das auf Französisch heißt) add "-HmdEnabled 1" ohne die ""

Bumms, fertig.

(Übersetzt mit deepl von deutsch nach französisch)