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I had never heard of this game before I bought it here on, but I certainly wasn't disappointed when I played this game. It's a pretty straightforward shooter, but with some interesting features. First, you play as either a soldier on foot or piloting a giant mech. The game mechanics don't change much between the two but the weapons and enemies are different enough to make each little different from the other. The graphics are pretty old school (it really reminds me of an N64 game) but the wonderful folks at seem to have added some hi-res support, the game even runs in widescreen!
I have to say the main thing that keeps me playing this game is the story and presentation. It has a very anime feel to it, which is rare among shooters. And the game is hilarious. You'll look forward to hearing the smart comments your character will make. I literally stopped in the middle of a firefight when I read an in-game billboard that said "Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome?". The characters and dialog (as well as in-game advertising) will keep you entertained throughout the game even if the old-school shooting mechanics don't.
This game isn't perfect, but most flaws you can just blame on it's age. First, the game isn't pretty, and second, the AI in the game is pretty poor. The enemies don't do anything besides shoot straight at you and your teammates are rarely any help. In one level, my teammates stopped at a point (they weren't even stuck behind an obstacle) and didn't catch up until I got to the next loading screen. Also, the weapon selection is slightly bland. The level design is very good, but when you combine dumb enemies with dull weapons the combat can get a little on the boring side.
That said, the game's old school special effects and gore make killing very satisfying, especially when you shoot foot soldiers in your giant mech and the explode in a fountain of blood. All in all I would recommend this game to any fan of shooters or anime, or especially someone who's into both. The game is a solid, fun shooter with a ton of anime flair and a hilarious story and atmosphere. A great way to spend six bucks