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- Essence Collectors can no longer be fueled with or store crylithium
- Essence Collectors now hold much energy.
- Essence Collectors construction requirements have been increased, and now require crylithium for the first upgrade, and iron ingots for the second.
- Updated copyright date on main menu.
- Significantly lowered the volume of rain in the game.
- Renamed utomikMode to nonSteamMode.
- "Review The Game" popup no longer appears when nonSteamMode is true. (eg; Won't show up on Utomik or GOG)
- Villagers now are much less likely to work when their condition is compromised (Low hunger, thirst, overheating, etc). They also now factor in their hit points, poison and many other conditions and are less likely to work the more injured they are.
- All mobs are much less willing to do any tasks when injured and cold or overheating.
- Easter egg logo is now 20 times more likely to appear.
- Corrected a minor typo in the Trashy Trash description.
- Population list panel no longer shows farm animals as unemployed.
- Recompiled executable to hopefully avoid some memory allocation issues on certain machines.
- "Captured Animal" fake resource no longer shows up on the courier panel.

Miscellaneous Changes
Essence Collectors no longer deliver essence when out of range of the village.
Drones now only harvest resources when there is not any already available within the corruption.
Resources now decay twice as fast on corrupted tiles.
Non-monster buildings are now slowly destroyed if they are caught in the corruption.
Reduced the overall amount of resources generated when a very large or highly upgraded building is destroyed.
Blood Slimes no longer can spawn boosted.
Blood Slimes now die slowly when they're not on the corruption.
All slimes now will no longer regain hit points unless they're inside the corruption.
Blood Slimes no longer level alongside the corruption or current day.
Rock now regrows at an extremely slow rate, roughly 1/20th the rate of trees.
Rock now remains selected after harvesting.
Added hot key support for object upgrade buttons, but the hot keys must be assigned manually.
The hot key for dismantling buildings is now unassigned by default, but can still be assigned in settings. This is to prevent new players from accidentally triggering a dismantle action they can't reverse, but still allow experienced players to have a hot key if they desire.
Nerfed the Flame Spell's damage by 50%

Bug Fixes
Range is no longer improperly generated on initial load.
Fixed the never-ending god XP tally sound that sometimes occurs on the world map.
Fixed a rare bug that would crash the game in the event a mob would drop off a resource to a building that has just become out of range, and still had remaining resources to drop.
You can no longer start an upgrade on a building out of range of the village, causing the game to crash.
Fixed a bug that would cause the mouse to move too far when you increased or decreased the priority of a building on the building list panel.
Fixed some overlaying text on the building upgrade panel on some buildings.
Fixed an issue where several mob related perks would not apply correctly to the mobs.
Blight settings are now properly saved in custom game mode templates.
If a blessed villager has twins or triplets, all of the children will be born nephilims.
Fixed a few typos in the tool tips.
Fixed an extremely rare bug where sometimes mobs would reset their AI, and no longer be "dead" even if they have no hit points.
Fixed a bug that could sometimes trigger invulnerable slimes.
Slightly optimized the building destruction code.
Post edited May 16, 2021 by chyper0815