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high rated
Hello Survivors,

we've released Build 41 on the Beta Channel.

You can see our blogpost on it here:

The gif in there is for Steam users.
GOG Galaxy Users can access the build like this:

In GOG Galaxy, select Project Zomboid.
Click on "MORE" and select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.
Make sure BETA CHANNELS are set to ON on the right hand side.
Select "IWBUMS" from the "Channel" dropdown menu.
Let GOG Galaxy update for you.

The build is currently out on Windows and MacOS.
Unfortunately, we have no easy way of uploading Linux builds to beta channels at the time, due to GOG Galaxy not being available on Linux. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but you might have to wait for it to hit stable.

Please post here if anything is broken :)

Post edited October 17, 2019 by nasKoo
high rated
Updated to 41.13

– Rebuilt jassimp64.dll with statically-linked c++ library (removes dependency on msvcp140.dll).
– Fixed exception in MouseState with 2-button mouse.
– Fixed lua error with climb-through-window context-menu command.
– Fixed solidtrans objects next to windowframes-without-windows being solid.
– Removed 3D-models and 3D-corpses options to fix invisible zombie bodies.
– Removed which adjusted the number of 3D models
based on performance.
– Fixed exception with “New Roof-Hiding” = No option that causes black screen outside.
– Fixed “welcome to build 41” being off-center.
– Possibly fixed rainbow-colored bodies on Mac OS.
– Possibly fixed failure to load bob/bob_idle animation on Windows using the Turkish (and potentially other) locales.
Very exciting. Just tested it.Had a little trouble starting the game (somethingsteam.dll is missing) but it worked with the 32bit version.

Movement has gotten a bit tricky. But I love the cowboy hats. :D
downloading now, time to do another run of my fav game
Pierre_Alain: Very exciting. Just tested it.Had a little trouble starting the game (somethingsteam.dll is missing) but it worked with the 32bit version.

Movement has gotten a bit tricky. But I love the cowboy hats. :D
Sorry about that. That's on Windows right? Pushed an update that should fix that.

And yeah, movement will need some getting used to, but we're also still tightening up some holes in the system :)
Post edited October 18, 2019 by nasKoo
nasKoo: ...
The build is currently out on Windows and MacOS.
Unfortunately, we have no easy way of uploading Linux builds to beta channels at the time, due to GOG Galaxy not being available on Linux. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but you might have to wait for it to hit stable.
Wish there was an easier way to try the linux beta, the changelog made me eager to try the new features.

Thanks for the update even tho I can't try them for now.
high rated
Uploaded 41.14.

Various movement / rotation fixes, hopefully a final Turkish lanuguage issue fix, various other bug fixes and working Brawler and Builder modes

- Now treats aiming/strafing as a zero-momentum state, like idle.
 - Turn180 now uses idleToRun180 instead of runToTurn180 when going from strafe -> run in the opposite direction of travel.
- Only blends (with animations) to defaultWalk/Run/Sprint if isTurningAround==false
- Uses animation-less transitions otherwise. This prevents the transition anims from doubling up with the turn180s anims.
- ZNetFriends continues pinging in singleplayer, possible it's one source of FPS drop
- Failed to Poll Device spam should be hidden, may be source of FPS drop for those with Blutooth or other wireless hardawre
- Vehicle will continue moving after its tire is burst
- Increase quality of Tires on cars to at least 20-30% in Survival mode
- Fixed missing bob/bob_idle on Turkish systems.
- Fixed AnimationSet lookup bug with Turkish locale ("Idle" -> "idle").
- Fixed EmptyStackException in IsoSpriteInstance.get().
- Fixed player not starting without clothes in AReallyCDDAy.
- Fixed custom icons for clothing and containers being lost after reloading a game.
- Fixed exception cleaning blood with a Bath Towel.
- Fixed exception loading shotguns (or any gun without a magazine).
- GrabItemAction transfers multiple items at a time similar to InventoryTransferAction.
- Transferring large stacks of items should no longer lower fps.
- Fixed losing ammo when creating a sawn-off shotgun.
- Fixed resize behavior of the Customize Character screen.
- Fixed combining InventoryTransferActions when the source and destination containers aren't the same.
- Changed "version 110" to "version 120" in some shaders that use functions in const expressions.
- Fixes to MainThread/GameThread crash handling.
- A crash in RenderThread no longer locks-up the game.
- Uncaught Errors now get absorbed, logged, and an attempt is made to preserve save data.
- Added uncaught exception handlers to MainThread, GameThread, and any other internal threads I could find.
- Added default uncaught handler for any external threads.
- Added custom handler for MainThread, sets bGameThreadExited and signals the RenderThread.
- Added custom handler for RenderThread, sets m_isCloseRequested, zaps any waiting queues, and waits for MainThread to save and close.
- DebugOptions
- Added testThreadCrash mechanism, used to fire a crash on-demand, remotely from AnimZed.
- Run -> Strafe -> Run now keeps to a straight line of travel. No longer does the strange arc movement during transition
- Strafe -> Run transitions now only use transition anims if at not turning more than 90 degrees.
- Strafe -> movement transitions updated to correct targets when isTurning90/Around.
- Fixes to odd arc turns during transitioning from walk -> strafe
- Fixed Brawler and Builder playstyle options in menu to stop them launching Survivor by mistake
- Crash-fix for when getVectorFromDirection is given a null vector.
high rated
Skipped 41.15 on GOG, but here's the log for completeness:

Lots of fixes in this one. Though big apologies to some of the crash people out there. We're really working at trying to solve your issues, and have tried a few things, but with no errors or crash traces being reported by the build, they are somewhat a mystery and hard to puzzle out. We likely haven't fixed everyone's issues, but we'll get to the bottom of it eventually and you're not being forgotten.

