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I'm playing as a wizard and am at Chapter 3 and have cleared out the spider/rogue tunnels on the way to Stravas. Before I head down the long tunnel towards the shopkeeper there is an area with rogue archers behind wooden panels. Now I've managed to get into this area via the 'swap location' spell and have managed to kill all of the rogues which then opens a way back into the main area. However, there is a locked door there that I cannot get into. I've searched everywhere in the tunnels for a switch or key but have found nothing. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this door open? Thanks.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by Pajama
This question / problem has been solved by DarrkPhoeniximage
You'll exit through that door on your way back after visiting Stravas' hut.
DarrkPhoenix: You'll exit through that door on your way back after visiting Stravas' hut.
Thanks - that was really bugging me that I couldn't get through that door! I've just finished off Stravas' hut so should be back through there soon.