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Thank you, thank you to all the fans coming out for our weird, trippy platformer. It means the world to the whole team to get this much love and attention day one!

Speaking of day one, Spinch has not been immune to day one issues! We’re seeing a few problems that are known issues actively being addressed:
-Achievements aren’t triggering correctly. Some work, some don’t.
-The game gets grainy and pixelated with unusual resolutions.
-The game doesn’t track every Spinch baby on world 3-4
-The spikes on 5-3 aren’t properly damaging players
-Certain high end machines are causing Spinch to suffer lag and framerate issues.

For that last one, we’ve found a workaround! If you’re experiencing lag or framerate issues causing your game to slow down significantly, set the refresh rate of your monitor to 59hz.

If you’ve come across any of the above issues (or anything that we haven’t seen reported yet) please don’t hesitate to get in touch! You can always feel free to email issues to me directly here: buddy [at]

Until then, have fun dashing, jumping, and transcending the material realm. That’s what Spinch was made for!
Just curious - is a Linux port planned in near future or are there obstacles to create one?
Thanks in advance for your information - and welcome on GOG.
loving it so far... thanks for making it mate
akuparagames: Thank you, thank you to all the fans coming out for our weird, trippy platformer. It means the world to the whole team to get this much love and attention day one!

Speaking of day one, Spinch has not been immune to day one issues! We’re seeing a few problems that are known issues actively being addressed:
-Achievements aren’t triggering correctly. Some work, some don’t.
-The game gets grainy and pixelated with unusual resolutions.
-The game doesn’t track every Spinch baby on world 3-4
-The spikes on 5-3 aren’t properly damaging players
-Certain high end machines are causing Spinch to suffer lag and framerate issues.

For that last one, we’ve found a workaround! If you’re experiencing lag or framerate issues causing your game to slow down significantly, set the refresh rate of your monitor to 59hz.

If you’ve come across any of the above issues (or anything that we haven’t seen reported yet) please don’t hesitate to get in touch! You can always feel free to email issues to me directly here: buddy [at]

Until then, have fun dashing, jumping, and transcending the material realm. That’s what Spinch was made for!
Will the soundtrack be made available here on GOG?
The artwork is beautiful and original.
I rarely buy games day 1, but this looks so beautiful and immediately intrigued me. Had quick glance of the few reviews out there, and it sounds right my street. I will defo purchase.

Thank you for bringing it to gog!
You guys are most welcome! Super happy to hear that you're all having a good time with the game! Just to answer a few quick questions:

>Just curious - is a Linux port planned in near future or are there obstacles to create one?

Right now the game is just Windows and MAC (and Switch, but that's not PC,) but we've brought games to Linux before when there was a desire, so I'll mark it down.

>Will the soundtrack be made available here on GOG?

Absolutely. Should be going up in the next couple of days!

Thanks again everyone! Really appreciate your comments!