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What might be nice is a tool to export that 'exploration' data? One that could load it back whenever you wanted, or simply have it viewed in the tool? Maybe a mod could do that, or Hello Games provide that as an option at some point?

It does seem a shame to have such a great vehicle for exploration (as you said, the game play in that is great in NMS) and then not look after the data taken from that journey, if that is indeed the case and not a game bug or something?
Thank you, OP. I play 1.07 offline, still in Euclid, but I have been finishing off IDing flora and fauna, as I travel hubwards. Now it makes senes to me, why this planet history list, is so very slow to scroll up and down. I never imagibed how big it must be getting. Yet another chink in the games armor. I do not use way points. I would like to export the few, interseting fauna, besides screenies, for future revelry. Some dragonlike critters, get pretty interesting, even if they are only herbivores with 2ft fangs and no flame. I can see where this would be a deal breaker. Bye. birdbathscuba