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This weekend, several of my friends and I tried to LAN Nox with our GoG copies and could not join any games one person hosted. It would keep returning that our game files were corrupted. Nothing we did remedied the problem. We tried reinstalling, rebooting, even pulled several computers that never had Nox installed before and they didn't work either. We re downloaded the game several times from GoG as well.

This seems very odd as several months ago we were able to do this. Has anything changed?

For information:

We are using the latest installer from GoG.
We are all running Windows 7 x64. With one user Running Win XP. All drivers up to date etc.

Edit: A friend found an older GoG installer. It installed 1.2. This worked properly on LAN. The newer version of the GoG installer installs 1.2b. This is the version that doesn't work at all over LAN. I will be doing a file to file comparison to see which files changed.
Post edited April 20, 2013 by rickenwing
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rickenwing: This weekend, several of my friends and I tried to LAN Nox with our GoG copies and could not join any games one person hosted. It would keep returning that our game files were corrupted. Nothing we did remedied the problem. We tried reinstalling, rebooting, even pulled several computers that never had Nox installed before and they didn't work either. We re downloaded the game several times from GoG as well.

This seems very odd as several months ago we were able to do this. Has anything changed?

For information:

We are using the latest installer from GoG.
We are all running Windows 7 x64. With one user Running Win XP. All drivers up to date etc.

Edit: A friend found an older GoG installer. It installed 1.2. This worked properly on LAN. The newer version of the GoG installer installs 1.2b. This is the version that doesn't work at all over LAN. I will be doing a file to file comparison to see which files changed.
If it is something that has changed between GOG installer versions then it sounds like something you need to let GOG support know about using this form:
Post edited April 21, 2013 by korell
I have the exact same problem (but I can't find a previous installer...

Any idea on how to fix that?
Makkhdyn: I have the exact same problem (but I can't find a previous installer...

Any idea on how to fix that?
Yes, contact GOG to let them know about the issue with the latest installer.
Makkhdyn: I have the exact same problem (but I can't find a previous installer...

Any idea on how to fix that?
korell: Yes, contact GOG to let them know about the issue with the latest installer.
I was actually expecting a reply from rickenwing. I've already contacted the GOG team and I'm waiting for a reply.
korell: Yes, contact GOG to let them know about the issue with the latest installer.
Makkhdyn: I was actually expecting a reply from rickenwing. I've already contacted the GOG team and I'm waiting for a reply.
I wouldn't expect rickenwing to reply. He found an older version installer and made do with that, and with no reply from him I wouldn't expect he would have contacted GOG support what with finding his own way around the issue.

But at least we now know that someone has contacted GOG about it, so hopefully you can keep us up to date.

I would have raised this to GOG support myself only it isn't an issue I would ever experience. Firstly I've not gotten around to playing Nox yet, and secondly I don't have a LAN set up with which to test this, so wouldn't be able to provide GOG with any information they might require.
Have any of you heard back from the GoG support team?

I'm having the exact same issue on both LAN and when trying to launch the game through GameRanger. Has anyone heard back from GOG? I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that old 1.2 installer so I can play multiplayer.
I've found a "solution" though I don't know if I would call it that.

I've found that if my computer, the "host", runs the GoG version that no one can see my game via hamachi. However - I've found that if I run the GoG version of the game and everyone else runs the version they can all see my game and join just fine. I'm not sure if that is intended or why that would be but we had a good time playing some deathmatch with 5-6 people the other day. Hope this helps someone.
Jumblejon: I've found a "solution" though I don't know if I would call it that.

I've found that if my computer, the "host", runs the GoG version that no one can see my game via hamachi. However - I've found that if I run the GoG version of the game and everyone else runs the version they can all see my game and join just fine. I'm not sure if that is intended or why that would be but we had a good time playing some deathmatch with 5-6 people the other day. Hope this helps someone.
GOG support might find this information useful, too.
Not sure if this is the exact issue for everyone, but was having a LAN party this weekend and we all installed the GOG version of NOX to play. This was on 3 windows boxes of varying make/OS and one Mac OS X system. Interestingly all but one of these systems were able to easily install and run NOX (though windows 98 compatibility mode was required to keep it from freaking out :P). The 4th box (mine) was a new MainGear Nomad 17 laptop running Windows 8 64 bit and maxed out - I know there is nothing wrong with the system. However it simply would NOT connect to the hosted game the other 3 players were in. It would not even populate the game list in the multiplayer section.

I spent about an hour trying the various solutions I have seen on here (re install, try the nox forums installer, etc.). I stopped short of registry editing because that seemed too extreme for the problem. It occurred to me that maybe it was because I was running over wi-fi so I tried good ole Cat 5 cable instead, still no success (and the mac system was both hosting the game and running on wi-fi and the other windows boxes connected with no issues).

However, it was at this point it occurred to me that maybe NOX wasn't really able to distinguish the correct network interface because I have quite a number of them (OpenVPN, VirtualBox, Wifi, Ethernet, various Local Area Connection adapters, etc.). After all, it wasn't developed in the era of virtual machines and VPNs as standard practice. So I disabled all network adapters except for the Ethernet and...

BOOM goes the dynamite!
It instantly populated the game list and I was in the LAN party, running about madly without a shirt on and loving life.

So in the case that anyone is having issues connecting to a hosted game but no other issues (with corruption and what not), try disabling everything but the wifi or Ethernet interface you are using.

Hope that helps someone else!