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I bought the game few days ago, unlocked the fps and capped it with rivatuner to 59 fps so that the cutscenes didn't break. Worked like a charm. Today I was messing around with some mods mainly Gentleman of the row and some HD textures. Anyway, I messed up copying some files so I ended up deleting the entire game and redownloaded it again. Again I unlocked the fps and started the game once before I started modding the game, but for some reason the game was stuck capped to 42fps. Turned off rivatuner, still stuck at 42fps. Ended up deleting the entire game and redownloaded it without unlocking anything. Just started the game vanilla the way GOG Galaxy installed it. Which means the game should be capped at 30fps, but it wasn't. It just defaults to 42fps. I have absolutely no clue whats going on at this stage. I completely wiped and redownloaded everything like 4 times at this stage and it's still stuck at 42fps.
Post edited August 06, 2022 by OGDamo
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Wiped everything, like registry keys and hidden settings and folders?

Sadly I have no clue why stuck at specifically 42 F/s but better that than not locked in or running at 30 F/s.
Themken: Wiped everything, like registry keys and hidden settings and folders?

Sadly I have no clue why stuck at specifically 42 F/s but better that than not locked in or running at 30 F/s.
Thanks for the reply. Well no I havent wiped the registery and I dont know where the hidden folders would be located, I checked the appdata/local folder after uninstalling to see if anything got left over but it didnt. Where in regedit would I find the SR2 files? and the hidden folders? Do you mean the hidden programdata on the C drive?
Okay I fixed it, for some reason this time around the recompiled FPS unlocker by nclok1405 didnt work. Had to download the original patch by Zyankali. Odd because it worked normally before oh well.
OGDamo: Okay I fixed it, for some reason this time around the recompiled FPS unlocker by nclok1405 didnt work. Had to download the original patch by Zyankali. Odd because it worked normally before oh well.
Good you got it working. Sorry I do not know where things are as I have the game isntalled on Linux, not Windows. Just tried to think of things.