It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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high rated
This threat will be used to post update logs with what we are pushing up, the fixes in general have been minor.

[UPDATE LINUX TO 2.0a version]
-Now the plugin doesn't require glibc 2.29 (which is not present on Debian distribution) There was a dependency but it has been removed.
high rated
[WINDOWS/LINUX Updated to v2.1]
-Fixed a potential issue with Shard selection in the Portal puzzle UI.
-Fixed a soft-lock regarding alt-tabbing after resolving Portal puzzle.
high rated
[WINDOWS Update to 2.1a]
-Fixed achievements.
high rated

-Fixed an issue with [spoiler]Superego having an incredibly generic reaction when the orb was used on him.[/spoiler]
-Fixed an issue with [spoiler]the torch on Crab.[/spoiler]
-Fixed a typo on Cicada's dialog.
-Fixed an issue with the mirrors glistening.
high rated
[WINDOWS/LINUX Updated to v2.3]

-Fixed a minor bug with Save detection.
-Prepared things for Translations.
high rated

-Did a minor patch causing a big issue returning a seg fault (very rare, but still)
high rated

Following up on our native Linux release of Strangeland, we are very pleased to release a native MacOS build. While we have worked hard to ensure a bug-free release, the reality is that we are a Windows developer primarily, so it's possible that early players may encounter some issue. If so, please let us know (either with a comment here or a message board post), and we will work quickly to address whatever problem you're having. Hopefully there will be no snags, and even more hopefully, Mac players will enjoy our game!
Post edited August 30, 2021 by WormwoodStudiosBP
high rated
[LINUX Updated to 2.3c]

Minor issue with the libraries packed together, they could cause a SEG FAULT.
high rated

-Fixed a bug reported by Jvie here:
Update v2.5a

Added Turkish and German translations to the game!

We are honored and delighted to release a new build of Strangeland with full German and Turkish text throughout. This represents a monumental achievement by volunteers who have both the skill of translation and the broad knowledge needed to capture the game's many references and allusions. We are immensely grateful to Yerel Çeviri for the Turkish translation and Jonas for the German translation.

I would also like to include a short acknowledgment of what these translations mean to me personally, as well as to James Spanos, our coder.

Strangeland owes a great debt to German culture, not only in its direct references to Wagner's Ring Cycle and German-Norse mythology generally but also from the spiritual and intellectual impact on me from various works of literature written in German: Schiller's Don Carlos, Mann's The Magic Mountain, and Kafka's entire corpus. The themes of humanism and alienation that run through these works helped shape the philosophical backbone of both Strangeland and Primordia. In my growing up, the wounds of World War II were still raw enough in my parents' and grandparents' lives that German works were something of a taboo in my family, and I am grateful to have seen those wounds heal enough that my children and I enjoy the free flow of culture back and forth with Germany.

As for Turkish, I can only say that few countries have taken hold of my soul as Turkey did during the short stay there I had with my wife, many years ago. Strangeland is a palimpsest of meaning on top of meaning, and nowhere has that ever seemed so physically embodied to me as Istanbul: a city rich with life and deep with many cultures. We were welcomed into Turkey with universal hospitality, in every town and city we visited. I close my eyes, and I'm transported back to that magical time. And, of course, no country welcomed our first game, Primordia, with quite such hospitality either: I don't know how or why, but the game received two glowing reviews in print magazines and many more online. The Turkish translation also means much to James, the Greek member of our trio. After Primordia was released, James had to serve his mandatory term in the Greek army. But James -- like Primordia's Horatio -- is a warrior for peace and friendship, and making this translation succeed was a must for him.

I go on about this because we are obviously in a moment of crisis in the world. Even though our games have a lot to say, we have never tried to make them about "the moment." That is because in every moment, each of us must struggle to put love before hate, wisdom before folly, and grace before bitterness. In the end, we are small, fragile beings in an ever smaller, ever more fragile world. That world is surrounded by immense darkness and lifelessness, and the work of living is to see the light in each other, so that we do not turn this beautiful miracle of humanity and earth back into void and chaos.

