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/!\: This thread is not kept up-to-date anymore, please go to the following one to get the latest links and instructions, or for any kind of feedback on the scripts:
[./] Install Pharaoh on Linux


Hello fellow Debian users, Ubuntu lovers and Mint freaks!

Here you’ll find scripts allowing you to build a .deb package from your Windows installer for Pharaoh + Cleopatra. You can install it through DPKG and remove it through any APT front-end (apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, etc.).

Download links and usage instructions can be found on the following page:
Pharaoh + Cleopatra: Queen of Nile

I hope you’ll enjoy the comfort provided by these scripts as much as I enjoy writing and tweaking them ;)

Here you go for more supported games!


/!\: Ce fil n’est plus maintenu, rendez-vous sur le suivant pour trouver les derniers liens et instructions, ou pour poster des retours au sujet de ces scripts :
[./] Install Pharaoh on Linux


Salut camarades Debianistes, Ubunteros et fanas de Linux Mint !

Vous trouverez ici des scripts vous permettant de construire un paquet .deb à partir de votre installeur pour Windows de Pharaon + Cleopâtre. Vous pouvez l’installer via DPKG et le supprimer via n’importe quelle interface à APT (apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, etc.).

Les liens de télechargement et les instructions d’utilisation se trouvent sur la page suivante :
Pharaon + Cléopâtre : La reine du Nil

J’espère que vous apprécierez le confort apporté par ces scripts autant que j’apprécie les écrire et les améliorer ;)

Pour plus de jeux supportés, ça se passe par ici !
Post edited December 10, 2017 by vv221
This should be sticky!

Makes playing Pharaoh on Linux a simple task, kudos for the hint! :)
Maggot666PL: (…)
Happy to see this script helped you ;-)
Maggot666PL: (…)
vv221: Happy to see this script helped you ;-)
Yes, thanks to you now I know about the awesome ./, the scripts are fantastic :)
I followed the commands given, but when I got to sh ./, I got the following error:

realpath not found.
Install it before running this script.
Taliesintoomas: (…)
Install the package 'realpath' and try again, it should work this time ;-)
Hey there, looks great - thanks for the work!

Unfortunately the script stops for me, as there is only setup_pharaoh_gold_2.1.0.15.exe available on gog, and not anymore.
Is there a simple workaround e.g. some adjustments to your script or would you be so kind to look into an update?
Thanks a lot, and keep up the good work :-)
Post edited June 11, 2017 by freckhard
freckhard: (…)
You have 3 options here ;)

1. Run the script with the '--checksum=none' option, so it won’t check that you’re using the exact same installer it is looking for.
./ advanced options - checksum

2. Update the script yourself, by changing the values of the variables 'GAME_ARCHIVE1', 'GAME_ARCHIVE1_MD5' and 'PKG_REVISION' at the lines 48, 49 and 51 of the script.

3. Wait for me to update the script, that should happen during the week now that you notified me of the update ;)

If you chose 2., please send me the updated script afterwards so I can put it available to download instead of the outdated one.
Post edited June 11, 2017 by vv221

New supported installer:
setup_pharaoh_gold_2.1.0.15.exe (MD5: 62298f00f1f2268c8d5004f5b2e9fc93)
This is brilliant vv221!
I just used your updated script and it worked instantly without any hicups, after getting the necessary dependencies!

For anyone wondering, your savegames are stored here:

I am using Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon 64-bit and it also works just fine with the Cleopatra widescreen patch.

Kudos and respect for your awesome work, this post should definitely be sticky.

Un grand merci beaucoup pour votre travail!
freckhard: (…)
You can find the saves more easily in: