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Again,a game I haven't heard of before - can anyone out there give us the lowdown?
Any good is it?
Robbeasy: Again,a game I haven't heard of before - can anyone out there give us the lowdown?
Any good is it?

It depends on how much you like playing console games ported straight to the PC without changes, I guess. For me, the answer is "not much," and I didn't really put enough into it to see if it has any redeeming qualities. In fact, I don't recall that I made it past the first (tutorial) level before deciding to play something else. But I also wasn't really excited about the whole setting and storyline and everything, so I was probably more unforgiving than it deserved.
It used to be one of the games GameTap offered for free if you were willing to watch a 30 second ad before launching it each time. If you're in the US, you might as well check if they're still offering it for free to try it out and decide if you want to get a real copy to own from gog. Oh, it shows where you're from! You might as well still try and see if it works, since I think I've heard you only need to be in the US if you're creating an account, and you only need to create an account if you want to play an M-rated game.
high rated
The game is great in my eyes. I'll repost an old review I did for it -
Amazingly I only picked this game up because it was developed by Free Radical, the folks who brought you the Timesplitters series. Timesplitters 2, while flawed, claimed quite a few hours from me if just from trying to complete all the challenges. So I thought I couldn't miss with buying this.
First off - I played the PC version. I would recommend this over the console versions due to the controls. Considering it is stealth based precise aim is a must and the control method is already quite complex without having to deal with inaccurate control sticks. Basically when you wish to aim your gun, you have a mixture of a lockon - but a small aim circle appears over the spot you will hit. I imagine headshots aren't very fun on the console equivalents.
The story is suprisingly good, considering how arcade like Free Radical's other games are. You basically start the game out as man in a mental facility and no memory of how you got there or who you are. You start to realize you have psychic abilities, mostly by accident. You also start having flashback of a mission six months ago that started this whole mess. As the game commences the plot becomes very clear and a final "Aha!" moment will occur towards the end. I enjoyed it quite a bit, games with good gameplay AND story are few and far between these days.
The graphics in this game are the same style as Timesplitters, stylish cartoony characters with exaggerated features. For a game with a pretty serious story it's amazing that it works so well. Their facial features and moods are easy to recognize compared to the stone faced characters of other games. It's not HL2, but its mighty impressive.
The gameplay is well rounded. The game is a third person stealth action game. You use psychic powers to get through the game's obstacles and enemies and earn them as you move between levels. Telekinesis allows you to manipulate switches and objects from afar as well as toss enemies around like ragdolls. Throwing soldiers off tall ledges is really funny to watch. You have healing, but it is limited in that you will be vulnerable as you are healing. Projection allows you to send out a 'spirit' version of yourself to scout ahead and hit switches, or (later in the game) take over enemy bodies to force them to fight each other or, if you are really feeling evil, make them jump off cliffs. You get different powers as the levels progress, with your character learning them as he needs them. The gameplay is definately the strongest point of this game and thats a good thing.
The levels themselves range from all out action to missions where you simply can't afford to be seen. Although if you are caught and alarms sound, you can always duck for cover and it will be all clear eventually. With all the powers this game gives you, you'll become quite efficient in being a ghost.
The sound effects are pretty good, with decent sounding guns. The music reminds me very much of Timesplitters and really adds to the mood. In fact the main theme seems taken from the Siberia level in Timesplitters....I swear it. It also picks up when enemies are nearby and in levels that require more force than stealth. It is actually one of the few games I can recall the tracks after finishing....which to me indicates it was quality not just ambience.
In all I would say it was definately worth the bargain bin price I paid for it. This game is highly underrated, and it bothers me that it got such low reviews on some websites. Sure the controls take some time to get used to, but that hardly detracts from the experience. Even though there wasn't much 'replay value' since the game was linear, I still feel like replaying it because it was that good.
avatar_58: The game is great in my eyes. I'll repost an old review I did for it

Very detailed review. I think I'll probably try this out again some time and see if it grows on me more.
I couldn't agree more with avatar_58's review of this anti-classic.
It was easily in my top twenty last-gen console titles, and I'll absolutely be buying it from GOG for what I expect will be greatly improved controls.
I remember rolling my eyes more than once during the tutorial obstacle course, but anyone who quits this gem early is just missing out.
Not a particularly difficult game, but so well put together I found it more than satisfying.
A great game at this price.
Another vote for avatar_58 review, Second Sight is of course not "game of the year" material and it suffer from being a straight console port without much enhancement , but it's definitely an enjoyable game well worth it's 10 bucks.
It remind me a lot of Psiops with which it share the same quality (fun gameplay thanks to the psychic powers) and the same flaws (average console port) as it's also a Codemaster I hope it will be available on GOG someday.
I almost did buy this on console.. maybe I will get it here instead.. don't know though, I'm trying to save up for rock band..
This was a pretty good game, although I didn't care for the enemy spawning. The powers were fun to use, and the plot was entertaining. You could also fire from cover and around corners, which was fairly novel at the time.
My biggest gripe would be the mouse control: it was very sluggish, making it hard to quickly target enemies and objects to shoot, especially when the reticle would "stick" to a target you didn't want to fire at.
I'd certainly recommend the game to anyone looking for a solid action title, however.
I played this game on gamecube and loved it. I was a big fan of Timesplitters 2 so I figured I'd give it a go. I really liked the controls back in the day, the locking and shooting system played a lot like a GTAIV before its time. Also it had all the charm Free Radical used to have (and are hopefully going to return to with Timesplitters 4)
Unfortunately the third timesplitters game wasn't brilliant and felt really stale by the time it came out, and then Haze got released and Free Radical seems to be going the similar way that Rare did, overcome by new technology and not creating the great games they used to.
Second sight is definitely worth a go, but I doubt you'll be replaying it much.
What really irritated me about this game were the checkpoints and lack of in-game saving. That's very typical of a straight console to PC port.
Of course, I'm not very good at FPS's; so I constantly die and have to replay the same level over and over. Not so much fun. Skilled players would probably have less issues.
liastaob: What really irritated me about this game were the checkpoints and lack of in-game saving. That's very typical of a straight console to PC port.
Of course, I'm not very good at FPS's; so I constantly die and have to replay the same level over and over. Not so much fun. Skilled players would probably have less issues.

You have to play it as a console game that just happens to be on the PC (aka higher resolution, etc) That includes all console game flaws like save points. If you can accept that then it's a great game.
I was just going to say Google the title and you would have a ton of info and reviews and I am sure You Tube have vids too!
I remember playing this on the PS2 and I had a blast with it. The Psi powers were fun. It started slow but the story line eventually pulled me in and the plot twist gave it a satisfying ending. I'll look forward to playing this again when GOG releases it.
UK_John: I was just going to say Google the title and you would have a ton of info and reviews and I am sure You Tube have vids too!

yup, but I wanted the considered opinions of fellow GOG users instead - I'm guessing most folk here like the older game, thought I might get a more....whats the word.....relevant review...;o)