These two translations are a gift to us at Wormwood Studios from generous, volunteer translators. We hope that they are also a gift to many players, so that our little game may provide a little light to others. You have provided much light for us.


Es ist uns eine große Ehre und Freude, eine neue Version von
Strangeland mit vollständigem deutschen und türkischen Text zu
veröffentlichen. Die Freiwilligen haben hier eine monumentale Leistung
vollbracht, um nicht nur die passenden Worte für jede einzelne
Formulierung zu finden, sondern auch um die vielen Referenzen und
Anspielungen des Spiels zu erfassen und in die Übersetzung einfließen zu
lassen. Wir sind Yerel Çeviri für die türkische Übersetzung und Jonas
für die deutsche Übersetzung sehr dankbar.

Ich möchte auch kurz würdigen, was diese Übersetzungen für mich
persönlich und für unseren Programmierer James Spanos bedeuten.

Strangeland verdankt der deutschen Kultur viel, nicht nur bei den
direkten Bezügen zu Wagners Ring-Zyklus und der
deutsch-norwegischen Mythologie im Allgemeinen, sondern auch durch die
geistige und intellektuelle Wirkung, die verschiedene Werke der
deutschsprachigen Literatur auf mich hatten: Schillers [i]Don
Carlos[/i], Manns Der Zauberberg und Kafkas gesamter Korpus. Die
Themen Humanismus und Entfremdung, die sich durch diese Werke ziehen,
haben das philosophische Rückgrat von Strangeland und
Primordia geprägt. Als ich aufwuchs, waren die Wunden des Zweiten
Weltkriegs im Leben meiner Eltern und Großeltern noch so frisch, dass
deutsche Werke in meiner Familie so etwas wie ein Tabu waren, und ich
bin dankbar, dass diese Wunden so weit verheilt sind, dass meine Kinder
und ich den freien Kulturaustausch mit Deutschland genießen.

Was das Türkische betrifft, so kann ich nur sagen, dass nur wenige
Länder meine Seele so in Beschlag genommen haben wie die Türkei während
des kurzen Aufenthalts, den ich dort vor vielen Jahren mit meiner Frau
hatte. Strangeland ist ein Palimpsest von Bedeutungen über
Bedeutungen, und nirgendwo schien mir das jemals so verkörpert zu sein
wie in Istanbul: eine Stadt, die reich an Leben ist und viele Kulturen
in sich vereint. In jeder Stadt in der Türkei wurden wir mit
überbordender Gastfreundschaft empfangen. Wenn ich meine Augen
schließe, fühle ich mich in diese magische Zeit zurückversetzt. Und
natürlich wurde auch unser erstes Spiel, Primordia, in keinem
anderen Land mit solcher Gastfreundschaft aufgenommen: Ich weiß nicht,
wie oder warum, aber das Spiel erhielt hier zwei überschwänkliche
Kritiken in Printmagazinen und viele weitere online. Die türkische
Übersetzung bedeutet auch James viel, dem griechischen Mitglied unseres
Trios. Nachdem Primordia veröffentlicht wurde, musste James
seinen obligatorischen Dienst in der griechischen Armee ableisten. Aber
James ist - wie Primordias Horatio - ein Kämpfer für Frieden und
Freundschaft, und der Erfolg dieser Übersetzung war für ihn ein Muss.

Ich erwähne das, weil wir uns augenscheinlich gerade in einer weltweiten
Krise befinden. Auch wenn unsere Spiele viel zu erzählen haben, haben
wir nie versucht, damit über tagesaktuelle Aussagen zu treffen. Das
liegt daran, dass jeder von uns zu jeder Zeit - und nicht nur jetzt -
darum ringen muss, Liebe vor Hass, Weisheit vor Torheit und Gnade vor
Bitterkeit zu stellen. Letztlich sind wir kleine, zerbrechliche Wesen in
einer immer kleineren, immer zerbrechlicheren Welt. Diese Welt ist von
unermesslicher Dunkelheit und Leblosigkeit umgeben, und die Aufgabe des
Lebens besteht darin, das Licht im anderen zu sehen, damit wir das
Wunder der Menschheit und der Erde nicht wieder in Leere und Chaos

