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This isn't that important to the game but in Dark War when you trigger a gas grate, both the manual and the guide say that there is supposed to be a voice yelling "Release the Gas!" when it activates, except they don't say this particular line at all and you just hear the music switching to Gazz and the sound of the chlorine filling the room and/or your character breathing through the mask if you have one.

Is this a bug or was the line removed but the manual etc. wasn't corrected when the game shipped like with the cut female guards?
Post edited August 25, 2015 by darkredshift
I've always wondered that myself. I have a feeling that it was either cut or just not added in the first place as the sample doesn't play in any of the source ports I've played...

I wonder if someone more knowledgeable has found the sample in the source code...
I'm think that the text was written in the manual but not implemented, also, I understood from the manual that I think it was the deluxe version of ROTT was to have some female enemies but that never happened as far as I know, I think Clint of Lazy Game Reviews talked about this a bit. I know what you're talking about because I have seen that text in the manual but never heard or seen such dialogue in the game itself. But then again I've only seen one level that seems to have a gas grate in it, and that's episode 2 area 2 I think, there may be other levels that have gas grates, but I've never activated them when playing the game.
LachlanThomas: I'm think that the text was written in the manual but not implemented, also, I understood from the manual that I think it was the deluxe version of ROTT was to have some female enemies but that never happened as far as I know, I think Clint of Lazy Game Reviews talked about this a bit. I know what you're talking about because I have seen that text in the manual but never heard or seen such dialogue in the game itself. But then again I've only seen one level that seems to have a gas grate in it, and that's episode 2 area 2 I think, there may be other levels that have gas grates, but I've never activated them when playing the game.
Fire and Brimstone in Episode 4 (Area 2) is one such level with another grate.
LachlanThomas: I'm think that the text was written in the manual but not implemented, also, I understood from the manual that I think it was the deluxe version of ROTT was to have some female enemies but that never happened as far as I know, I think Clint of Lazy Game Reviews talked about this a bit. I know what you're talking about because I have seen that text in the manual but never heard or seen such dialogue in the game itself. But then again I've only seen one level that seems to have a gas grate in it, and that's episode 2 area 2 I think, there may be other levels that have gas grates, but I've never activated them when playing the game.
darkredshift: Fire and Brimstone in Episode 4 (Area 2) is one such level with another grate.
It's been so long since I last saw anyone playing the Episode 4 levels, I remember some of them, but I don't remember that one.
LachlanThomas: I'm think that the text was written in the manual but not implemented, also, I understood from the manual that I think it was the deluxe version of ROTT was to have some female enemies but that never happened as far as I know, I think Clint of Lazy Game Reviews talked about this a bit. I know what you're talking about because I have seen that text in the manual but never heard or seen such dialogue in the game itself. But then again I've only seen one level that seems to have a gas grate in it, and that's episode 2 area 2 I think, there may be other levels that have gas grates, but I've never activated them when playing the game.
As far as i remember, there was never such a line in the game.

The so called Deluxe Edition of ROTT, which was called Lasersoft Edition too, was just a special edition of the shareware, where three SP and three MP maps are different from the normal shareware.

The female alternatives was a normal planned feature, which was later dropped.