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I'dont have any achievements for now, waiting for a fix?
Working for me. Where in the Game are you? The first one you should get after buying 10 items, like ten
apples, garlic or whatever you like.
Achievements work, but they are all hidden on Gog.
Post edited November 24, 2020 by megatherion888
Just a heads-up, elsewhere the DLC achievements are apparently not working. Anyone playing on GOG who has reached Niaowu might want to check if they are working on GOG.
megatherion888: Achievements work, but they are all hidden on Gog.
Yes, working finally but hidden like you said. My problem is i'have 100% of achievements and not all of it is unlocked.

I'have the same thing on the game "Devil's Hunt".

I hope I don't have the same concerns with the new gog games I buy.
Shenmue III has been updated.

Version: 1.06.01, Date Published: 14/1/2021

Patch Notes (14 January 2020)

An issue with achievements not unlocking in the following three DLCs has been fixed.
- "Battle Rally"
- "Story Quest Pack"
- "Big Merry Cruise"

The achievements will now unlock by restarting with a saved game.

Due to game save specifications, some achievements cannot be determined by the saved game data even if the achievement conditions have been met. In these cases, it will be necessary to replay the relevant DLC again with a main game cleared save to unlock the achievements.

Issues with the UI not displaying correctly while playing using a keyboard have been fixed. The game will now function as follows:
- Starting the game by using keyboard inputs from the main menu will now display the keyboard UI during play.
- Starting the game by using controller inputs from the main menu will display the controller UI during play.
- Input switching is available only from the main menu.

The offline installer has been updated.
Post edited January 15, 2021 by finkleroy
I'm normaly not into Trophys, but for some reason I want them all in this game (big fan of the series). Was worried that I can't unlock the DLC Trophys anymore even with the Update, since I allready did all the Rally stuff.
Turns out you just have to start Battle-Rally from the main menu to gain 6 of the 7 trophys at once on the DLC title screen. I didn't get the last one (King of Battle Rally), allthough I allready was first place on all the course. So I just started a run on the first course as Ryo. After that, the last trophy unlocked. Hope that helps anyone who is as confused as I was.

Thanks for the fix @ team.