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Get ready for another Nox Day!

Make sure you get your copy of Nox up and running in advance so you'll be able to join in the fun on this month's Nox Day!

Peak hours generally start around 18:00 UTC/GMT (6 PM)

18:00 Jul 25 UTC/GMT
03:00 Jul 26 Asia/Tokyo
04:00 Jul 26 Australia/Sydney
13:00 Jul 25 Canada/Central
11:00 Jul 25 Canada/Pacific
20:00 Jul 25 CET
13:00 Jul 25 CST6CDT
21:00 Jul 25 Egypt
13:00 Jul 25 EST
20:00 Jul 25 Europe/Amsterdam
19:00 Jul 25 Europe/London
22:00 Jul 25 Europe/Moscow
12:00 Jul 25 MST7MDT
11:00 Jul 25 PST8PDT

Tell your friends!

More information:
Post edited July 21, 2015 by Pyrolit