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I just completed Nox and it was definitely worth every penny of its low price tag. I usually rate any game i complete as a good game, most games i dislike dont get completed, i'll put them down after a little while, however Nox kept me playing right through to the end. The main story mode took me around 10 hours in total to finish. Nox gets surprisingly tough towards the end but its difficulaty is levelled out by some super powerful magic you obtain near the games end. The world of Nox is rather interesting to look at and the enemy design is quite clever, you really feel like your getting stronger with every new weapon and piece of clothing you recieve and teh final boss battle was fun. Nox is a must have for Diablo fans and a good purchase for people that are new to Dungeon Crawlers. 3/5
Only 3/5? Also keep in mind, every class has a unique play-through experience and ending.