Renamed playstyles for clarity and to emphasise dev intent for how they should be played. Brawler becomes Survivor, Survivor becomes Apocalypse.
- Added anim-less transitions for sneakWalk -> strafe, sneakRun -> strafe, sneakWalkLow -> strafe, and sneakRunLow -> strafe
- Eliminates the odd turning arc while transitioning to strafe.
- Removed strafeToWalk animation from strafeSneak -> walk/run/etc.
- Reduces the amount the character jumps while transitioning from strafeSneak to said states.
- Implemented SFX for lower impact car collisions
- Added falling-zombie state.
- Added context-menu tooltip for opening/closing curtains to display keyboard and mouse shortcuts.
- Added VERSION=1 to keys.ini. Remap C to L when VERSION is not present or is less than 1.
- Added state transition from lunge to falling for zombies.
- Added climb over fence transition to falling (when there's no floor on the other side).
- Added Height map texture for puddles. This texture should increase performance when drawing puddles.
- Added Logs/ZombieSpawn.txt to record zombie spawns. Should record zombies spawning inside of buildings, not so much outside.
- Toned down zombies and zombie spawns a little in Survivor (formerly Brawler)
- Reduced the delay after climbing through a window or over a fence before the player can move.
- temporarily disabled body temperature change to help people survive winter
- Made hit detection on body parts on downed zombies a little tad more generous
- Bare hands in multi hit can now shove up to 3 zombies - on Survivor mode (formerly Brawler)
-tweaked several turn anims
-reversed mccoy van logo
- Fixed shoving the first zombie within range, rather than the closest zombie within range.
- Fixed incorrect path to Ambient Piano
- Attempted fix for Mac issues via rebuilt Mac 'lighting' libLighting.dylib
- Fixed zombification from tree scratches.
- Fixed RenderThread jobs sometimes being reported as finished before they are invoked.
- Fixed "Random" button in the Customize Character screen resetting the player's profession.
- Fixed molotovs and broken weapons not being removed from the player's hands.
- Fixed item icons on the ground being twice normal size when "Double sized textures" = No.
- Fixed issues saving the player to the vehicles.db database.
- Fixed unicode filenames are not supported by animation/model importer.
- Fixed not being able to open/close windows via the context menu when the player is already standing at the exact
center of the square.
- Stopped zombies dragging down a god-mode player to their death.
- Lowered outside passenger positions of SportsCar (fixes a camera glitch).
- Rip Clothing and Craft Sheet Rope work on all selected items (if they're valid).
- Removed PerformanceSettings.modelsEnabled and PerformanceSettings.support3D.
- Lowered the number of asset-loading threads from 4 to 2 on systems with 4 or fewer hardware threads.
i.e dual-core with hyperthreading, or quad-core without hyperthreading.
- Fixed missing trait icons when using the Turkish locale. (Prone to Illness, Illiterate, etc). Anything with a capital I.
- Double-clicking tutorial and playstyle labels in the new-game screen proceeds to the next screen.
- Fixed issues attacking while in a vehicle (infinite ammo, can't shove).
- Try to fix exceptions in ClimbThroughWindowState. Don't store IsoWindow or IsoGridSquare in StateMachineParams since
they may become invalid due to map scrolling (for zombies on the edge of the loaded area, not the player)
- Fixed lua error in DebugChunkStateUI
- Fixed displaying LMENU as LALT. Display RMENU as RALT.
- Fixed clearing a keybind displays it with no name instead of NONE.
- Fixed some weirdness in the fastforward cancel when near zombies.
- Fixed items floating off the ground when dropped from inside a vehicle.
- Fixed multiplying generators after using "Equip in both hands".
- Set generator ConditionMax=100.
- Set some vehicle part ConditionMax=100.
- Fixed parenting the player's inventory to a zombie after a knife gets stuck in the zombie's head.
- Fixed Bare Hands not being counted as a favorite weapon, except when stomping.
- Fixed "Untie Hair" option being available for already-untied hair after loading a game.
- Fixed player not dying properly after falling.


Should fix a lot of 'crash on loading into game' issues!

- Increased memory allocation for 64bit zomboid that could potentially avoid crashes on some systems loading into game.

- Fixed shader issues with clothing overlays and holes which affect some GPUs (big source of hangs/crashes on game load / leaving spawn house and probably the same cause of some mac issues reported)

- Added options for transparency / visibility of iso cursor for combat.

- Render thread will now throw out better error messages for diagnosing future problems.

- Fixed zombies playing their death sound sometimes when stabbed (but not jaw-stabbed).
This happened when bCloseKill=true but CriticalHit=false.
- A zombie dies as soon as it is jaw-stabbed, not after falling to the ground.
The KnifeDeath animation is played in the falldown state, not the hitreaction state.
The KnifeDeath hitreaction doesn't happen now because the zombie is dead before falling.

- Fixed zombie number issue on Survival

- Fixed pathfinding failing when moving on the same square when that square is blocked in all directions.
This worked before luautils.walkAdj() was changed to not call AdjacentFreeTileFinder.isTileOrAdjacent().
Post edited October 24, 2019 by nasKoo
high rated
All characters now start with a belt - giving them a "Back" slot & two belt (left/right) belt slots.
You can either right click a slot, or drag & drop a weapon to it. Or, alternatively, click a weapon in your inventory to attach it to the hotbar.
Weapons will be shown on the player. Pressing a hotkey (from 1 to 5) will auto equip the weapon assigned to each slot.
This is a work in progress system that we'd love feedback on!
Added holsters
Holsters have a chance to spawn on police/policestate zombies (automatic get one if he had a gun)
- Rebuilt ProjectZomboid.exe as a gui application, no more console window. Should work with Steam remote play together now.
- Added player Bob_VaultOverToFall animation when climbing over fences.
- Added zombie Zombie_WalkTrees animation for walktoward and pathfind states.
- Zombie lunge animations played at 50% speed in trees.


- Boosted wood axe damage, speed, amount of time you can move during strafe, to make it a viable (but still quite slow) heavy damage weapon
- Force standing when drinking/filling items from sink.
- Reduced handgun model size (+ muzzle redone)
- Added Chipped stone to craft lance recipe.
- Made tall fences transparent when the player is behind them
- Disabled Hypochondriac trait until it can be fully reworked
- Reload XP now given when inserting bullets in clip (small chance) and when reloading (bigger chance).
- Added spear fishing.
- Now equip in 2 hands shovel when taking dirt/sands..
- Added Griddle pan for stir-fry.


- Fixed zombies spawning in buildings long after a player has entered the building.
- Fixed Double-barrel shotgun issues.
1) Missing inventory icon.
2) Removed chamber, which allowed 3 shells to be loaded.
3) Racking not required.
- Fixed blob/suitcase Zeds on spawn
- Fixed FMOD crash on 64-bit.
Java_fmod_javafmodJNI_FMOD_1System_1CreateChannelGroup() was casting a pointer to 'long' when it needed to be a 64-bit 'long long'.
SoundManager was calling FMOD_Channel_SetPaused() instead of FMOD_ChannelGroup_SetPaused().
- Fixed zombies getting stuck in the air after climbing through a window.
- Fixed exception after renaming food to have a dollar-sign character in it.
- Fixed lua error when taking compost from a composter.
- Fixed zombified players interacting with doors/windows/etc by left-clicking.
- Fixed new shovels not being useable for taking dirt/gravel/sand.
- Fixed hammering animation when pouring dirt/gravel/sand from a bag.
- Fixed console.txts are limited to all of 2 lines during most crashes
- Fixed issues pressing Escape while entering or exiting a vehicle, or switching seats.
- Fixed players going through a wall when run-vaulting over a fence adjacent to the wall.
- Fixed issue: Unhandled Thread exception by the SQLDB in a non UTF8 environ.
- Fixed Protection screen not working with a controller.
- Fixed Info hair/beard buttons not working with a controller.
- Fixed clothing dryer and washer continuing to play sound after the power goes out.
- Fixed weather mask not updating when the zoom level changes.
- Fixed weather mask not rendering for splitscreen players.
- Fixed zombies get stuck after climbing over a fence with no floor on the other side.
- Fixed some files being closed via garbage collection.
- Crouch key only affects player 0 which fixes split-screen shared crouch
- Fixed "Sit On Ground" context-menu option is available when already sitting.
- Fixed "Sit On Ground" context-menu option is not available when using a controller.
- Fixed adding frozen food into recipes.
- Fixed old Socks still existing.
high rated

All characters now start with a belt - giving them a "Back" slot & two belt (left/right) belt slots.
You can either right click a slot, or drag & drop a weapon to it. Or, alternatively, click a weapon in your inventory to attach it to the hotbar.
Weapons will be shown on the player. Pressing a hotkey (from 1 to 5) will auto equip the weapon assigned to each slot.
This is a work in progress system that we'd love feedback on!
Added holsters
Holsters have a chance to spawn on police/policestate zombies (automatic get one if he had a gun)
- Rebuilt ProjectZomboid.exe as a gui application, no more console window. Should work with Steam remote play together now.
- Added player Bob_VaultOverToFall animation when climbing over fences.
- Added zombie Zombie_WalkTrees animation for walktoward and pathfind states.
- Zombie lunge animations played at 50% speed in trees.


