levictus: I've tried loading it without the second monitor, but I still get the same bug (windowed with a portion of the output cut off). My guess is the bug is due to using multuple monitors and the Optimus GPU setup. I can still play the game on my monitor, but its unplayable on the laptop screen. Guess I just need to get a proper desktop. :)
SC3K is a great game. A unique combination of strategy-type complexity and ease of use (relative to SC4). The game is almost 20 years old!
Hey I was messing around today with the hexdata in the SCU3 executable trying to understand better how it works in order to try to make more mods and I ran into the same issue of the game running in windowed mode that you are having. To fix it I had to unistall the game and install it again and then I patched it with a
script I made in python sometime ago to play it in HD. Afterwards it went back to fullscreen normally.
Strangely enough if i try to play with the vanilla executable I cant play it anymore in fullscreen just like you. I can only play in fullscreen using the one i patched to play in HD. Dont know what happened.