Diese beiden Übersetzungen sind ein Geschenk an uns in den Wormwood
Studios von großzügigen, freiwilligen Übersetzern. Wir hoffen, dass sie
auch ein Geschenk für viele Spieler sind, damit unser kleines Spiel
anderen ein wenig Licht spendet. Ihr habt uns viel Licht gegeben.
Post edited March 14, 2022 by WormwoodStudiosBP

Tamamı Türkçe ve Almanca olan yeni bir Strangeland sürümünü yayınlamaktan onur ve mutluluk duyuyoruz. Bu hem çeviri becerisine sahip hem de oyun içindeki birçok referans ve imaları yakalamak için gerekli beceriye sahip gönüllülerin muhteşem başarısının göstergesidir. Türkçe çeviri için Yerel Çeviri’ye, Almanca için Jonas’a sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunuyoruz.

Bu çevirilerin şahsen benim için ve yazılımcımız James Spanos için ne anlama geldiğine dair kısa bir teşekkür de eklemek isterim.

Strangeland, yalnızca Richard Wagner’in Nibelung Yüzüğü’ne ve genel olarak Alman-İskandinav mitolojisine yaptığı doğrudan göndermelerle değil, aynı zamanda benim üzerimdeki ruhsal ve entelektüel etkiden de Alman Kültürüne büyük bir borç içerisindedir, Almanca yazılmış çeşitli edebiyat eserlerinden: Friedrich Schiller’in Bir Trajedi’si, Thomas Mann’ın Büyülü Dağ’ı ve Kafka’nın bütün külliyatı. Bu çalışmalarda geçen hümanizm ve yabancılaşma temaları, hem Strangeland hem de Primordia’nın felsefi iskeletinin şekillenmesini sağladı. Büyüdüğümde, İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın yaraları ailemde, nine ve dedelerimin hayatlarında hala tazeydi, Alman Eserlerinin ailemde bir tabu olmasından, bu İkinci Dünya Savaşı yaralarının yeterince iyileştiğini görmekten mutluluk duyuyorum ve çocuklarımla beraber Almanya Kültürünün akşının keyfini çıkarıyorum.

Türkçe için ise, çok az ülkenin uzun yıllar önce eşimle kısa bir süre ziyaret ettiğim Türkiye gibi ruhumu kavradığını söyleyebilirim. Strangeland anlam üzerine anlam yüklediğim bir parşömen gibi, ve hiç bir yer bana İstanbul gibi hayatıyla zengin ve kültürleriyle derin olan bir yer kadar fiziksel olarak somutlaşmış gelmedi. Strangeland,anlamın üzerine anlam verilmiş bir palimpsest gibi, ve hiçbir yer bunu bana fiziksel olarak yaşam açısından zengin ve birçok kültürle dolu bir şehir olan İstanbul kadar somutlaştırmamıştı. Biz Türkiye’de, gittiğimiz her şehirde, her kasabada, mutlak bir misafirperverlik ile karşılandık. Gözlerimi kapatıyorum ve o sihirli anlara geri gidiyorum. Ve, tabii ki, ilk oyunumuz Primordia’yı başka hiç bir ülke böyle sıcak karşılamadı: Neden veya nasıl bilmiyorum, ama, oyunumuz iki basılı dergide parlak eleştiriler aldı, ve tabii ki birçok çevrimiçi ortamda da. Türkçe çeviri James, üçlümüzün içindeki Yunanlı birey, için çok önemli. Primordia yayımlandıktan sonra, James Yunanistanda zorunlu askerliğine gitmek zorunda kaldı. Ama James -- Primordia’nın Horatio’su gibi -- dostluk ve barışın bir savaşçısıdır ve bu çevirinin başarılı olması onun için bir zorunluluktur.

