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Hi guys,

I have a big problem with Rainbow Six.

I downloaded it and installed it without problem. But, when I want to start the game, I have a black screen and return to windows with an error message.

My configurations: -Laptop with i7 q740 (1.75GHz), 12Go RAM, ATI HD5870m
-Desktop: i7 3770k (3.5GHz), 16Go RAM, ATI HD7970

The both equiped with windows 7 Home premium 64Bits

I have the same results on my two computer. I tried the compatibility system, resolution... I also removed the video from the video file, but no result.

I took a look in the game folder and find a new file Sherman.txt and inside it was wrote:

ACTIONKEYMAPPING: Could not open mapping file sherman.kmp
OPTIONS: Could not read key mappings from sherman.kmp, using defaults
Renderer::Fullscreen() failed during CreateZBuffer() in file C:\Develop\Common\Renderer\renderer.cpp at line 1002
Error = "Action not supported."
We are sorry, but we are unable to initialize the renderer at 640x480x16
SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 failed.
Renderer::Fullscreen() failed during Renderer::SetDisplayMode() in file C:\Develop\Common\Renderer\renderer.cpp at line 1244
Error = "Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive mode."
SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 failed.
Renderer::Fullscreen() failed during Renderer::SetDisplayMode() in file C:\Develop\Common\Renderer\renderer.cpp at line 1244
Error = "Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive mode."
SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 failed.
Renderer::Fullscreen() failed during Renderer::SetDisplayMode() in file C:\Develop\Common\Renderer\renderer.cpp at line 1244
Error = "Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive mode."
We are sorry, but we are unable to initialize the renderer at 640x480x16 either
GAME: Could not create Display object
Displaying fatal message box with the following message:
Could not launch due to an internal error; try rebooting your machine or reinstalling Rainbow Six.

Can you help me?

Post edited May 21, 2013 by Revan1er
Revan1er download and extract it to your rainbow six folder. It will have the sherman.kmp file for the key mapping.
lJesterl: Revan1er download and extract it to your rainbow six folder. It will have the sherman.kmp file for the key mapping.
this did not work for me.. fail :( ...

wind 8 / i7 / tri crossfire 6870
I'm suffering from the exact same problem... Any ideas?
I sent a message to the support team, but have yet to recieve a response... Everyone's on vacation, most probably.
For me too, it doesn't work...

I really don't know what to do... I even try to install a virtual machine with win98 SE, instal the game and try to play...

Doesn't work at all!
Just purchased the game yesterday. I have the same problem. When I click to open it goes straight to a black screen with a cursor. Click the cursor and it crashes. Very disappointing :(
As usual, VirtualBox has proven an invaluable tool for fixing such issues. Download VirtualBox, set up a virtual machine with Windows XP as a guest OS and install Rainbow Six on it.
I've only managed to make it work in software mode, but to be perfectly honest - the game looks better that way.
If you want to get it working without VirtualBox/VMWare/etc. You can check my new thread - "AMD/ATI Cat 13.4 solution" - which I cannot link yet. I had this exact same issue with similar hardware/software. There is another piece of software involved, but it is a metric ton lighter and more useful for your immediate need.
Post edited August 22, 2013 by OfftheHeZie