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Hi all first post
Bought Phararoh when it came out and had to have the new era version...excellent it is to but when l went on a couple of hours ago all my successful missions had been deleted . Even my family name was removed now l had to start from scratch at Nubt .
Was wondering if theres a bug thats caused this
lm not computer savy lm 62 this year still like these games..
i know my laptops a old one and it takes ages to load the game also have Dawn of Man another excellent game..
And another thing when it finally loads the wheel at the bottom just keeps going round and round the pics change but does not stop to play anymore is the link broken will l have to re install the game again ?

Anyone had the same problem or is it a case of me pressing the wrong button...

One thing about the game is when you go and fight bit poor the way its come out just need to click continue to either win or not...


Post edited March 13, 2023 by Mooks666