- Boosted wood axe damage, speed, amount of time you can move during strafe, to make it a viable (but still quite slow) heavy damage weapon
- Force standing when drinking/filling items from sink.
- Reduced handgun model size (+ muzzle redone)
- Added Chipped stone to craft lance recipe.
- Made tall fences transparent when the player is behind them
- Disabled Hypochondriac trait until it can be fully reworked
- Reload XP now given when inserting bullets in clip (small chance) and when reloading (bigger chance).
- Added spear fishing.
- Now equip in 2 hands shovel when taking dirt/sands..
- Added Griddle pan for stir-fry.


- Fixed zombies spawning in buildings long after a player has entered the building.
- Fixed Double-barrel shotgun issues.
1) Missing inventory icon.
2) Removed chamber, which allowed 3 shells to be loaded.
3) Racking not required.
- Fixed blob/suitcase Zeds on spawn
- Fixed FMOD crash on 64-bit.
Java_fmod_javafmodJNI_FMOD_1System_1CreateChannelGroup() was casting a pointer to 'long' when it needed to be a 64-bit 'long long'.
SoundManager was calling FMOD_Channel_SetPaused() instead of FMOD_ChannelGroup_SetPaused().
- Fixed zombies getting stuck in the air after climbing through a window.
- Fixed exception after renaming food to have a dollar-sign character in it.
- Fixed lua error when taking compost from a composter.
- Fixed zombified players interacting with doors/windows/etc by left-clicking.
- Fixed new shovels not being useable for taking dirt/gravel/sand.
- Fixed hammering animation when pouring dirt/gravel/sand from a bag.
- Fixed console.txts are limited to all of 2 lines during most crashes
- Fixed issues pressing Escape while entering or exiting a vehicle, or switching seats.
- Fixed players going through a wall when run-vaulting over a fence adjacent to the wall.
- Fixed issue: Unhandled Thread exception by the SQLDB in a non UTF8 environ.
- Fixed Protection screen not working with a controller.
- Fixed Info hair/beard buttons not working with a controller.
- Fixed clothing dryer and washer continuing to play sound after the power goes out.
- Fixed weather mask not updating when the zoom level changes.
- Fixed weather mask not rendering for splitscreen players.
- Fixed zombies get stuck after climbing over a fence with no floor on the other side.
- Fixed some files being closed via garbage collection.
- Crouch key only affects player 0 which fixes split-screen shared crouch
- Fixed "Sit On Ground" context-menu option is available when already sitting.
- Fixed "Sit On Ground" context-menu option is not available when using a controller.
- Fixed adding frozen food into recipes.
- Fixed old Socks still existing.
high rated


Re-added sprinter zombies to sandbox.
Certain headwear now have a chance to fall when attacking (on zombies and players). Hats now rendered as 3D models in the world.
Slot labels now displayed above the hotbar when the mouse hovers that slot. This was to fix labels that are longer than the slot. When no item is in a slot, the faded icon of the item that provides the slot (such as a belt) is displayed instead.
New SFX for lower impact car collisions
Added new sandbox presets to the sandbox options screen. Updated all the sandbox preset files so they include values for all options.
Added star quality to show durability of items in hotbar.
Left belt is now first, then right slot, this'll work only if you unequip/reequip the belt.
Updated community translations
Added ProjectZomboidOpenGLDebug64.bat which uses lwjgl-debug.jar instead of lwjgl.jar to enable extended error checking. Among other things, this calls glGetError() after every OpenGL call.
Sneaking now drains more endurance when walking/jogging than normal walking/jogging.
Equipped item/clothing now at the end of the inventory and not at the top.
Added some debug info about quit and around saving the game on quit
Pressing R can now do multiple thing:
- If mag is in equipped gun, unequip it, check for a new mag to insert.
- If no other mag found, check if we can load bullets in one mag, when done auto reload/rack.


Changed all open doors to be see-through to help with combat when zombies are on the other side of an open door.
If a vehicle is inside a garage, the area of the vehicle now decreases slightly - to help with parking.
Balanced firearm stats.
Increased chance of finding magazine in guns.
Improved M16 and Automatic fire weapons.
Adjusted some loot spawns
Add carpentry exp when making spears.
Zombies have now defense according to clothing
Eating frozen food now gives unhappiness/boredom malus.
Re-added guns to spawn
Lowered gigamart spawn rate.
Increased safehouse loot.
Changed Builder's food rarity settings from "extremely rare" to "rare"
Disabled automatically vaulting over fences when there's no floor on the other side.
Added a grace period during which a 'Surprise Bathroom zombie' attack does no damage to avoid unfair instadeath.


