Posted July 30, 2010

Downloaded/installed latest directx9 when it complained of d3dx9_42.dll missing.
Now when i start pg2uk220.exe it crashes.
run as admin - click everything under compatibility and tested 95/98/xp mode. still no go.
Anyone run this? i'm using a Toshiba laptop with an intel built in GC. 945 mobile express chipset
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: PG2UK220.EXE
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 34d25ae3
Fault Module Name: DDRAW.DLL
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4c17afb5
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000023fc
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 9ba4
Additional Information 2: 891df64d3f42f86dfcdbd7953e4a36df
Additional Information 3: 1337
Additional Information 4: 1fd8924daffa4623e56e67db2a5edf90
Thanx to klkern58 for the great find. It's fixed now.
Rename DDRAW.DLL in PG2 main folder after you installed the latest Directx 9.
I've a theory that some dude in GOG who was packaging the game had a DDRAW.DLL problem. So took a shortcut by downloading just the dll file and smack in the root folder to get it to work. It's an unsafe but sometimes worked fix in other games.

"...Rename DDRAW.DLL in PG2 main folder after you installed the latest Directx 9.,,,"
RENAME IT TO WHAT???????????????????????????????????????
Man, come on, don't talk in riddles. PLEASE!
ok, the direct x update worked for me, so i personly don't care anymore about the answer.
But still: rename ddraw.dll without ANY info about the new name is kind of cruel, if you ask me....
Post edited July 30, 2010 by xwormwood