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Game Rating-8/10

Main Quest-

0/10 There is no main quest as the terrain of the areas you traverse is poorly made and it is impossible to get around. I don't really care about this but it still is a 0/10.


10/10 I don't care about graphics but this game looks cool. I play darkstone and it is a great game regardless of graphics.


12/10 Excellent! Just as awesome as diablo 1 and 2.


10/10 They are really cool as per an awesome diablo clone.

So yeah the game is great just don't expect getting past main quest due to the crappy terrain.

I don't usually grade games too harshly based on main quest. I don't care if the quest is bad just so long as I can level up the maximum. That's why darkstone is awesome.
I played it a long time ago and I remember that the graphics were really cool, I'm usually that kind of person that says "I don't care about the graphics" as well, but, what I really mean with that is that a game can still look beautiful no matter how many years pass, if it had some great visuals back then I still think its beautiful now days. A game doesn't need to be 3D top notch ultra realistic to be good (in fact the ones that usually look like that lack in a lot of other things)

I also agree with you with the Main quest thingy but instead of giving them a 0/10 because of that I would give them a 10/10 because of that very same reason.

The classes where pretty cool, I enjoyed the "dark elf" a lot!

You forgot to mention the music! Man, what a great soundtrack this game has...

Back when I played the game the "underworld" expansion wasn't released, thankfully fx interactive gives it for free on their site (atleast in spanish and italian), so I'm glad about that since I have the boxed version.

I'm installing it right now to replay it... just saying... Very replayable indeed.

Did you enjoy underworld? I'm really curious about it since I never played it.