-tweaks to Hunting vest x files and masks so they work better together
-adjusted wedding jacket to work a bit better with jumpers.
-adjusted Huntingvest masks so that it works better with clothing


- Fixed the player walking in the wrong direction while aiming with a controller.
- Fixed hotbar position in splitscreen and after resizing the game window.
- Fixed missing window icons.
- Fixed tired moodle not in calcul hit chance for firearm.
- Fixed exhausted moodle not being in calcul for stomping.
- Fixed zombies pushing around zombies sat against a wall.
- Fixed hand axe being on wrong rotation when attached in belt right.
- Fixed various body location (gask mask could be wear with glasses, some full helmet etc..)
- Fixed clothing protection could display over 100%.
- Fixed wrong color scheme for bite/scratch defense color.
- Fixed not regen endurance if heavy load was > 0.
- Fixed heavy load moodle level 4 not doing anything to endurance regen.
- Fixed fitness level 10 make you run faster (now only affect endurance).
- Fixed missing rip clothing SFX.
- Fixed stone not being lost when creating a spear from it.
- Fixed double create spear with screwdriver.
- Fixed missing adding kitchen knife to spear recipe.
- Fixed occasional duplicated cars.
- Fixed zombies teleporting through walls when choosing a place to sit after loading part of the map.
- Fixed zombies never sitting against south or east walls. IsoGridSquare.getWallType() looked for WallS and WallE properties
which don't exist.
- Fixed lua error looting hotbar items from corpses.
- Fixed dissassembling not forcing you to stand.
- Fixed removing a magazine from a firearm also removing 1 bullet from the clip.
- Fixed some lua errors being printed to console without displaying the red error box.
- Fixed car battery charger not rendering sometimes.
- Fixed some blending during vault over.
- Fixed sudden pause at the end of vaultOverRun
- Fixed vault over sprint making a snap.
- Fixed eating and drinking animations stopping in the middle of the action
- Fixed some zombies walking being really fast or way too slow
- Fixed Builder preset being initially selected in the sandbox "Saved Presets" combobox when the actual settings were for Survivor.lua aka Apocalypse.
- Fixed the player's view cone changing direction more quickly than the model is turning.
- Fixed character-info avatar not updating after washing off blood.
- Fixed zombies sometimes standing idle when they should be chasing the player.
- Fixed iso cursor being rendered at twice the size when Double-sized Textures = No.
- Fixed players not always facing the direction they should when performing actions.
- Fixed player walking when turning off an alarm that is in their inventory.
- Fixed house alarms not working.

41.20 is also out but for some reason it won't let me post the changelog.
Post edited November 18, 2019 by nasKoo
high rated


Replaced tailoring submenu with an "Inspect clothing UI" which act like health panel.
Added visible bandage models on character
Changed the animation when building log walls, and hide hand models since no tools are required.
Added a "world" attachment to some weapon models to position and rotate them nicely when they are on the ground. This is used so shovels and planks lie flat on the ground, for example.
Added "Aim outline" display option.
Player now unequips current item before equipping another when both items are in the hotbar.
Fixed some bugs with the Inspect Clothing UI & added a condition bar.
Finished bandages models (added dirty!)
Removed "New Roof Hiding" option.
Catch and log all Throwable errors when saving the game.
Added randomised vehicle spawn events - car crashes etc.
Introduced aspects of new challenges: Zombies are now active at night & inactive during day in Studio, you start with a torch at midnight. Tweaked Kingsmouth sandbox options.
Improved transition to action animation to remove anim snaps


- fixed bug that resulted in no catch a cold chance when conditions did apply
- slowed down body heat generation increase/decrease rates
- added advanced view and applied text changes on thermal tab
- fixed temperature offsets of limbs to be more pronounced
- changed a few internal values making fighting cold to be harder based on test feedback also including: the dropping of core temperature now affects total possible heat generated and the body ability to keep fighting cold
- increased energy/fluid consumption rates a little bit when overheating/undercooling
- added small increase in energy consumption when generating lots of heat.
- changed skin temperature moves faster when its moving back to favorable levels, so it doesnt take that long to warm up again.
- fixed bug that during heat made skin too hot too fast based on insulation
- fixed a few clothing pieces insulation
- changed hypothermia stage 2 kicking in at core 35, instead of 33
- added a lower body heat generation value when sneaking.
- added small incremental insulation bonus affecting high insulating clothing mostly
- added extra lower perspiration rate modifier for clothing in colder temperatures
- added water resistance to various jackets,pants,hats and footwear


Increased a tad weapon spawning attached to zombies.
Increased gardenning spray, scissors, gloves & butter knife spawn rate.
Removed Belt being able to be cut.
Increased thread spawn rate in kitchen.
Mechanics window tooltips now display battery charge, amount of fuel in gas tank, amount of air in tires.
Improved how day/night cycle zombies sandbox option works: when active, they get your sandbox options. When inactive, they're really slow & weak, but they can still walk/attack.
Added slow shamblers zombies speed.


