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Hi guys, wondering if someone can help out.

The description says this is an Action-Rpg. Question is, is this game more like Diablo (straight action-rpg) or more like Divine Divinity (action-rpg with good story and sort of crpg elements)

im not really interested in a straight up "mindless" diablo style game. i want something that is kinda like divine divity or a more action oriented baldurs gate. does this game fit the bill?

i've read the user reviews (which seem to suggest its more like diablo) and watched some lets plays (which look almost like divine divinity), so im kinda torn.

thanks for any comments
Post edited September 07, 2011 by Michagogi23
It's an action-rpg at a relaxed pace.
So it is not like diablo where you just relentlessly keep on jumping into hordes.
But it's also not like the D&D based/inspired games full of intrigue.
As far as I'm concerned, you can drop the RPG part and just call it an action game, but it's a fun one. Haven't played Divine Divinity, but IMO Nox isn't much like Diablo. There's a lot less emphasis on loot, even less RPG elements, it's faster-paced, bigger focus on the environment being an "enemy" (traps and such), some FPS style multiplayer modes, etc. It's more of a twitch game really, something fun in short bouts, but not really the kind of game that will immerse you in it's world and keep you playing non-stop for countless hours.
Its a nice little game, the spells are pretty fun to use and watch. Definitely a bit light on the RPG side, the story is pretty background as well, but for 5.99 its an entertaining and memorable experience. I bought it just now after seeing it this morning, so it definitely had a good effect on me when I played it back in the day.
KingOfDust: As far as I'm concerned, you can drop the RPG part and just call it an action game, but it's a fun one. Haven't played Divine Divinity, but IMO Nox isn't much like Diablo. There's a lot less emphasis on loot, even less RPG elements, it's faster-paced, bigger focus on the environment being an "enemy" (traps and such), some FPS style multiplayer modes, etc. It's more of a twitch game really, something fun in short bouts, but not really the kind of game that will immerse you in it's world and keep you playing non-stop for countless hours.
I agree with all of this, and will add that Nox is a story driven game that doesn't take itself too seriously and has a sense of humor. It's a fast moving, colorful, and light hearted action game with a few RPG elements. The environment is very interactive and has a bright cheerful look. The game can be challenging, but not frustratingly so. You get new gear throughout the game from vendors and drops but it doesn't make a huge difference, and gear is expensive to buy and repair and you don't get attached to it. Also, there is no end game ultimate gear vendor, he just sells pretty much the same stuff as the previous vendor. It's only like Diablo in terms of the isometric perspective and some of the interface, it plays much differently. If this sounds appealing, I'd recommend picking it up. If it hadn't been released around the same time as Diablo it could have been a AAA title IMO. I am surprised (but happy) that GOG is only charging $5.99 for it.
Nox is more like Crusader: No Regret, with wizards, really. If that makes sense.
This game reminds me of Zelda (old school) and the original Blood Omen for PS. Loot is kind of light compared to Diablo, so I wouldn't compare it to that. RPG is pretty light as well compared to everything else. But as a first time player and new GOG owner, I'm really liking it. I'm already at chapter 4. Nice atmosphere's, good graphics, even for an eleven year old game and some of the voice acting so far is pretty good. But Blood Omen would be a good comparison for the type of gameplay you'll find, though if I remember, Nox's action is somewhat faster than Blood Omen was.

Hope that helps.
thanks for the helpful responses guys. im starting to get a picture of what this is like. i especially liked amccours comment about it being like a fantasy Crusader:No regret game. i love the crusader series. ill probably pick this up :)
I'd also like to thank you guys.

I was torn over getting this now and Alpha Centauri (which I LOVED when I got it around the release) later or vice versa.

I'm going to try out Nox now!