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I've bought/downloaded SEiV from Gog recently, and began playing - AGAIN.

I had bought it (I think 'off-the-shelf') from some store in the local mall. I then found 'Steam', who I've grown to despise, where I purchased SEV, which I thought was an improvement to SEiV, and it's probably true (but I'm stubborn, hehe).

I remember designing ships in the SEV style, and I've SEEN online pics of the same grafix in SEiV posts, from a lot of random searches, but I can't remember/find-out how to get those grafix going for me.

The question I HAVE for any1 who wants to help is, lol, WHAT file do I need to MOD to change the 'Starting Facilities' for all of the players in a New Game?

I LOVE playing with No Tech at the start, but this time I wanted to try the 'All Tech' option, and I'm stuck with my Home Planets with GARBAGE Facilities... I know I could do it in SEV, but I would like some guidance in where to find that file in SEiV...

THANK you, I still love the franchise, and I keep playing it.... Be Happy ;o)

Maybe I could offer you the best place when all the gurus are living...
Thank you, great site! I found my answers. Be good ;o)