- Possibly fixed walking-in-place zombies.
- Fixed hotbar not updating when replacing a holster with a double holster or vice-versa.
- Fixed custom weights for food and crafted radios not being saved.
- Fixed "Clear Ashes" not being available.
- Allow Shovel/Shovel2/SnowShovel/HandShovel to be used to clear ashes.
- Fixed lua error in DebugChunkState displaying tables in modData.
- Fixed the bug "vehicles sometimes disappear until you reload the game".
- Fixed the player getting stuck when climbing a sheetrope and the way is blocked at the top. The player will automatically climb back down.
- Fixed overlapping garage door and wall in cell 37,22.
- Fixed Tailoring skill books disappearing after being read.
- Fixed grime/overlays/etc from burned tiles.
- Fixed the bug: the -Dnosave option throw a bunch of error
- Fixed car batteries starting with greater than 100% charge sometimes.
- Fixed picking up broken glass with the furniture-moving tool not cutting the hands as it does when done with the context menu.
- Fixed red garage doors not being openable.
- Fixed Transfer All not working when one of the items is a Moveable (furniture) item.
- Fixed cold water being used sometimes when disinfecting bandages or making hot drinks.
- Fixed Zombie Count sandbox option setting Population Multiplier incorrectly (since Very High was added).
- Fixed wrong climb-over-fence animation playing when holding a handgun.
- Fixed MEGA THUNDER bug after fast-forward
- Fixed zombies springing upright when struck after climbing over a fence, instead of getting stomped on.
- Fixed lua error when attempting to reload a magazine when there are no bullets in inventory.
- Fixed lua error when crafting when items need to be transferred to main inventory. (Packing nails into multiple boxes).
- Fixed not being able to wear items on the head with coveralls (FullSuit and FullSuitHead locations were swapped). This should fix welding masks disappearing when zombies die, if they were wearing coveralls.
- Fixed being able to click on doors to open/close them from too far away. Now the player must be in the 2x3 or 3x2 squares adjacent to the door.
- Fixed hitting trees through walls.
- Fixed zombies runners not running toward a sound (breaking windows, TV..)
- Fixed zombies runners running in circle around you.
high rated

- New way to spawn vehicle stories, now use zone intersect in chunk to be really accurate.

- Added more vehicle stories.

- Added weapon name on insert bullets in weapon context menu option
- Added footstep sounds when aim-walking.
- Moodles now shake and shimmer to signal combat being impaired
- Updated some vehicles textures.
- Fixed some missing vehicle damage overlays.
- Increased cap combat speed for heavy weapons.

- Pressing one of the hotbar keys for half a second now displays a radial menu for choosing an item to equip in that slot.
- Healing items can be dragged onto the Health panel to treat injuries.-Converted strings for translators
-Updated translations for Spanish, Hungarian, Japanese and Polish.- All containers in the loot window now displayed in the 3x3 area around the player.
1) This allows us to add back "turn to face the container while looting", because turning doesn't change which
containers are displayed in the loot window.
2) Fixes some awkwardness with looting corpses, since often the player is visually standing on the corpse but
not facing the square the corpse is on.
3) It was always possible for the player to click on a container in the world and display it's contents in the
loot window, even when the container was behind the player and didn't have a button in the loot window.

- Fixed vehicle rust missing from Effects.
- Fixed player being locked in place after starting to reload/rack a firearm while aiming.
- Fixed sitting and thumping zombies being pushed by other zombies
- Display the 'equipped' icon in the hotbar for items held in a hand.
- Added "Quit To Desktop" main-menu option.
- Player now faces vehicle door when attempting to unlock it.
- Fixed zombies getting stuck in an animation after the player dies.
- Fixed DebugChunkState error when a State wasn't exposed to lua.
- Fixed sitting zombies sometimes facing the wrong direction.
- Fixed the position of the "favorite" icon in the inventory window (it was clipping into the row above).
- Fixed being able to throw a molotov without a lighter in the right hand, and the right-hand item disappearing afterward.
- Fixed not being able to queue multiple chop-tree actions.
- Fixed the Continue button skipping the profession screen when the player is dead.
- Fixed hotbar switching animations.
- Fixed the player's direction snapping when changing the player's in-hand models.
- Fixes snapping when the player turns
- Fixed dragging multiple healing items of the same type onto the Health ui.
- Fixed clicking "wear" on a stack of items wearing them all
- Fixed being able to open infinite Inspect Clothing UI.
- Fixed right clicking on bullets needing a corresponding gun to allow insert bullets in magazine.
- Fixed having clicking once bullets in inventory bringing "insert ammo in magazine" for every item.
- Fixed not being able to clean dirty leather/denim strips.
- Fixed bunch of overlaping text with garmentUI for translator, everything is now tied to various string width.
- Fixed sandbox loot settings resetting to default when loading a saved game.
- Fixed zombies not attacking players right in front of them when the "Day/Night Active" sandbox setting is not "Both".
- Lighter doesn't run out of fuel if we use it as lighting source
- Fixed Barefoot footsteps sfx not being softer than when wearing shoes
- Fixed chance to catch fish at lvl 1 beingtoo high
- Fixed professional clothes (for example Lumberjack shirt) disappearing from the combo when clicking "Random"
- Fixed Headlights smashing too easily
- Fixed Pin status for inventory menus not being saved
- Fixed it not being possible to recover and repair a weapon used in Spear creation
- Fixed dryers having Drink Option
- Fixed lua error with Painting walls
- Fixed Fishing with a spear having incorrect sfx
- Fixed sound effect when a door is destroyed being too loud
- Fixed incorrect high exertion moodle description
- Fixed Trees/clothing protection system issues
- Fixed dig Graves action not having SFX for all tools
- Fixed vehicle siren typo
- Fixed a farming 'Dig' being confusing due to different digging actions - now 'dig furrow' etc.
- Fixed weapon SwingSound not playing (whoosh of baseball bat for example).
- Fixed HitVehiclePartWithWeapon and HitVehicleWindowWithWeapon not playing, and it using hit-zombie sound.
- Fixed hats falling multiple times off reanimated player zombies.
- Fixed aim outline for splitscreen players being rendered on the first player's screen.
- Fixed weather effects not rendering for splitscreen players.
- Fixed the wrong clothing color being displayed in the character-creation screen when selecting items.
- Fixed passengers not being allowed to read books in running vehicles (driver still cannot).
- Fixed garage doors with walls behind in cells 22,33 and 27,33.
- Fixed SmithingMag4 turning into SmithingMag3 when read.
- Fixed possible nullpointer for RVSCarCrashCorpse.
- Fixed turning again when already facing the direction when doing an action.
- Fixed player animation snapping while turning in ISMultiStageBuild.
- Fixed vehicle steering flipping like pinball paddles when the fps is low.
- Fixed pathfind bug that resulted in "WalkTowardState but path2 != null" messages.
- Fixed lua errors when pressing hotbar shortcut keys during game loading.
- Fixed exception with PolygonalMap2.intersectLineWithVehicle().
- Fixed lua error in ISRepairEngine