Bunu devam ettiriyorum çünkü açıkçası dünyada bir kriz anına tanıklık ediyoruz. Oyunlarımızın söyleyecek çok şeyi olsa da onları "şimdi" hakkında yapmaya hiç çalışmadık. Çünkü her an, her birimiz, nefretin önüne sevgiyi, umutsuzluktan önce umut, çılgınlığın önüne bilgeliği ve kırgınlığın önüne zarafeti koymak için mücadele etmeliyiz. Sonuç olarak biz, hiç olmadığı kadar kırılgan bir dünyada, aynı ölçüde kırılgan ve küçük varlıklarız. Böylesi bir dünya muazzam karanlık ve cansızlıkla çevrilidir ve yaşamın görevi, birbirimizdeki ışığı görmektir, böylece insanlığın ve dünyanın bu güzel mucizesini tekrar boşluğa ve kaosa dönüştürmemiş oluruz.

Bu iki çeviri, Wormwood Stüdyoları'nda cömert gönüllü çevirmenlerinin bize bir hediyesi. Ayrıca onların birçok oyuncuya bir hediye olduklarını umuyoruz, böylece küçük oyunumuz başkalarına biraz da olsun ışık sağlayabilir. Bize fazlasıyla ışık saçtınız.
Update: [2.5d,2.6d,2.5d]
-Various fixes on the Turkish translation.
Post edited April 16, 2022 by WormwoodStudiosBP
Update 2.7 [WIN/OSX/LINUX]

-Fixed some issues on the German and Turkish translations.
-Fixed a general issue regarding changing translations.
WormwoodStudiosBP: [snipped for brevity]
I'd just like to thank you again for the updates, for your games, for the heartfelt sharing you keep doing in here, even if the GOG forums aren't what they used to be when Primordia got here. I do miss the healthy discussions we had about it, the thought-provoking nature of the threads. It's a bit of a shame that Strangeland didn't quite inspire that, though I definitely wouldn't fault it on the game, per se, but the nature of the forums (and sub forums) on GOG, these days.

Also, I know this is probably not the time or the place, but I'd like to see you guys "free" from the reins of Wadjet Eye. There are probably a bunch of NDAs in place, I get that, and I'm not asking for a specific reply to this one issue, but I was always under the impression they kind of screwed Wormwood with Primordia, like they tend to do with "their" other games. Sure, it's really nice to get such an acclaimed "indie" publisher to do the job for small studios, but it's kind of sad when they take all the credit for making all the games they publish, when all they do is... publish. I've seen this happen with Shardlight, Technobabylon, Gemini Rue. Never addressed as that Grundislav game, that Technocrat game, that Joshua Nuernberger game -- always just Wadjet Eye. Also, it's great that Dave gives studio access to his troupe of voice actor buddies, but it's getting kind of tiring for me to have to listen to Abe Goldfarb in every single title they publish. As much as I like Mr. Goldfarb -- which I do --, it's getting a bit tiresome.
Post edited September 08, 2022 by groze
I appreciate the kind words and interest towards our games, frankly, and these are my thoughts, these might not coincide with Victor's or Mark's, but here's what I personally think, I think the games would be less successful if they were not under WEG. For better or for worse hard to say, but if you want to publish an adventure game, imho, it's the place to be, to each of course their own, I won't disagree with you.

I am happy to have people play our games, that's what matters the more to me, whether they attribute anything to anyone else or misattribute things, to me that's irrelevant, I know who made what in each of our two games. I'm grateful for making Primordia with Mark, Vic and whomever else put any effort into finishing part of the game, be it VA, be it testing be it anything, a game in my eyes is consisted of equal parts of a greater whole, and each is important, and it will never be easy to credit all of them. In the same way, Life is Strange wasn't made by square enix, but the logo appears first, and thus everyone miscredits them as being the devs.

TLDR: I'm grateful Primordia is still played, whether anyone knows I coded it or not.
Also thank you for the incredible love you've given us, and do find @WWSGames on twitter or @Dualnames or @mordredscastleton, and feel free to bug us about Primordia, i can talk about it for hours!
Post edited September 09, 2022 by WormwoodStudiosBP