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I have issues with prince of persia the two thrones unknown amd processor, and I don't have know how to fix it. I have a nvida card
Ignore it. The game will run fine. It is not complaining about the graphics card, but the CPU. The stupid program doesn't recognize modern CPUs.

It's a useless program anyway. Just ignore it.
Sorry to revive a long dead thread, but I just came across this issue and I can't ignore the warning.
The startup window that does the hardware check has a big red X at my CPU, and the "start game" button at the bottom is greyed out, so I can't start the bloody game at all past this stupid check.
Any idea how to bypass this anyone?
Same Problem. Unknown CPU is not the Problem, since ist may be ignored. The reason for me: I moved the program

You could change the Registry by following cmd file
@echo off

rem must run as admin to set registry values
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b)

rem add Prince of Persia 2 Registry Parameter
set InstPath=%~dp0
set InstPath=%InstPath:~0,-1%
set RegPath=HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Ubisoft\Prince of Persia Warrior Within\1.00.999
reg add "%RegPath%" /f /v "Product_Executable" /t REG_SZ /d "PrinceOfPersia.exe"
reg add "%RegPath%" /f /v "Product_Language" /t REG_SZ /d "7"
reg add "%RegPath%" /f /v "Product_Path" /t REG_SZ /d "%InstPath%
reg add "%RegPath%" /f /v "Profiles_Path" /t REG_SZ /d "%InstPath%\GameProfiles"

exit /b

But this worked only in my Original DVD Version. Somehow GOG maybe added an additional Dependency.
With my PrinceOfPersia.exe from DVD and POP.exe from GOG it worked
Post edited June 01, 2020 by woschko
Try this.