- Forbid reading skill books that are too high-level. The player will read for a bit then stop after saying "I don't understand..." etc.
- Fixed IsoWorldInventoryObject sometimes using the smaller WItem_xxx textures.

- fixed the car duplication.

- Fixed vehicle headlights not getting removed when destroyed, emitting light when broken
high rated


- Change the color of non-icon buttons when clicking them for visual feedback.
- Removed Tutorial from main menu.

Added new sandbox loot options:
- Canned food, Medical, Mechanics, Survival gears, Ranged weapons, Ammo, Literature.
- When loading a previous game, these new loot modifier will be based on existing one (so ranged wpn/ammo will take weapon modifier, the others will take "Other" loot modifier)

Zombies have less chance spotting the player during night (it was already there, but happen only during really dark night, lowered the threshold a tad)
Halved the odds of jamming a gun
Growing hair now take 20 days instead of 30.
Balance weight of some clothing.
Burglar profession can now hotwire vehicles & have less chance of breaking lock when opening windows.
Hard of earing now gives 4 points (from 2).
Increased ThickSkinned cost to 8 points (from 6).
Increased ThinSkinned points given to 8 (from 6).
Some weight related traits now reduce fitness.
Weight related traits have now a bigger impact of chance to fail climbing big fences.
Nightowl fixed, now works properly.
Being Hemophobic and having blood on your on your clothes now slowly increase stress.
More forgiving about the direction the player is facing when auto-vaulting over fences.

- Temp fix for Kingsmouth hanging while saving. The island is surrounded by water, preventing the game from finding any path to respawn zombies.
- Fixed fake-dead zombies in House in the Woods challenges.
- Fixed walls flickering on fast-forward.
- Fixed zombie skins changing at random.
- Fixed belts etc not drying over time when worn.
- Fixed missing zombie footstep sounds for slow-moving and sprinting zombies.
- Fixed IsoGameCharacter.DoFootstepSound(String) volumes being ignored.
- Fixed sprinter zombies lunging at full speed through trees and bushes.
- Fixed animation and turning issues when performing medical actions on a splitscreen player.
- Fixed bandage models appearing on the doctor rather than the patient in splitscreen.
- Fixed rapidly clicking a button ignoring every second click (buttons were ignoring double-clicks).
- Fixed Frying Pan model rotation when on the ground.
- Fixed Revolver & dbl barrel shotgun getting hammed
- Fixed invisible bandage (used to apply bandage model to player) weighting 1.0 (now it's 0).
- Fixed sometimes bandage model not being removed (e.g when getting bite).
- Fixed zombies attacking while still turning to face the player. This was most noticeable when the player was sitting in a vehicle; a zombie would walk to the vehicle's window, then attack as it was making a 90-degree turn. It could also happen when opening a door with a zombie behind it, or walking around a corner into a zombie.
- Fixed inventory-context-menu command "Move To > Floor" moving items to the player's inventory but not dropping them on the floor.
- Fixed NullPointerException in IsoMovingObject.checkHitWall() when adjacent chunks haven't been loaded.
- Fixed playing the player's hit-reaction animation after exiting a vehicle. It looked like the zombie hit the player from the other side of the vehicle.
- Fixed the player dying twice sometimes while getting dragged to the ground.
- Fixed multiple issues with zombies knowing the location of players for a period after losing LOS
- Fixed zombies seeing the player behind them as soon as they heard noise from the player. Now they don't see the player until they have turned enough.
- Fixed metalworking actions failing because the Welder Mask can't be equipped in the hand anymore. Now it is worn.
- Fixed ground attacks hitting doors, trees, etc.
- Fixed a bit of debug code blocking the main thread every frame.
- Fixed ISInventoryTransferAction failing if the item is already in the destination container. This fixes not being able to put gas in a vehicle when the Gas Can is in a bag to begin with.
- Fixed duplicating items exploit involving corpses.
- Fixed NullPointerException in ThunderStorm when the player's current square is null.
- Fixed players getting blood on them after shooting zombies from a distance.
- Fixed VehiclesDB not reporting many save/load errors. Now it uses the little-red-box-of-doom.
- Fixed multithreading bug with the player/vehicle database. Existing files with already-corrupted vehicle data will repeatedly throw exceptions.
- Fixed VehiclesDB throwing exceptions repeatedly if BaseVehicle.load() failed
- Fixed NullPointerException in IsoPuddlesGeometry.
- Fixed VERSION=1 not being written to keys.ini in some cases
Post edited December 11, 2019 by nasKoo
high rated


