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The patch to version G1.02 is now live! The patch will display the version number G1.02 in GOG Galaxy. Included in this patch are the following updates and changes:

Stability improvements

- A fix has been added to address a crash which could occur when pressing certain buttons simultaneously.
- A crash which could occur when using certain EX attacks in rapid succession has been fixed.
- A crash which could occur on stage 4-5 has been fixed.

Visual fixes and improvements
- Sprites which could occasionally render incorrectly have been fixed to render correctly.
- Grabbing an enemy in the air will now flip their sprite!

Game balance changes

- The parry window has been increased by 1 frame.
- The number of invulnerable frames while dodging has been increased by 1 frame.
- The hitbox of the Superheavy’s charging grab has been reduced in size; players will now be able to jump over it more consistently
- The total health of the final boss of stage 6-4 has been reduced by 15%.

Quality of life Improvements

- Menus can now be exited with the ‘Cancel’ button.
- The Tutorial can now be accessed from the game’s Options menu, as well as from the pause menu in Training mode.
- The Customization menu now displays a preview of the Palette or Shader you’re buying before you buy.
- Empty grenade slots are now skipped over when changing ordnance during gameplay.

Other fixes

- The ‘Taunt’ button can now be rebound from the Keyboard controls menu.
- Fixed an issue where Directional attacks would not work when rebinding the movement keys.
- Fixed the ‘Max Framerate’ setting in Video Options not saving between sessions.
- Fixes were made to issues which could cause loss of unlocked upgrades or other save data.
- A new menu option was added allowing the player to rebind a single gamepad input from the Controller Binds menu. The option to rebind all controls at once is still present.
- Fixed issue where Chronicle entries would not scroll properly.
- Issues with the Dark Historian achievement have been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where the achievement Getting Into Knives wouldn’t trigger. For players missing the achievement who have already purchased all ordnance upgrades, making any shop purchase will unlock the achievement.

Known issues in this build with fixes on the way are as follows:

- Some unintended visuals may appear when using certain Shaders unlocked in the Customization menu. The PVM-Scanlines shader can cause an image to get stuck on screen in stage 4-1.
- Some enemies on certain stages may render their sprites incorrectly for one or two frames when first encountered.
- A very rare performance issue has been observed on some PC hardware which can cause low framerates while the game is paused or idle. On the rare affected systems we have found, this is usually observed after 35 to 75 seconds of idle time in certain gameplay situations.

We would also note that, at this time, the game may not always behave as intended when ‘Geometry Detail’ and/or ‘Light Quality’ are set to ‘Low’ in the Options > Video menu. These settings are in development to offer options for improved performance on lower-spec hardware, and they are included as “beta features” in the game for those who wish to use them to boost their FPS. These settings will receive updates and improvements to their functionality over time as we continue to support the game, and we welcome any feedback on your experience (or issues encountered) while using them.

We have also noted that, on some system configurations with NVIDIA graphics, it may help to force v-sync on from the NVIDIA Control Panel to improve performance.
Post edited March 13, 2024 by alxltz
I got only this to say.
Post edited March 13, 2024 by Maciejka01
I didn't think this game would be getting updates/fixes, so I'm elated to see this. Keep it up!