Added zombie turn alerted
When climbing through a window and a zombie blocking it making you fall back into the house, zombie will emit a sound so you know it's there.
Can now shoot at windows (they'll be highlited if in range/direction).
Zombies now won't get up if a player is standing on top of them.
Game now detects when zombies have been walking-on-the-spot for several seconds, then stop moving.
Groups of zombies attacking vehicles now coorindated better to avoid them endlessly walking into a vehicle they can't possibly reach.
Added prediction for melee combat. If you're attacking a zombie that is lunging toward you, we increase virtually the range of weapon to detect an attack, this should make the "miss" animation play way less often when you actually will hit the zombie.
Drivers now look behind them when the vehicle is moving in reverse. This fixes players not being able to see the vehicle they are in when reversing into unseen areas. Drivers and passengers may look around by holding the Aim key or the controller right-stick when windows aren't opened.
Control-mousewheel now cycles between containers in the inventory and loot windows when the mouse is over the items list.

- Quality-of-life improvements to taking dirt/gravel/sand.

1) The most-full bag is chosen automatically from inventory (and in backpacks) instead of having to choose one from a submenu.

2) A cursor is displayed for picking locations to take from. This allows the player to click four times in a row

to fill one bag, instead of having to right-click and choose the same action four times from the context menu.

- Quality-of-life improvements to pouring dirt/gravel/sand.

1) The cursor displays a green or red outline to make it easier to see.

2) The first non-empty bag is chosen automatically from inventory (and in backpacks) instead of having to choose one from a submenu.

Reduced damage done by falling from 2 storey windows.
Fixed being underweight/very underweight causing immediate death when falling from 2nd storey windows and over encumbered.
Allow lunging zombies to climb over fences and through windows instead of walking-in-place into them.
Agoraphobic/Claustrophobic are now mutually exclusive.
Increased hemophobic points given to 5.

Fixed no zombies sandbox options still spawning zombies in vehicle stories.
Fixed still turning toward some items when doing various action when it wasn't needed (filling water bottle).
Fixed zombies thumping vehicles not attracting other zombies (missing WorldSound).
Fixed AttackState clearing StateMachineParams (for all states, instead of just AttackState).
Fixed two multithreading bugs.
Fixed not being able to attack after closing a map when using a controller.
Fixed Transfer All moving hotbar items.
Fixed Hemophobic stress increasing faster at higher framerates.
Fixed the player getting stuck in the fishing state if they performed other actions while fishing.
Fixed driving through forests is bumpy even when wood floors have been placed.
Fixed NullPointerException in IsoGridSquare.RenderOpenDoorOnly() when there is fire in a house.
Fixed blocked buttons in the New Game screen after deleting the last savefile.
Fixed not being able to take water from puddles if Dynamic Skybox = No.
Fixed plumbed sinks taking water from puddles.
Fixed Lock framerate = Uncapped not being saved.
Fixed BodyPart.RestoreToFullHealth() not stopping bleeding.
Fixed invisible players and other errors when spawning a splitscreen player in the same location as the other player.
Fixed IsoPlayer.getJoypadAimVector() and IsoPlayer.getJoypadMoveVector() doing sqrt(x * x + y + y).
Fixed passengers seeing the "B for Brake" prompt when using a controller.
Fixed DebugChunkStateUI not updating the display when selecting new squares.
Forbid using the name of an existing directory when creating a new game.
Forbid entering various invalid characters in the savefile field when creating a new game.
Fixed being able to double-click a spawn location to advance to the next screen when an invalid savefile name was entered.
Fixed not spawning zombies eating corpses inside rooms.
Fixed spawning zombies eating corpses in a room when zombie spawning is disabled.
Fixed spawning zombies eating corpses with a wall or door between the corpse and the zombie. Try harder to find a place to spawn a corpse inside a room, instead of always choosing the center.
Fixed blood splatter causing bushes and trees to rustle.
Fixed not being able to walk off the floor in all directions after building a new staircase.
Fixed corpses/items/zombies in rooms spawning in inaccessible areas behind stairs (when the area is 1x1 or 2x1 or 1x2 only).
Post edited December 20, 2019 by nasKoo